Meanwhile, back in Lybia........

You make a habit of it all right. You get it wrong all the time. It's obvious you don't know the difference between your and you're - or there, their and they're.

When Gertrude Stein said "there is no there, there" she was peering into your vacuous eyes.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Prove it. You are a fucking liar. And what's worse, you know it.
Well, genius or not, his ass would be doing hard time in prison if he did the kind of shit he did in today's United States.

Or, do a Roman Polanski.

Like it or not, the deep dark secret of the LGBT crowd that they ignore is many of their past, and present Icons were, and are, criminals. Originally Posted by Jackie S
He was tried several times and did spend time in prison...

Many of our Icons, regardless of sexual proclivity, are and were criminals. I'm not sure I follow your point. He shouldn't be an Icon, because he was gay or because he was a criminal? Your point is also a little disingenuous because oftentimes it was criminal to be a homosexual, so of course a gay person would be considered a criminal.

Separate from who he was or what he did, he was a great writer. Too often, we are unable to separate someone from what they did.
Like how woomby, the DOTY award winner of 2016 ( in a landslide ! ! ) and his faithful Chimp and WK fell for the Kid's "banned " label in his avatar ? woomby hasn't QUIT campaigning for DOTY !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
How did I fall for it? I merely asked what he did to get banned. His attempt at humor was childish at best. No wonder you think it's fucking hilarious, you empty-headed shitmonkey.

OOOhhhh, he put banned under his avatar and people thought he was banned, Oooohhh you fucking stupid ass monkey.

Will he be employing whoopie cushions next?
But for YOU woomby, those " stars " are kernels of corn that have passed through some one's ass and are hanging out for YOU and YOUR WK Ekim to pick on YOUR dingleberry piking chores para tu Momma / SEEster ! Pobrecita mentiroso EUNUCH ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Only you could take a great quote such as that and turn it around to involve kernels and shit. You are well and truly depraved .

Piking? Is that like the picking that you and your momma/seester do all day to feed lusty tard's dingleberry habit? Tu eres la mentirosa mas puta, idiota. Chupa mis tolongas, puto.
" ... complexly.. ." EKIM ???? WTF AGAIN !! Guess YOU aren't getting any "spelling " training from YOUR hero that YOU WK for, woomby, the " freelance writer of travel brochures " and DOTY 2016 award winner whist YOU two are doing YOUR " fag gardening " ( planting two-lips !! ) and playing the rusty trombone on each other and calling THAT " music lessons " !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Are you going to get around to telling everyone why you won't lambaste Ted Nugent for being a draft-dodging pervert the same way you do Slick Willy Clinton? Is it because you're a hypocritical dog turd?
lustylad's Avatar
I have never plagiarized a single thing on this board.

Is that why your new nickname is IcopyRey of dingleberry farms?

Anything I have used that remained unchanged from it's original form, was between quote marks.

Right... You can't even find the quote symbols on your keyboard, dipshit!

I have also never passed off as new, someone else's ideas.

Right... And Al Gore never said he invented the internet... I need to recalibrate my polygraph machine - you just broke it!

You originally utilized gay rey as your enforcer.

Rey is just one of many posters here who delight in kicking your libtarded ass to the curb and making you squirm in embarrassment... Your ignorance 'enforces' itself.

And you have the biggest case of vaginitis I've ever seen.

Funny how you replied to everyone but ex-CEO today. Aren't you the pussy? Watch out rodent face, he's not done with you yet... better run and hide in the sewer muck again! Originally Posted by WombRaider
He was tried several times and did spend time in prison...

Many of our Icons, regardless of sexual proclivity, are and were criminals. I'm not sure I follow your point. He shouldn't be an Icon, because he was gay or because he was a criminal? Your point is also a little disingenuous because oftentimes it was criminal to be a homosexual, so of course a gay person would be considered a criminal.

Separate from who he was or what he did, he was a great writer. Too often, we are unable to separate someone from what they did. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The Unbomber, separate from what he did, was a brilliant mathematician.
Roman Polanski, separate from what he did, is a brilliant Director.
Sandusky, separate from what he did, was brilliant athletic director.
John Wilkes Booth, separate from what he did, was a brilliant actor.
Bill Cosby, separate from what he did, is a brilliant comic.
OJ Simpson, separate from what he did, was a brilliant athlete.
Bill Clinton, separate from what he did, is a brilliant politician.

Get the idea.

This is not a Gay issue, it's a criminal issue.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Gay Rey has kicked my ass

You're a fucking joke and a hack. You used to be somewhat fun to fuck with, but you've lost my interest. Get back to the gloryhole, somebody is requesting a gumjob.
The Unbomber, separate from what he did, was a brilliant mathematician.
Roman Polanski, separate from what he did, is a brilliant Director.
Sandusky, separate from what he did, was brilliant athletic director.
John Wilkes Booth, separate from what he did, was a brilliant actor.
Bill Cosby, separate from what he did, is a brilliant comic.
OJ Simpson, separate from what he did, was a brilliant athlete.
Bill Clinton, separate from what he did, is a brilliant politician.

Get the idea.

This is not a Gay issue, it's a criminal issue. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Don't know about Booth, never saw him in anything.

Not all gays are criminals though, is my point. And you kind of made my point by listing a group of straight Icons(mostly) who are criminals. Criminality is not limited by sexual proclivity.