What Planned Parenthood does...

Case in point.

Feeble and inarticulate.

Can't deal with facts.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Your version of a fact is to keep repeating the same shit, hoping we'll somehow get bored and give in. You keep repeating that government money flows in and so that means they pay for abortions. Wrong. PP doesn't subsidize abortions. They charge people money for them. Your ability to imagine something, isn't the hurdle it must clear to be true.
Did you strike out AGAIN at tallywackers? Is it closing time? No one to drive you home? Try uber, dipshit!
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Is Uber who you use when you get a ride down there? Since you're the one who started a thread about talleywackers and introduced us all to your favorite watering 'hole'.
But they must do partial lobotomies ! woomby and the rest of you liberals are " living " proof of that ! Your Mother's pediatricians must have thought they could ' go Mengele" on your Mommas when they were toting you all. Look at woomby as yall's poster child for " partial birth abortions " ! The short bus he rides to his "special school" everyday has the cleanest inside windows of any school bus on the road ! Windex ain't got shit on him !!!! And hang on if the bus driver goes by the athletic field with all of those "brutes" out there that woomby cheers for ! He foamed at the mouth so much, they had to stop the bus right there, tow it back to the bus yard, and pressure wash it to the point that the outside AND inside had to be repainted. That EUNUCH musta been fantasizing about some "ropey loads" when he saw those MEN on the BALL fields !!
The ACA? You people don't even know what ACA is. It's not a 'The'. It's a 'what'. It's a set of rules, nothing more. Government doesn't pay for abortions, so why would 'the' ACA cover it? Originally Posted by WombRaider
How come you still haven't defined "that" , if your bein I-wanna-try-to-show-everyone-I'm-a-writer, ya lying cumguzzler ?
Planned Parenthood doesn't do brain transplants either! Which pretty much rules them out as a healthcare provider you might be able to get some help from. Originally Posted by timpage
You would not qualify as a donor.

“You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood, where that organization provides millions of women cervical-cancer screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”

— President Obama during an interview on “The Tonight Show,” Oct. 24, 2012


It appears, according to you, Obama needs a brain transplant too.
But they must do partial lobotomies ! woomby and the rest of you liberals are " living " proof of that ! Your Mother's pediatricians must have thought they could ' go Mengele" on your Mommas when they were toting you all. Look at woomby as yall's poster child for " partial birth abortions " ! The short bus he rides to his "special school" everyday has the cleanest inside windows of any school bus on the road ! Windex ain't got shit on him !!!! And hang on if the bus driver goes by the athletic field with all of those "brutes" out there that woomby cheers for ! He foamed at the mouth so much, they had to stop the bus right there, tow it back to the bus yard, and pressure wash it to the point that the outside AND inside had to be repainted. That EUNUCH musta been fantasizing about some "ropey loads" when he saw those MEN on the BALL fields !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You've got a sick mind. The fact that you come up with all these 'stories' on your own is pretty fucking pathetic. They're obviously fantasies you've had over the years that you're just now letting out.
You would not qualify as a donor.

“You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood, where that organization provides millions of women cervical-cancer screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”

— President Obama during an interview on “The Tonight Show,” Oct. 24, 2012


It appears, according to you, Obama needs a brain transplant too. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They provide referrals for mammograms. No doctor does mammograms but radiologists. Any family doctor is going to refer you as well. You have to get a referral, which many do through PP. Keep trying...
lustylad's Avatar
You've got a sick mind. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Only when he's down in the Little Rock sewer system making fun of sewer rats like you, woomby. The rest of the time he's perfectly normal. Of course, Rey is far more entertaining than you'll ever be. He has something you lack entirely - an imagination. All you can do is spout tired old libtard talking points (and you can't even do that well). As a writer, you're so stunted you couldn't be hired to create "dialogue" for low-budget porno movies.
