due process ...

lustylad's Avatar
So it's okay to give in to terrorists? To break our country's laws as long as they are conservative law breakers?
Which is it?

But wait. To be fair, the 2 situations shouldn't be compared.
Because in your example, arms were traded for hostages. Even you know that. And you can't wait to turn off Olie North's radio show so spread the word that Olie says Olie was done wrong. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

So does Dickmuncher want to compare and contrast Iran-contra with Benghazi? Okay. Here is how Peggy Noonan compares and contrasts the two scandals:

"The attorney general, Ed Meese, launched a review of the (Iran-contra) affair. It was a real investigation, and he went public with his findings... The president delivered a national address. Two congressional committees launched investigations. Networks covered the hearings live... Reagan waived executive privilege so his aides would testify. He announced a special commission to investigate everything. There was a full housecleaning. Colin Powell was brought in to run the National Security Council... Ultimately Reagan dumped his chief of staff.

The Iran-Contra affair did not spring from low motives. There was no hope of partisan gain, it wasn't a political play.

All involved were trying—sometimes stupidly, almost childishly—to save lives, and perhaps establish a new opening with Iran. They had good reasons, but the actions were bad, and everyone involved paid a price.

Compare that with how the Obama White House has handled Benghazi. It's all been spin, close ranks, point fingers, obfuscate, withhold documents, accuse your accusers of base motives. Nobody in the administration has paid a price.

No, Benghazi was no Iran-Contra, in terms of the nature of the crime or the handling of it.

Dude, that was, like, almost 30 years ago. You can look it up.

Dude, that's how patriots, not punks, deal with scandals."

No one pined anything on Teflon Ronnie did they? Just threw all the others under the bus.
I B Hankering's Avatar
So does Dickmuncher want to compare and contrast Iran-contra with Benghazi? Okay. Here is how Peggy Noonan compares and contrasts the two scandals:

"The attorney general, Ed Meese, launched a review of the (Iran-contra) affair. It was a real investigation, and he went public with his findings... The president delivered a national address. Two congressional committees launched investigations. Networks covered the hearings live... Reagan waived executive privilege so his aides would testify. He announced a special commission to investigate everything. There was a full housecleaning. Colin Powell was brought in to run the National Security Council... Ultimately Reagan dumped his chief of staff.

The Iran-Contra affair did not spring from low motives. There was no hope of partisan gain, it wasn't a political play.

All involved were trying—sometimes stupidly, almost childishly—to save lives, and perhaps establish a new opening with Iran. They had good reasons, but the actions were bad, and everyone involved paid a price.

Compare that with how the Obama White House has handled Benghazi. It's all been spin, close ranks, point fingers, obfuscate, withhold documents, accuse your accusers of base motives. Nobody in the administration has paid a price.

No, Benghazi was no Iran-Contra, in terms of the nature of the crime or the handling of it.

Dude, that was, like, almost 30 years ago. You can look it up.

Dude, that's how patriots, not punks, deal with scandals."
Originally Posted by lustylad

If it means you'll drop it until she is under oath, I'll give in and agree with your stupid idea.

But we all know that there is as much of a chance of her testifing (because there is no need for her to) as there is you keeping your word and let the people whose job it is to do their job (because you have little to no honor).

Remember, you mean nothing and have no say. As a pissed off, 57 yo assistant night manager at a southside Denny's (where the manager is a 23 yo punk who is fucking your daughter so that you keep your position), that will not change. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Sounds like you know quite a bit about being a 57 year old night manager at Denny's, MasterDickMuncher.

Sorry ... therory Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You are a sorry excuse for a human being, MasterDickMuncher, now define your ignorant new term "therory".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lets see, cut and paste, a +1 (another indication of intellectual laziness) and a volley of personal insults.

Thanks for moving the debate forward, you sick, creepy narcissist!

want2c's Avatar
So American are killed, an Ambassador gets killed. The Dumb Ass in the white house, issue an all out attack on a American Film Director that nobody has ever heard of, Mass distraction. The white house has shown time and again, it cannot manage it's way out of a cows ass. People need to held accountable and it's not, some spoof film on Muslims. The guy is an idiot.
LexusLover's Avatar
The guy is an idiot. Originally Posted by want2c
If you are referring to Obaminable, that is what is disturbing. He's not one.

But like 99.99% of the liberals in this country, he thinks everyone else is.

Just look at this board. That's their response. That's his.

They buy what he says! So, he gets confirmation that "everyone else" is an idiot.
lustylad's Avatar
No one pined anything on Teflon Ronnie did they? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Are you PINING for Ronnie again? Keep PINING, little eva-tard. The Gipper loves you too. Here is a reminder of your happy days together:

http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/red/blue_pics/2010/11/16/bedtimeforbonzo_460x276.jpg[/IMG] Originally Posted by lustylad


Cute pic of you and Ronnie LL . Have a banana..
lustylad's Avatar
Cute pic of you and Ronnie LL . Have a banana.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Is that all you got? Must be past your bedtime. Keep PINING, bonzo... Been to the library lately? I hear Simi Valley is simian-friendly.
Is that all you got? Must be past your bedtime. Keep PINING, bonzo... Been to the library lately? I hear Simi Valley is simian-friendly. Originally Posted by lustylad
I was trying to be nice you brainless cocksucker...Feel better now?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-12-2014, 11:35 AM
So American are killed, an Ambassador gets killed. The Dumb Ass in the white house, issue an all out attack on a American Film Director that nobody has ever heard of, Mass distraction. The white house has shown time and again, it cannot manage it's way out of a cows ass. People need to held accountable and it's not, some spoof film on Muslims. The guy is an idiot. Originally Posted by want2c

Einstein can't write his way out of a cows ass and the POTUS is an idiot
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-12-2014, 04:41 PM
Yes, of course it can get stupider! With assup and dimdoove on these boards, it can ALWAYS get stupider!

So when was the last time either of you fucking morons was attacked by RPGs or mortar rounds in any of those places?

. Originally Posted by lustylad
If you wanna make the argument that there are different levels of dead, have at it. Genius.
[QUOTE=Munchmasterman;105530444 1]Sorry

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck are you even talking about, you drooling non compus mentus?