List Five POSITIVE Things The Current Person In Office Has Done For AMERICA

TexTushHog's Avatar

For those that are up interested in facts, not hateful rhetoric.

For those that are up interested in facts, not hateful rhetoric. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
$1.8 Trillion Shock: Obamacare Regulations Cost 20-Times Estimate

Current federal regulations plus those coming under Obamacare will cost American taxpayers and businesses $1.8 trillion annually, more than twenty times the $88 billion the administration estimates, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
And it could grow, warned the author of the report, Clyde Wayne Crews, a CEI vice president.
Complying with Health and Human Services Department requirements alone, he revealed, costs $184 billion a year, yet regulators are still drafting the rules for the 2,400-page Obamacare law that kicks into gear in 2014.
Crews has made a working project of his "Tip of the Costberg" report which he regularly updates. In it, he compares the cost of regulations estimated by federal agencies to a much broader list of estimates from multiple federal and independent sources. And even then, he said, it doesn't include hard-to-calculate costs associated with antitrust intervention, regulation of electricity networks, or the cost of constrained access to natural resources.
"While OMB officially reports amounts of only up to $88.6 billion in 2010 dollars," said Crews, "the non-tax cost of government intervention in the economy, without performing a sweeping survey, appears to total up to $1.806 trillion annually."
But, he added, "according to back of the envelope surveys and roundups, with gaps big enough to fit the beltway through, that’s up to $1.806 trillion annually and in many categories perhaps even considerably more, is a defensible assessment of the annual impact on the economy."
His estimate is close to the $1.7 trillion estimate from the Small Business Administration which the White House distanced itself from. For comparison, the total U.S. GDP is $15 trillion.
The wave of Obama regulations has become a huge sore point in the business world with groups as large as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce down to the International Franchise Association crying for fewer rules. The administration, however, argues that the rules and regulations pushed out under the president have made products and workplaces safer.

For those that are up interested in facts, not hateful rhetoric. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Wow, now there's an objective source of information!

Sorry, but anyone who's interested in facts isn't going to be very impressed by that site.

Note that the OP asked for five positive achievements, not destructive or irresponsible ones. If you click on "economy", you'll see that the $860 billion "stimulus package" is touted as an achievement, even though we got very little for the money after congress used most of it to simply pay off favored constituencies. Since it contributed heavily to the deficit, it's obviously a large net negative for the economy. Claims that it averted a depression are laughably ridiculous, as I noted in my earlier post.

And the site then went on to state that Obama "created a task force to deal with the deficit." Amazing! Did those clowns not notice that he later extended his middle finger at it?

You Obama apologists are just amazingly hilarious. You (justifiably) lambaste George W. Bush for his terrible fiscal record, but give Obama a pass for larding up the budget even more and digging a deeper hole. And you guys are surprised that the economy isn't recovering in a healthy manner? Failing to fix problems and imposing all sorts of anti-growth economic policy has a way of hampering prospects for robust recovery, as should be obvious to everyone now.

My statements are not examples of the "hateful rhetoric" to which you alluded in your post. Those and similar sentiments expressed by others simply involve calling to account a manifestly unserious and irresponsible president.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You didn't understand it cause you're not all that bright. You're replies to post don't even coincide with the original message. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
LOL! You must be sampling too much of the Lousy-anna home-grown product, nimrod. My replies were typed in your post.

So much for you and your self-imposed "brilliance." There's a laugh.
how about 16 examples? Originally Posted by CJ7
LOL, of the three, the Stimulus Package (Recovery Act) and Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) are tax increases of colossal proportions that offer a few drops of honey to wash it down with. I had to look up the HIRE Acts; at a cursory look, they don’t seem to be magnificent expenditures for crumbs. It’s a laughable list.

1. Affordable Care Act Originally Posted by markroxny
This would be in my list for NEGATIVE things.

2. Ended the War in Iraq Originally Posted by markroxny
He campaigned he’d end it on Day One. Instead he ended it on Day One of campaign season.

3. Saved the auto industry Originally Posted by markroxny
He continued the Village Idiot’s financial bail out.

4. Killed Bin Laden Originally Posted by markroxny
The CIA tracked him down and the SEALS killed him. All he did was decide between a bombing by bombs that penetrated to 30’ of earth and the SEALS. Big deal; Carter would have made the same decision.

5. Saved the major financial institutions from collapse (people seem to forget that) Originally Posted by markroxny
See above about the Village Idiot and continuing his policies.


1. Appointed decent Federal judges. The single most implant and lasting thing a President can do. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I’ll give you that.

Number’s 2 – 5 See Above

6. Stopped enforcing some, but not enough, foolish immigration laws. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Which is not legal and not right. Let them enter the country legally.

7. Repealed don't ask, don't tell. And just as importantly, the President finally stood up and said that the government shoud tell you who you can and can't marry. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Seriously, you’d put ending DADT in the top five of anything? I couldn’t care less if someone is gay, but top FIVE?

8. Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Don’t know enough about this.

9. Said torture is unacceptable no matter what the circumstances. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Yet did nothing about it.

10. Restored out standing in the world. Now when you travel abroad, you don't have to be embarrassed about the President of the United States Originally Posted by TexTushHog
LOL, you MUST be JOKING. Rose-colored glasses is all I can say.

COG – AMEN! You post #19 is DEAD ON. Psst, I’m the one that liked it .

Acp5762 – One more Golden Idiom in your post 31.

Obama is hardly a radical. Originally Posted by Annef
This is really funny. Really, it’s funny.

Ok, decent federal judge appointments, and we traded that for social democracy, tyranny and giving the store away. Ya, I don’t know that we got a fair deal.

LOL! You must be sampling too much of the Lousy-anna home-grown product, nimrod. My replies were typed in your post.

So much for you and your self-imposed "brilliance." There's a laugh. Originally Posted by acp5762
I guess you regard your stupid refference to Louisiana as brilliant. You're a sad little excuse for a man.
Turdfly hates Obama. He will take it to his grave. We get it. I find it hilarious,.... Originally Posted by bigtex
Its been stated many times before bintex, I don't hate Obama, I hate his policies.

But let me explain it to you in a way a monumentally stupid person like yourself can understand:

Seven and a half years from now, if whoever holds the highest office in the land tries to blame Obama for a crisis I will not accept that President or that excuse. The POTUS is responsible for handling the crisis. I will not say "Obama lost focus" or "That's OK Mr President, Obama left you with a mess." No, my expectation will be for the President to handle the situation.

So take your obsessive Bush hatred to the grave with you. Enjoy! Once Obama is out of office - be it 4 months or 4 years from now - I will not give him a second thought.
9. Said torture is unacceptable no matter what the circumstances. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Counselor, you know this is a false statement. After Obama signed the executive order "forbidding" waterboarding, Obama said he reserved the right to use it. His statement was televised. I saw it and it was lamented on HuffPo.

Just another holier-than-thou, false outrage Dem talking point.
I will not give him a second thought. Originally Posted by gnadfly
That should be farily easy for you to do since you have shown yourself to be totally incapable of giving anything or anyone a first thought!

Just sayin'
That should be farily easy for you to do since you have shown yourself to be totally incapable of giving anything or anyone a first thought!

Just sayin' Originally Posted by bigtex

TexTushHog's Avatar
Obama has been the most controversial President in my life time. Originally Posted by acp5762
Surely you jest. Obama has never been credibly accused of being a war criminal under U.S. law. Bush all but admitted that he was one. In fact, my single biggest complaint about Obama is that he didn't aggressively prosecute officials from the Bush administration for war crimes. Likewise, Ronald Reagan should have been impeached for violation of the Boland Amendment. Richard Nixon was impeached and would have been convicted for obstruction of justice had he not resigned. Lyndon Johnson, as much as I love him for his other accomplishments, probably violated the Constitutional War Powers clause (as did George H.W. Bush). Either you were born during this term or have a very short memory.
Surely you jest. Obama has never been credibly accused of being a war criminal under U.S. law. Bush all but admitted that he was one. In fact, my single biggest complaint about Obama is that he didn't aggressively prosecute officials from the Bush administration for war crimes. Likewise, Ronald Reagan should have been impeached for violation of the Boland Amendment. Richard Nixon was impeached and would have been convicted for obstruction of justice had he not resigned. Lyndon Johnson, as much as I love him for his other accomplishments, probably violated the Constitutional War Powers clause (as did George H.W. Bush). Either you were born during this term or have a very short memory. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

No, Obama hasn't been called a war criminal just a traitor.
Iaintliein's Avatar
1. Did not agree to sign the treaty banning landmines.
2. Did not keep promise to close Gitmo.
3. Spent a lot of time golfing. . . but not nearly enough.
4. Finally, after repeatedly failing to do so let the military kill Osama.
5. Did not keep promise to prosecute the interrogators who got the info leading to #4.
Surely you jest. Obama has never been credibly accused of being a war criminal under U.S. law. Bush all but admitted that he was one. In fact, my single biggest complaint about Obama is that he didn't aggressively prosecute officials from the Bush administration for war crimes. Likewise, Ronald Reagan should have been impeached for violation of the Boland Amendment. Richard Nixon was impeached and would have been convicted for obstruction of justice had he not resigned. Lyndon Johnson, as much as I love him for his other accomplishments, probably violated the Constitutional War Powers clause (as did George H.W. Bush). Either you were born during this term or have a very short memory. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I didn't say anything about War Crimes. Controversial can mean many things. Besides the Presidents you mentioned were only controversial in the face of scandal. Obama's controversy stems from his background, how he thinks,where he may lead this country.