Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

I B Hankering's Avatar
Wrong, he isn’t required to commit an unlawful order. This is the United States not Nazi Germany. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
There was no unlawful order. Every thing Trump did was in accordance with the U.S. Constitution and the Senate approved treaty between the U.S. and Ukraine. Only really "#Grubered" morons believe differently.
Jaxson66's Avatar
At least he knows what he's talking about ... unlike you!

"Trial" of Trump?

By this time next year .... there still won't be any "trial of Trump" in Congress or anywhere else! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yep, the trial will be before this time next year. I’m thinking mid January maybe sooner. That depends on Moscow Mitch not the fat lying bastard.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Mueller interview notes obtained by CNN show Trump's push for stolen emails

Rick] Gates recalled a time on the campaign aircraft when candidate Trump said, 'get the emails.' [Michael] Flynn said he could use his intelligence sources to obtain the emails," investigators wrote in a summary of Gates' April 2018 interview with Mueller's team. Flynn was a foreign policy adviser on the campaign and became Trump's first national security adviser.
"Flynn had the most Russia contacts of anyone on the campaign and was in the best position to ask for the emails if they were out there," the investigators also wrote about Gates' interview.
Gates described in an interview with Mueller investigators last year how several close advisers to Trump, Trump's family members and Trump himself considered how to get the stolen documents and pushed the effort, according to investigators' summary.
"Gates said Donald Trump Jr. would ask where the emails were in family meetings. Michael Flynn, [Jared] Kushner, [Paul] Manafort, [Redacted] [Corey] Lewandowski, Jeff Sessions, and Sam Clovis expressed interest in obtaining the emails as well. Gates said the priority focuses of the Trump campaign opposition research team were Clinton's emails and contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Flynn, [Redacted] [Jeff] Sessions, Kushner, and [Donald] Trump Jr. were all focused on opposition topics," Gates told investigators, according to the interview summary.

I’d say the release of 274 pages of the Gates interview has come at a bad time for the fat lying bastard. Rumor is Gates accuses Manafort of planting the Ukraine deep state bullshit in the mind of the fat lying bastard.

Looks like Nancy is about to throw gasoline on the trump bonfire and Lyingdowski has some explaining to do.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Mueller interview notes obtained by CNN show Trump's push for stolen emails

Rick] Gates recalled a time on the campaign aircraft when candidate Trump said, 'get the emails.' [Michael] Flynn said he could use his intelligence sources to obtain the emails," investigators wrote in a summary of Gates' April 2018 interview with Mueller's team. Flynn was a foreign policy adviser on the campaign and became Trump's first national security adviser.
"Flynn had the most Russia contacts of anyone on the campaign and was in the best position to ask for the emails if they were out there," the investigators also wrote about Gates' interview.
Gates described in an interview with Mueller investigators last year how several close advisers to Trump, Trump's family members and Trump himself considered how to get the stolen documents and pushed the effort, according to investigators' summary.
"Gates said Donald Trump Jr. would ask where the emails were in family meetings. Michael Flynn, [Jared] Kushner, [Paul] Manafort, [Redacted] [Corey] Lewandowski, Jeff Sessions, and Sam Clovis expressed interest in obtaining the emails as well. Gates said the priority focuses of the Trump campaign opposition research team were Clinton's emails and contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Flynn, [Redacted] [Jeff] Sessions, Kushner, and [Donald] Trump Jr. were all focused on opposition topics," Gates told investigators, according to the interview summary.

I’d say the release of 274 pages of the Gates interview has come at a bad time for the fat lying bastard. Rumor is Gates accuses Manafort of planting the Ukraine deep state bullshit in the mind of the fat lying bastard.

Looks like Nancy is about to throw gasoline on the trump bonfire and Lyingdowski has some explaining to do. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

what's illegal about any of this? nothing. if Trump had obtained those emails, paid for them, he could have used them against Clinton and there would have been no crime committed. if anything classified were in them he could have turned it over to the FBI and it would have been redacted.

as usual you clamor to believe any leftist press report that gives you false hope Trump will be removed from office via this shame of an impeachment. not gonna happen sparky. but you keep drinking the liberal kood-aid.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
what's illegal about any of this? nothing. if Trump had obtained those emails, paid for them, he could have used them against Clinton and there would have been no crime committed. if anything classified were in them he could have turned it over to the FBI and it would have been redacted. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I doubt the redaction part. Obama FBI would have confiscated it, govt. property claim.

it'd be more on the lines of wikileaks if trump got hold of it.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Mueller interview notes obtained by CNN show Trump's push for stolen emails

Rick] Gates recalled a time on the campaign aircraft when candidate Trump said, 'get the emails.' [Michael] Flynn said he could use his intelligence sources to obtain the emails," investigators wrote in a summary of Gates' April 2018 interview with Mueller's team. Flynn was a foreign policy adviser on the campaign and became Trump's first national security adviser.
"Flynn had the most Russia contacts of anyone on the campaign and was in the best position to ask for the emails if they were out there," the investigators also wrote about Gates' interview.
Gates described in an interview with Mueller investigators last year how several close advisers to Trump, Trump's family members and Trump himself considered how to get the stolen documents and pushed the effort, according to investigators' summary.
"Gates said Donald Trump Jr. would ask where the emails were in family meetings. Michael Flynn, [Jared] Kushner, [Paul] Manafort, [Redacted] [Corey] Lewandowski, Jeff Sessions, and Sam Clovis expressed interest in obtaining the emails as well. Gates said the priority focuses of the Trump campaign opposition research team were Clinton's emails and contributions to the Clinton Foundation. Flynn, [Redacted] [Jeff] Sessions, Kushner, and [Donald] Trump Jr. were all focused on opposition topics," Gates told investigators, according to the interview summary.

