Regardless of who likes it or doesn't like it, bkpg is a different class of provider/client. Are there exceptions to the rule? Yep. Sure. Everywhere you look.
My personal dislike of bkpg is stemmed from the solicitations from pimps, young kids, and hobbyist who never plan on booking an appointment and are only interested in chatting up providers and general time wasting.
The economy has more and more women coming into the hobby because of financial need to do so. Most of these women lack the finesse that a provider who is here by choice will bring to the table because they do not actually enjoy the job. Therefore, they don't want to do the job and they look for a way to get the money without actually working for it. Here is where the scammer is born. So where would a scam artist with financial problems and no prior hobby knowledge go?! BACKPAGE.
Usually scammers/low quality providers will find a home with backpage and settle comfortably. Lately, however, that is not the case. They are expanding advertising methods and attempting to climb the social hobby ladder. Birds of a feather and so on.... They bring management and seedy business partners with illusions of grandeur and before you know it you're being solicited by a Diva magazine.
Again, let me clarify for a few who may have their feelings on their sleeve. I am speaking in general. I am not targeting anyone in specific nor am I suggesting that bkpg is not a valuable advertising/research method. I am referring to the influx of unsavory ECCIE members that I've noticed lately.