He was tried several times and did spend time in prison...
Many of our Icons, regardless of sexual proclivity, are and were criminals. I'm not sure I follow your point. He shouldn't be an Icon, because he was gay or because he was a criminal? Your point is also a little disingenuous because oftentimes it was criminal to be a homosexual, so of course a gay person would be considered a criminal.
Separate from who he was or what he did, he was a great writer. Too often, we are unable to separate someone from what they did.
Originally Posted by WombRaider
The Unbomber, separate from what he did, was a brilliant mathematician.
Roman Polanski, separate from what he did, is a brilliant Director.
Sandusky, separate from what he did, was brilliant athletic director.
John Wilkes Booth, separate from what he did, was a brilliant actor.
Bill Cosby, separate from what he did, is a brilliant comic.
OJ Simpson, separate from what he did, was a brilliant athlete.
Bill Clinton, separate from what he did, is a brilliant politician.
Get the idea.
This is not a Gay issue, it's a criminal issue.