Slick Willie is at it again!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Based on the FACTS, Clinton was at the National Cathedral yesterday. TRUMP was rage tweeting and then went golfing.
LexusLover's Avatar

Definition of disparage
disparaged; disparaging
transitive verb
1 : to depreciate (see depreciate 1) by indirect means (such as invidious comparison) : speak slightingly about religious beliefs disparaged as superstition
2 : to lower in rank or reputation : degrade
— disparagement play \-ij-mənt\ noun
Being called a "hypocrit" is a "disparaging" remark in opposition to my posts or others, so I am not allowed to refute the disparaging remark?

Definition of hypocrite
1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings
I B Hankering's Avatar
FACT: In twenty-five years, school kids will learn in their classrooms that McCain was part of a coup attempt against an duly elected president and not about who did or did not attend his funeral.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How is that a FACT, IBH?

Impossible to predict your opinion will ever be accepted as FACT.

BUT... Twitler golfed while the rest of the nation — including his own daughter and son in law and other members of his administration — solemny commemorated the passing of a statesman.
LexusLover's Avatar
FACT: In twenty-five years, school kids will learn in their classrooms that McCain was part of a coup attempt against an duly elected president and not about who did or did not attend his funeral. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I won't be here to confirm, and I suspect neither will Eccie.

But given some of the versions of the "Battle of the Alamo" I've seen and read, I have my serious doubts. As for "John McCain" the Man, his self-assessment, in my recollection, was somewhat more humble in nature than the more recent comments, and it's also my recollection that initially upon his release HE did not view himself as a "hero" either. At that time, this country as a whole with the media's help rarely celebrated anyone "coming home," if at all!

Were those at the funeral and elsewhere struggling to make themselves feel and look better? To hide their self-shame of how they spoke about him when he was alive and marginalized his accomplishments?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-02-2018, 01:20 PM
Was that crayon or lipstick you used IB? I can't tell what shade of red that is.

And no matter how many times you reiterate "not in the WH", that point is moot to your OP, and to the issue of using public $ to pay off a tryst or mistress. It is just you trying to hijack your own weak hypocritical OP. If you truly believe the most important issue in all this is what building it happened in, then you are beyond having a rational discussion with.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-02-2018, 01:25 PM
FACT: In twenty-five years, school kids will learn in their classrooms that McCain was part of a coup attempt against an duly elected president and not about who did or did not attend his funeral. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What an odd statement from the RW on here. Most RW posts decry the lies and distortions rampant in the education system, claiming one can believe nothing that comes out of it--so are you saying that would be a misstatement?

Or do you mean only those "educators" who run charter schools that teach creation, claim the scientific method is the work of the devil, and teach that inquisitiveness, curiosity, and questions are not allowed in school? That would fit I guess.
Wakeup's Avatar
Be careful...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Was that crayon or lipstick you used IB? I can't tell what shade of red that is.

And no matter how many times you reiterate "not in the WH", that point is moot to your OP, and to the issue of using public $ to pay off a tryst or mistress. It is just you trying to hijack your own weak hypocritical OP. If you truly believe the most important issue in all this is what building it happened in, then you are beyond having a rational discussion with.
Originally Posted by Old-T
You should have made it known that you had a preference for crayon or lipstick, Old-T. Do you have a particular brand of lipstick you're really fond of, Old-T.

Meanwhile, one has to wonder how it is you missed the phrase "Oval Office in the White House" and wholly failed to address that part of the post in your reply. And when called to task for missing it, you falsely claimed it wasn't there.

They do put screw caps on those bottles indicating that they can be capped and stored for later and that they don't have to be finished in one evening, btw.

Furthermore, the only hypocrites are those who continue to defend Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator for his predatory abuses in the White House with a junior employee while declaiming Trump for engaging a prostitute while he was a private citizen with no access to the Oval Office in the White House.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-02-2018, 02:19 PM
I saw it. It was a irrelevant when you posted it, and irrelevant now.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I saw it. It was a irrelevant when you posted it, and irrelevant now. Originally Posted by Old-T
But if you saw it, Old-T, why did you deny it was part of the post you were replying to when you were called to account for failing to address that part of the debate, Old-T?

BTW, Old-T, you really should have made it known that you had a preference for crayon or lipstick, Old-T. Do you have a particular brand of lipstick you're really fond of, Old-T? PM your preference and your address, and I'll order you a sample from Amazon for home delivery to you, Old-T. You can call the post back up on your screen and trace the letters in lipstick or crayon until your heart is content, Old-T.
Wakeup's Avatar
Stop the irrelevant back and forth now...
lustylad's Avatar
I think lipstick color is quite relevant. Slick Willy prefers Monica rouge.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-02-2018, 04:39 PM
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's childish to imagine that by pretending something doesn't exist will somehow make it go away.