Ohio. A shining monument to Red State policies and moral standards

texassapper's Avatar
BREAKING REPORT: Ohio 10-year-old's alleged illegal immigrant rapist Gerson Fuentes, 27, WAS LISTED AS A MINOR in abortionist’s report to state, mother APPEARED TO DEFEND alleged rapist to reporter.. -Fox News

As I wrote earlier... the mother was defending her boyfriend and trying not to get him arrested rather than avoid Ohio abortion laws.

Typical Democrat lying operation again... as usual the victim is victimized again by the Democrats just like the kids in Uvalde.

Democrats are groomers.
HedonistForever's Avatar

You think McConnel and congressional republicans care about that. Lol. You’re not naive even though I disagree with you A LOT. Getting Alito’s opinion was just a first step. I’ll make you a gentleman’s bet on this and you can put it in your wig line. I’ll come to Florida and take you to get a steak at the restaurant if your choice if Republicans take control of congress and the presidency and they don’t attempt a National ban tossing out the filibuster to do it. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

They may attempt ( being the key word ) it but they will not be successful because of what I previous stated and I don't believe for one second that the Republican party would throw out the filibuster after arguing so vociferously against that idea.. If I understand this correctly and it's possible that I don't, the SC would step in after a state sues the federal government for trying to pass a law that now clearly belongs to States. I'll say it again and will continue to say it till proven wrong that the only way we get a 50 state ban or approval on abortion is with a Constitutional amendment or the SC reverses it's decision.

And if you ever find yourself in Miami, being the host, I'll spring for the steak dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, which is my favorite. Order the steak medium rare and cook it on the sizzling hot plate it is served on with a warning to the customer "do not touch that plate"!!!!!!
We will have to agree to disagree as I believe whole heartedly in the hypocrisy of politicians (both parties). And I love a Ruth’s med rare with extra butter. I’ll take you up on that when I’m in the area.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
BREAKING REPORT: Ohio 10-year-old's alleged illegal immigrant rapist Gerson Fuentes, 27, WAS LISTED AS A MINOR in abortionist’s report to state, mother APPEARED TO DEFEND alleged rapist to reporter.. -Fox News

As I wrote earlier... the mother was defending her boyfriend and trying not to get him arrested rather than avoid Ohio abortion laws.

Typical Democrat lying operation again... as usual the victim is victimized again by the Democrats just like the kids in Uvalde.

Democrats are groomers
. Originally Posted by texassapper
HedonistForever's Avatar
We will have to agree to disagree as I believe whole heartedly in the hypocrisy of politicians (both parties). And I love a Ruth’s med rare with extra butter. I’ll take you up on that when I’m in the area. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

And the spicy shrimp OMG!!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you know trump was right about those illegals bring their "bad" customs here.

look at the behavior of the illegal alien BF and the woman whos probably an illegal as well. BF is from Guatemala.

child rape is a thing in southern central america and its generational; grandmother to mother to daughter.
Don’t be silly. Child rape is a thing in the US as well, by Americans. I’m good ole Livingston Parish a sheriffs deputy and his teacher wife raped several middle school girls (amongst other terrible things). He’s as white as can be and in law enforcement. Middle schoolers are what 12-14 at best.
texassapper's Avatar
Don’t be silly. Child rape is a thing in the US as well, by Americans. I’m good ole Livingston Parish a sheriffs deputy and his teacher wife raped several middle school girls (amongst other terrible things). He’s as white as can be and in law enforcement. Middle schoolers are what 12-14 at best. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
So your argument is we should not worry about importing rapists because we already have some rapists here.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
you know trump was right about those illegals bring their "bad" customs here.

look at the behavior of the illegal alien BF and the woman whos probably an illegal as well. BF is from Guatemala.

child rape is a thing in southern central america and its generational; grandmother to mother to daughter. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Another random claim. I’d love to see something to support it.

Little help, DF?
Don’t be silly. Child rape is a thing in the US as well, by Americans. I’m good ole Livingston Parish a sheriffs deputy and his teacher wife raped several middle school girls (amongst other terrible things). He’s as white as can be and in law enforcement. Middle schoolers are what 12-14 at best. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
... Some o' those Catholic priests also, mate.

### Salty
Yep, except that the Catholic priests (and Boy Scout troop leaders) ain’t worried about pregnancies since their targets are male. Now the Southern Baptist ministers in the other hand, they are pretty equal opportunity with their youths.
txdot-guy's Avatar
So your argument is we should not worry about importing rapists because we already have some rapists here. Originally Posted by texassapper
The argument is to not scapegoat a class of people. Immigrants are made up of many different kinds of people, some good some bad. Just like everybody else in this world.

But that's not politically expedient. It's much easier to make your point by calling all immigrants rapists, drug addicts, violent gang members and now apparently pedophiles.
lustylad's Avatar
The argument is to not scapegoat a class of people. Immigrants are made up of many different kinds of people, some good some bad. Just like everybody else in this world.

But that's not politically expedient. It's much easier to make your point by calling all immigrants rapists... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Agreed, except we're not talking about "all immigrants".

Can you agree that 1) 100% of the ILLEGAL immigrants we ARE talking about broke our laws by coming here (or staying beyond a visa expiration) and 2) it's not "politically expedient" for dim-retards to admit this, let alone do anything to curtail it?
lustylad's Avatar
Yep, except that the Catholic priests (and Boy Scout troop leaders) ain’t worried about pregnancies since their targets are male. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You need to get woke. We're all "birthing persons" now.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Agreed, except we're not talking about "all immigrants".

Can you agree that 1) 100% of the ILLEGAL immigrants we ARE talking about broke our laws by coming here (or staying beyond a visa expiration) and 2) it's not "politically expedient" for dim-retards to admit this, let alone do anything to curtail it? Originally Posted by lustylad
Way to avoid the subject. People immigrate to the United States because they are fleeing violence, poverty and suffering. Just saying we don't want them isn't going to stop them from coming. Immigration limits in 2021 for refugees was a paltry 62,500. Border Patrol and immigration courts are chronically underfunded.

If we want to fix the current immigration problem we need to take in these refugees. Put them in school, teach them English, and get their children educated. By sticking our heads in the sand about the problem and vilifying immigrants, illegal or otherwise, all you do is forgo the opportunity to make these people proud tax paying english speaking Americans.