^^^^^^This!!!!! I just love you to the moon and back!
Asking a guy to bring his own condoms is tacky. A lady should have supplies to operate her business. And she should have a variety of supplies, because not all fellas are created equally. Personally, I rather use my own because I know they haven't been tempered with, haven't been sitting in the heat in someone's trunk and aren't expired.
Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
I’m a businessman. Being prepared to serve is one mark of a good business. So, from that perspective, I agree with you 100%. Quite obviously, if a guy has a preference, the onus is on him to provide or pre-arrange that which he prefers if it is something different than the standard offering.
There’s also a safety consideration. Recently I had an appointment scheduled with an eccie lady. Just about 10 minutes before the scheduled appointment she texts and asked me to pick these up, adding that she forgot to get them. This bothered me. Here’s why:
1) I very rarely (almost never) do L3 in the hobby. I generally reserve that for home. That hasn’t always been he case; but, it has been for me for the past couple of years. The appointment was made with a less than L3 expectation set and this provider clearly offers Bumble Bee Joy. ;-) So, the request was concerning, slightly unprofessional and disorganized at best.
2) The only post eccie re-launch reviews this lady had were from one user with 2 reviews and one with 3 reviews. Not confidence inspiring. So, point 1 above became a little more concerning to me.
3) The lady was using a hotel. This is a potential point of contention for me, sometimes, if the provider has any other warning signs by my personal standard. You never really know who will be behind that door. Risk mitigation includes taking all things into account. If everything seems on the up and up, great reviews - plenty of them - recent, consistent ads, consistently mature presence in the forums without excessive divisiveness, recent photos, etc. then a hotel might be fine for me, especially if I have a history with the lady. In this case I didn’t.
So, for me, the last minute request to bring covers, lack of recent reviews from well established users, and location at a hotel all added up to the need for an additional safety step for me.
I wanted to make sure that who I was expecting to meet, was who was actually waiting for me. I asked her if she would be willing to meet me in the lobby and walk me up. Having seen profile pics, there’d be no question that who I was expecting is who was there. She declined. Understandable.
Then I asked if she would send me a selfie of her from within the room. That way, when the door opened, she would exactly match the pic, plus as a traveler, I’m familiar with the interior of this brand of hotel and could easily determine if the pic she sent was actually from the room... again just confirmation that who I was expecting to see is who I would see, rather than someone with a nefarious intent. She balked at this as well, first claiming that she sent it - when I replied that I hadn’t received it, then she said I couldn’t receive it. As I replied I always receive images, she offered that her text app would NOT allow her to send images. Hmmm...
I offered a third option and asked her to send the selfie in PM here in the board. She’s got profile pics and places pics in ads, so it reasoned to me that she could upload her selfie and send me the link to its location via PM. She balked at this as well, and went on a rant and seemingly became very angry. I explained that I just needed some confirmation that who I was expecting to meet would be the same person I would actually encounter instead of another person or persons.
Her communication devolved from there, and I cancelled the appointment.
It all started with that last minute request to bring supplies - one little detail in a larger picture of potential concerns.