What violates your personal constitution?

Guest012211-3's Avatar
Anyone else hear about other's saying that the U.S. is "occupying" Haiti??

This is a touchy subject for me. I'm one of those that believes you should help the people in your own 'backyard' before exhausting supplies, labor to other countries...harsh, I know.

Don't get me wrong, I will send a small donation...

On a lighter note: We get another groovy celebrity telethon to look forward to
Perhaps next time a storm like Ike hits I will make that leap just to satisfy you Originally Posted by discreetgent
Yes, actually, someone else made the leap, I noticed(five seconds too late). Sorry 'bout that, though I still disagree that they are comparable.

P.S.-"Just for me"? Hardly.
If I haven't eaten for 5 or 6 days or eaten very little, I would probably steal some food and medical supplies if I had to. I don't think their stores are loaded with flat screen HDTV's and the like, but I could be wrong.

As was mentioned, people will do what they have to in order to survive. I don't recall an FHA (Future Hookers of America) group in high school or college, but it seems to be quite a large industry, anyway.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Can they fight a war? Do they have oil, gems, anything of value.....surely Occupied....

US Virgin Islands,,,American Puerto Rico.....so many more....That's just for the tourism...
Guest012211-3's Avatar
Sophia: Yep, it was some link on AOL that I just happened upon in the web of current events ( really I was just looking for new celeb gossip)...Somewhere out there Americans are being accused of "occupying" Haiti...that's why I asked. Yes, I get my news from AOL and ECCIE, LOL.

Really, I thought it was an interesting point. Google "occupying" and the link is in there.

Apparently it was France pointing the finger...but what do they know?? They are good at two things: Fries and Kissing.
There is something else I'd like to put in your inbox, too. Originally Posted by SR Only
You've been warned about the amateur joke telling.
You've been warned about the amateur joke telling. Originally Posted by pjorourke
What, that they are too funny? I'm infringing on Conan? Not telling enough of them? I'm certainly not stealing from Leno (but he might be stealing from me and everyone else), Wazz the complaint buddy? You wanna piece of this! You lookin' at me!
Domestic or Abroad, white or black, rich or poor, PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE! This is about helping mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, who cares how they are acting -desperate times call for desperate actions! Could you honestly turn your back on your fellow man like that? And the earthquake was not their fault, it was act of nature. Any one of us could find ourself in similar situations and if 2012 the poles do shift, then it will be worse.
Nicolette Morgandy's Avatar
Domestic or Abroad, white or black, rich or poor, PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE! This is about helping mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, who cares how they are acting -desperate times call for desperate actions! Could you honestly turn your back on your fellow man like that? And the earthquake was not their fault, it was act of nature. Any one of us could find ourself in similar situations. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
So true.
In the frontier days of the USA, the established "providers' became the holders of financial means and when charity was needed, it was not unusual for those ladies of poor social reputation to be the people that would step forwards and care for those that needed the help. Do you think the banks and other financially sound "proper folks or families" would help? If course not.

Some social things have changed.

Providers and customers alike should set-up a donation box at next week's social event and take donations.

Alas, I cannot attend that event in the evening because of a business conflict. However, I can stop by for lunch and make a cash donation. Let Fawn and TNT move the money to a Red Cross donation site.

Let's all give thanks for what we have.

atlcomedy's Avatar
In the frontier days of the USA, the established "providers' became the holders of financial means and when charity was needed, it was not unusual for those ladies of poor social reputation to be the people that would step forwards and care for those that needed the help. Do you think the banks and other financially sound "proper folks or families" would help? If course not.
Originally Posted by UTR4Passion

I'm not looking fer a WTF-style link, but I've never really heard that before...
TexTushHog's Avatar
My question is WHY do the Israelis do it? Or any other country for that matter. Why the humanitarian efforts? What do they get out of it? Is it just being good for goodness sake? Is it just that they are kind generous people? Really, what's in it for them? Good P.R.? Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Why do they do it??!!! Surely you jest.

We do it because we are out brother's keeper. We realize that Cain's remark, "Am I my brother's keeper?", is a dishonorable and immoral attitude. The parable of Cain and Able is meant to teach shame.
Why do they do it??!!! Surely you jest.

We do it because we are out brother's keeper. We realize that Cain's remark, "Am I my brother's keeper?", is a dishonorable and immoral attitude. The parable of Cain and Able is meant to teach shame. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It was a rhetorical question. I know why they do it, just trying to point out that their motive were not selfish because they weren't getting anything from helping out.
atlcomedy's Avatar
It was a rhetorical question. I know why they do it, just trying to point out that their motive were not selfish because they weren't getting anything from helping out. Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva
Surely you jest!

I'm not saying the motives are ugly, but as a result of Isreal's geopolitical situation, ensuring goodwill whereever they can get it in the rest of the world is critical. Giving generously in times of disaster is one tactic to do that.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I'm sticking to The Strong Survive. If I saw a hungry man woman or child I would feed him/her, given I did not take food out of my loved ones mouth.....Just like every human self preservation kicks in....With that the instinct to protect "one's own" at all cost...It is easy to be virtuous from far away yes....

Again....400 years ago mother nature would have done what she always does......It's natural, we are overpopulated. I'm not popular for this statement and I will continue to give what I can to Haiti but this is fact. 400 years ago, no one would have known. No CNN and we would go on with our happy lives....The fact that we do now know forces us, as humanitarians to act. What if you didn't know?...You would go on like nothing..

I stand beside my statement on Ike. WE have always taken care of our own. The Texas Rangers were here before FEMA (Fema7 days). Texas is an oil rich state that does not ask for bail outs....Hell the Canadian mounties made it before FEMA, and Houston is all the worse for being "Humantiarian" and taken all those refugees on? Take it from someone who's mother had their purse snatched in her own driveway ( a NICE part of town). Our resources were over loaded and Houstonian's were put out. WE are now infested with thugs lower than any plumber would wear his pants....If that makes me selfish not to want my mother or hard earned money my parents made stolen so be it........

If you look back at History mother nature has catastrophe to keep population down. That is simply not an arguable fact. The only thing we have done is create the CNN's and cell phones to let each other know about it and act on it......Now we are HUMANITARIANS. I'm not against helping fellow man but I am conflicted as to where we would be without communications technology.......Could we turn a blind eye if it was not in our very front yard?

If you didn't see it first hand would it be a rumor or wives tale like "sea monsters"...It could have been said that it was all hearsay. We now know there are giant squid because we saw them on CNN....


or mermaids.

I will continue all I can but I hold on to my Ike stories and the murder rate going up 30% overnight in a once peaceful city........

Where will they all go? The Haitians..Are we to take them in? There are reasons that neither you or I know about for political actions.......or non action.......We think we may know but the truth is we know nothing....That state department was there when Anderson Cooper arrived....

AS for Goodwill, the USA needs that more than anyone now....Couldn't anyone whisper that in a politicians ear...A hospital ship from Copenhagen made it before the USS Comfort...Please address all the above stated points not just one please. I would love opinions on the matter. I see no one noticed the Ike statement..