NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

kerwil62's Avatar
Cardinals turn the ball over 5 times. Texans win 34-24.

The Texans looked pretty good out there. No pre-season losses yet(which don't mean shit, actually). They gotta step up their run defense though.
BigLouie's Avatar
Brock and Tom both looked good at QB. Now I know why Hopkins wanted to do his contact before the season. He is going to be the #2 target as it looks as if Fuller is going to be the main target with his speed.
Fishpie's Avatar
LMAO Cardinal fans are pissed off on social media saying the Texans need to be fined for the hits in that game.
jstone420's Avatar
Hopskins will always be number 1 receiver its preseason
BigLouie's Avatar
Damn Schaub oh wait that was Brock
Will take the win!!!
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 09-11-2016, 03:11 PM
It wasn't pretty, but it is still a win, even if it was just the Chicago Bears.
BigLouie's Avatar
The team still looked a bit out of sorts. The big difference was Will Fuller who is a "home run hitter". His speed made the difference.
the defense look good. held bears to 71 yards in second half
kerwil62's Avatar
Texans looked good today. They're the only team that won in the division.

They might have issues the next two games with the Chiefs(here) and the Patriots(there). We'll see.....
ramblinman69's Avatar
Texans looked good today. They're the only team that won in the division.

They might have issues the next two games with the Chiefs(here) and the Patriots(there). We'll see..... Originally Posted by kerwil62
That'll be the true test to see where this team is at. I find it hard to judge. Defense was good, but I am not sure if the Bears are just that bad as well. It's funny to me when Cutler just "gives up" and acts like he's not even trying anymore.
Fishpie's Avatar
Kevin White did a better job of giving up when Cutler gave up that interception in the 3rd.
Quentintime's Avatar
The secondary still concerns me. I did think some of the pass interference calls were bad calls but I'm afraid a good QB and receiver will slice them up.

I think this is one of the most talented team they have had for a few years and hope I'm wrong about the DB's.
spear89's Avatar
Not enough comments ! Looking at 21 to 17 win against kansas city.
kerwil62's Avatar
Not enough comments ! Looking at 21 to 17 win against kansas city. Originally Posted by spear89
They need to redeem themselves from last year's 30-0 embarrassment.