Respect ...

Wakeup's Avatar
Here that fellas...dove says I'm the leader of this pack...

JohnnyCap's Avatar
texas try there jc very nice there...I think DD is gonna have the whip out now on the point clicker with threads off topic and bs associated with a review.
peace and love Originally Posted by bjwstw
Don't blame me when the answer isn't to your liking...the owners care about getting paid...not you being respectful... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Somebody get those whiners some midol and a tampon change. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
What part of Texas bj? It's a big place; Dallas? Houston? There's a big Mexican element in parts of Texas, are you referring to their centuries old tradition of honoring hooks?

Maybe some of the Texans visiting this board will confirm for bj that Texas is the land where every hooktard is a courtesan, and the members close each day with a hand-held Kumbaya.
What part of Texas bj? It's a big place; Dallas? Houston? Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Definitely HOUSTON. We are a shining example of...

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Here that fellas...dove says I'm the leader of this pack...

Originally Posted by Wakeuр
now that is funny
Frankie Fine's Avatar
I have been thinking about this for some time and as I have visited other areas of the board I have realized that in Upstate NY there is a real lack of respect for the ladies, for other members, and for the community as a whole!

Am I generalizing, perhaps, but the negativity and name calling. The disrespect and harassment that flares up frequently is both a disappointment and a concern.

I am certain that I am going to be ripped a new one for posting this but at this point I really don't care because rampant disrespect is a violation of posting guidelines and it is something that is being addressed everyday and it's my hope that folks are getting the message.

Time will tell!

This is a board for hobbyists and providers to connect! It is a forum where we can share successes and identify concerns. It is a place where we can learn from each other and just maybe make some positive connections along the way and have some fun

My request, if I can make one, is that we tone down the negativity and that we start treating each other with more respect! The nasty and derogatory terms that are being thrown around detract from the way this board is supposed to operate, and the reality is that we have individuals who are leaving, both providers and hobbyists, because of the negativity!

I can say, with complete confidence, that I am going to get lambasted for making this post and requesting that we all recognize that a little respect and consideration goes along way! I also recognize that there are members who feel as I do, who do not buy into the negativity, but are hesitant to stand up and express themselves while there are others who don't care one way or another!

Disrespect and name calling really does detract from why we are here. The ladies, all of them, deserve to be treated with respect and in reality, we owe it to ourselves to treat each other with more respect!

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
people are only as powerful to ourselves as we allow them to be imho. You can not make someone change but you can choose not to react and go on with your day

As a provider I prefer all members have the right to represent themselves honestly. We are all more safe that way jmho xo
DDarkness's Avatar
I think DD is gonna have the whip out now on the point clicker with threads off topic and bs associated with a review.
peace and love Originally Posted by bjwstw
No the focus of this discussion was on respect and I knew that I was going to catch a rash of shit for it and I did! Perhaps I should have used the word 'civil' as was mentioned earlier.

I appreciate the different opinions that individuals have shared but when there are violations then they will be address and folks know this!

Getting back on topic ...

No the focus of this discussion was on respect and I knew that I was going to catch a rash of shit for it and I did! Perhaps I should have used the word 'civil' as was mentioned earlier.

I appreciate the different opinions that individuals have shared but when there are violations then they will be address and folks know this!

Getting back on topic ...

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness

Back on topic: civility is key to a well run forum. This place is broken, thanks to a few guys who thrive on drama like leeches.

If you don't start issuing at least temporary bans to the offenders this place will continue its downward slide.

If I were a provider I would avoid this place like an oozing herpes sore.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
people are only as powerful to ourselves as we allow them to be imho. You can not make someone change but you can choose not to react and go on with your day

As a provider I prefer all members have the right to represent themselves honestly. We are all more safe that way jmho xo Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
now that is a awesome thought FF

As some do not others find who they rather deal with or not, and how.
male or female
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
"Request" that we have no responsibility to honor, or "directive"?

Which terms are those? Got a list?
Yup, once the Queen Bee shows up, here comes the rest of the hive.

Originally Posted by amishgangster
So dark name + rough avatar = big softie?
Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
Somebody get those whiners some midol and a tampon change.
Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Because St.C recognizes people like a train wreck and that we're fucking rockstars.
Get over it!
Originally Posted by Space Cowboy


Originally Posted by pyramider
Hopefully it will not be longer than Carlin's Seven Dirty Words. I will wager taint will not be among them.

Originally Posted by lorde reign
Jon balls picture games,,, hmm
he says someone is acting gay, (to each their own)Michelle Obama lost her husband to another man or sharing,
and they washing the dirty off but it aint working. The dude is looking for another man down
below, ,, or he lost his way and does guys. No, he lost his toy ?

the girl picture with natzi symbol on her chest is an obvious signal,,,, uhhhh ooohh.

would you find it strange I like and respect each one you quoted, as I like and respect you.

you and I have had are , as I have had with each you quoted (along with others from that non hive you think is out there)

queen = leader : there is no queen or leader,

Do you think any group of members of what you may think of each you quoted mmmm and add me could have a leader. I find that funny as hell.
Wakeup's Avatar
Maybe some of the Texans visiting this board... Originally Posted by JohnnyCap realize where this board was founded right?

Who's the immigrant here again?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-03-2014, 10:32 AM
queen = leader : there is no queen or leader,

Do you think any group of members of what you may think of each you quoted mmmm and add me could have a leader. I find that funny as hell.
Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
You're taking the "leader" metaphor of mine a little too seriously. That said, working simply off memory, i'd lay $100 and say that outside of Pyramider, whenever someone from outside this area posts in one of the Upstate threads, at least 80% of the time it's within an hour of a Wakeup or a Dearhunter post.

Care to take me up on that?

It's almost as if they send out an "all hands on deck" PM bringing attention to what's going on in here.
JohnnyCap's Avatar realize where this board was founded right?

Who's the immigrant here again? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I did not realize where the board was founded. I assume Texas somewhere? I'm not really hung up on localities, but I call DD and bj bullshit when they claim there is a section of eccie without misogyny and fucktard cock-fighting. Unless they'll back up their claims with an actual answer.

I certainly don't claim you, or anyone, to be a visitor to eccie, but in that one might visit the forum of a geographic area for virtual entertainment have nothing to do with the physical act of hobbying. Shit, this is your party, I'm a wallflower. Not sure about being an immigrant though...
Here that fellas...dove says I'm the leader of this pack...

Originally Posted by Wakeuр
According to scrunch he is the leader of this Motley crew, after all he is a "celebrity"
Frankie Fine's Avatar
now that is a awesome thought FF

As some do not others find who they rather deal with or not, and how.
male or female Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Thank you osd ..sometimes I pull something out of my ass that someone can connect with....haha..xoxo