How are ya'll preparing your stocks?

Regardless, the Antifa-gs will still do their cry-baby BS and burn their own cities down. I'm sure that will make it in to the sequel.
Looking to rebalance portfolios ahead of the election for maximum traction. Guessing history repeats itself where Trump victory equals stratospheric rise (unlike what all of the prognosticators predicted on the LSM) versus totally tanks if Joe-mentia wins.My political view is different from yours. I think there's a 70%+ chance it will be a Democratic sweep. Upper income taxpayers should be trimming positions in which they can realize long term capital gains, as Biden wants to tax long term gains at federal rates up to 43.4%. The current maximum rate is 23.8%. If you fall into this category, and if you own shares where you have big gains, you should consider selling now. You can can buy other stocks, or wait 30 days and buy back what you sold. That's probably a no brainer.
How are ya'll preparing your stocks?
Regardless, the Antifa-gs will still do their cry-baby BS and burn their own cities down. I'm sure that will make it in to the sequel. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do