Petition calls for John- Boehner to be Prosecuted for colluding with Netanyahu.

Notice how LLIcantgetintoagolfclub won't answer the question about Obama's vacation days versus Bush. Or St. Ronald.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
We are still waiting for a follow-up response from LL the Irrelevant Idiot.

In the meantime, feel free to "carry on."
They think Obaminable is a great president. So that's a clue. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well at least there is something to look foreword in the future. We can only go up.

Well at least there is something to look foreword in the future. We can only go up.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I think you mean 'forward'. A foreword is a short intro to a book.
I think you mean 'forward'. A foreword is a short intro to a book. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Sorry one letter got in the way. Did it change the meaning of the sentence so much that you couldn't figure it out?
LexusLover's Avatar
Sorry one letter got in the way. Did it change the meaning of the sentence so much that you couldn't figure it out?
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Not to a normal person, but he'd rather look at form to find fault rather than substance.

It does put him on "top of the heap" as the forum Grammar-Spelling-Punctuation Police.

And you know "that game," right?
Not to a normal person, but he'd rather look at form to find fault rather than substance.

It does put him on "top of the heap" as the forum Grammar-Spelling-Punctuation Police.

And you know "that game," right?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well maybe he felt like he owed me one since I corrected him when he tried to say republicans think Obama is a Demi-God rather than saying Demagogue. Different spellings, different meanings.

This is another example that sanity has left US politics. This is the LWWs trying to see if they can be more asinine than the RWWs. Originally Posted by Old-T
Thank you for injecting sanity into the discussion.

I have already signed the petition Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Then you are an idiot.

As someone pointed out, the Congress is a separate and equal branch of government. They can invite ANYONE they want to speak to Congress. If it pisses off the President, so be it. That's politics.

The Logan Act was not intended to address situations like this. It cannot be used to suppress disagreements with the executive branch.
Sorry one letter got in the way. Did it change the meaning of the sentence so much that you couldn't figure it out?
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It's the old editor in me coming out. And it was two letters, but who's counting.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I have already signed the petition Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
is there a petition to find this post "Stupid as Owl Shit"? tells me all I need to know. You're eaten up with it. Get help. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Maybe he and the rest of the libtards can form a "Encounter Group"? AHAHAHA

I hear Kent Dorfman is available to moderate.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

We are still waiting for a follow-up response from LL the Irrelevant Idiot.

In the meantime, feel free to "carry on." Originally Posted by bigtex
Interesting. "If" that's accurate (and considering the source, i'd doubt it) it makes Obama's utter lack of accomplishments look even "more" impressive" doesn't it"

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're pretty fucking smart WaKKKo KKKid!

But you're through at Faber!

Disprove the claim. I've produced solid nformation to support my position. Prove it's wrong and you're right.
Interesting. "If" that's accurate (and considering the source, i'd doubt it) it makes Obama's utter lack of accomplishments look even "more" impressive" doesn't it"

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The above was brought to us by David Koresh's successor at the Branch Davidian Compound, The Wacko Kid!

Thanks Wacko!