I’d say the release of 274 pages of the Gates interview has come at a bad time for the fat lying bastard. Rumor is Gates accuses Manafort of planting the Ukraine deep state bullshit in the mind of the fat lying bastard.

Looks like Nancy is about to throw gasoline on the trump bonfire and Lyingdowski has some explaining to do. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
In response to a court order, the Justice Department released the first installment of documents: hundreds of pages of summaries of FBI interviews with witnesses. Another installment will be released every month for at least the next eight years.

Looks like the fat lying bastards 2020 campaign will be asked a lot of questions as more pages are unredacted each month.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
In response to a court order, the Justice Department released the first installment of documents: hundreds of pages of summaries of FBI interviews with witnesses. Another installment will be released every month for at least the next eight years.

Looks like the fat lying bastards 2020 campaign will be asked a lot of questions as more pages are unredacted each month.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
if you say so.
Yep, the trial will be before this time next year. I’m thinking mid January maybe sooner. That depends on Moscow Mitch not the fat lying bastard. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Yes there certainly will be a trial sometime after the first of the year. The names on the docket will be John Brennan,James Comey,McCabe,Loretta Lynch, Steele, Misfud and probably many others. This will happen as a result of the Bill Barr and John Durham Criminal Investigation into the Democrats Fisa Abuse and Unauthorized Surveillance and Political Surveillance of the Donald Trump Campaign during the 2016 Presidential election.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Yes there certainly will be a trial sometime after the first of the year. The names on the docket will be John Brennan,James Comey,McCabe,Loretta Lynch, Steele, Misfud and probably many others. This will happen as a result of the Bill Barr and John Durham Criminal Investigation into the Democrats Fisa Abuse and Unauthorized Surveillance and Political Surveillance of the Donald Trump Campaign during the 2016 Presidential election. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The deep state conspiracy is about as reliable as the fat lying bastards impenetrable wall.

After years of touting the impenetrability of a border wall, President Donald Trump said Saturday that "you can cut through any wall" as reports surfaced of smugglers sawing through newly erected barriers with readily available power tools. .
The deep state conspiracy is about as reliable as the fat lying bastards impenetrable wall.

After years of touting the impenetrability of a border wall, President Donald Trump said Saturday that "you can cut through any wall" as reports surfaced of smugglers sawing through newly erected barriers with readily available power tools. . Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Sorry dummy there can't be a two year extensive investigation on foreign collusion and obstruction of justice and then nothing shows up. The quest to impeach Trump justly and fairly by Robert Mueller went belly up, that window of opportunity to impeach Donald Trump is now closed. Everything else is just a joke. It's now time to investigate how and why the Russian Collusion Hoax got started and who the players are. The Democrats have spent three years trying to ruin the administration of a duly elected president by using inappropriate and conniving tactics. It's time for the Democrats to pay the piper.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Sorry dummy there can't be a two year extensive investigation on foreign collusion and obstruction of justice and then nothing shows up. The quest to impeach Trump justly and fairly by Robert Mueller went belly up, that window of opportunity to impeach Donald Trump is now closed. Everything else is just a joke. It's now time to investigate how and why the Russian Collusion Hoax got started and who the players are. The Democrats have spent three years trying to ruin the administration of a duly elected president by using inappropriate and conniving tactics. It's time for the Democrats to pay the piper. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Sure dummy sure. They feed you people those shit sandwiches and you stand in line for seconds. How long has that deep state bullshit been going on? How many people have gone to jail? When is the grand jury convening for that bullshit.

When the Senate and House Intelligence committees, heads of the FBI, CIA, Pentagon and Homeland Security all agree the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. The fat lying bastard calling it a Hoax makes him a god damn Liar! Smarten up.
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2019, 10:10 AM
Barr and durham will determine who connived with the russian/Ukrainians.

H... - much more likely.

We shall see.

Meanwhile - please try not to stew in your own hatred - really not good for your health, J666
Sure dummy sure. They feed you people those shit sandwiches and you stand in line for seconds. How long has that deep state bullshit been going on? How many people have gone to jail? When is the grand jury convening for that bullshit.

When the Senate and House Intelligence committees, heads of the FBI, CIA, Pentagon and Homeland Security all agree the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. The fat lying bastard calling it a Hoax makes him a god damn Liar! Smarten up. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
For three years you've been eating Schiff Sandwiches. You look dumber and dumber with every post. Other posters have handed you your ass so much you're starting to look like a homeless fuck receiving a hand out, lol.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Barr and durham will determine who connived with the russian/Ukrainians.

H... - much more likely.

We shall see.

Meanwhile - please try not to stew in your own hatred - really not good for your health, J666 Originally Posted by oeb11
Barr is own his way to being Cohen or Manafort’s cellmate. Trump’s pissboy lied about the Mueller report and refused to investigate the Ukraine shakedown. Instead he is globetrotting around the world on your dime chasing bullshit conspiracy theories.

Swallowing all the bullshit those Fox News sewer rats spew is what’s unhealthy.
Barr is own his way to being Cohen or Manafort’s cellmate. Trump’s pissboy lied about the Mueller report and refused to investigate the Ukraine shakedown. Instead he is globetrotting around the world on your dime chasing bullshit conspiracy theories.

Swallowing all the bullshit those Fox News sewer rats spew is what’s unhealthy. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The only conspiracy theories are the Russian Collusion and the Ukraine Whistle blower and you fell for both, lol.