Richard Milhouse Nixon

themystic's Avatar
Please tell me what I'm wrong about.

Do you deny. Originally Posted by eccielover
You are a typical passive aggressive right wing troll. You can dish it about but you cant take it. You run and tattle tale like a typical scardy cat. Btw congratulations you hypocrite. Your 1,000 post was used to troll me
LexusLover's Avatar

Again quit the childish family attack schtick. It's really sad. Originally Posted by eccielover
That's all he has ..... and I noticed he can't take it. He's no better than the LOONS lined up to get an ass-kicking in 2020.

Obaminable isn't even endorsing them, and neither are the Clintons.
matchingmole's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
You are a typical passive aggressive right wing troll. You can dish it about but you cant take it. You run and tattle tale like a typical scardy cat. Btw congratulations you hypocrite. Your 1,000 post was used to troll me Originally Posted by themystic
Do you have any substance to contribute to any conversation?

If you aren't trashing someone's family, you are accusing them of "not knowing their stuff"!!!!

And you call someone a "troll"?

You are remarkably worthless.
themystic's Avatar
Do you have any substance to contribute to any conversation?

If you aren't trashing someone's family, you are accusing them of "not knowing their stuff"!!!!

And you call someone a "troll"?

You are remarkably worthless. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Do you think Trump wanting Russia to get back in the G7 is payback for favors he owes Russia?
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you think Trump wanting Russia to get back in the G7 is payback for favors he owes Russia? Originally Posted by themystic
What "favors" do you "think" Trump "owes Russia"?

Was it the dick squeeze your man gave that caused him to allow the Russians to interfere in the 2016 elections on behalf of HillariousNoMore? Your man wanted more Russian dick!

Nixon gave no dick squeeze to the Russians. Try to stay on topic at least partially!
Chung Tran's Avatar
barely a word about Nixon in this thread. many a personal attack.

at least the chatter is a cut above Chung the Tongue, and Bambi the Butt-Fucked
themystic's Avatar
barely a word about Nixon in this thread. many a personal attack.

at least the chatter is a cut above Chung the Tongue, and Bambi the Butt-Fucked Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Lol. Ill stop the Bambi got pegged in the ass. I know that Bambi getting pegged in the ass isn't what this thread is about. Bambi getting pegged in the ass is a whole other topic than Nixon. Nixon was a typical power hungry politician that had some good in him. See that was about Nixon, not Bambi getting pegged in the ass
bambino's Avatar
barely a word about Nixon in this thread. many a personal attack.

at least the chatter is a cut above Chung the Tongue, and Bambi the Butt-Fucked Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That’s Velvet Tongue Chung and YR and his Goldfinger.
bambino's Avatar
Lol. Ill stop the Bambi got pegged in the ass. I know that Bambi getting pegged in the ass isn't what this thread is about. Bambi getting pegged in the ass is a whole other topic than Nixon. Nixon was a typical power hungry politician that had some good in him. See that was about Nixon, not Bambi getting pegged in the ass Originally Posted by themystic
Wrong again!!! Is your buddy YR and his gold finger!!!! Hope that poor girl wore gloves!!!!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
barely a word about Nixon in this thread. many a personal attack.

at least the chatter is a cut above Chung the Tongue, and Bambi the Butt-Fucked Originally Posted by Chung Tran

It eventually "comes" back around, doesn't it?

LexusLover's Avatar
barely a word about Nixon in this thread. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'll try again .... Re Nixon:

Nixon had personal knowledge of the relationship that had matured by the time he took office as Potus between the Mafia bosses and the U.S. intelligence community ... it began to get access to Southern Europe during WWII via Sicilian connections and continued through water front surveillance at shipping docs and into the Cuban money laundering, hotel, brothel, and casino businesses.

Nixon's Florida neighbors were crime/union/bosses. They knew he knew of their activities. Fast forward to "watergate" ... the intelligence operatives who conducted that 5th rate, sloppy burglary with "markers" left everywhere to ID themselves, and who had lawyers already in place before they were arrested to meet them at bookings ... were called "The Plumbers" who had slipped into the office undetected and left of Daniel Elsberg's shrink and stole papers kept there under some "privilege" which were regarding the malfeasance and misfeasance (and deception) of the U.S. Government in the rap up of the Vietnam War. ("Pentagon Papers?")

A method of discrediting is setting one up for the fall ... and "The Plumbers" (who survived the debacle) took the sword to make it happen.

Plug some of that into the assassination of JFK when one considers the disdain the intelligence community had for the Kennedy brothers, one of whom took on the Mafia as U.S. AG. and screwed up their playground in Cuba with bungling that shit almost intentionally ..... remember the U.N. presentation by Stevenson?... fake pictures!!! Reminded me of Powell's Iraqi presentation when I saw it.

Trump knows all these fools running against him and the skeletons in their closets!

Remember: Trump put on a campaign fund raiser in Florida for Schumer? Look at some of the photo op pics when Schumer's in the WH ... meeting his former fund raiser!!!!! Hanging his head and he blubbers like a baby when he has to oppose him. Trump knows about his daily shit stains, just like Nixon did. LBJ was even worse, because he got the FBI files delivered to him daily via Hoover. Nixon's no less, no more than any of them, he just "knew too much."
LexusLover's Avatar
Wrong again!!! Originally Posted by bambino
That's his consistency.