TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

BJonesBaby's Avatar

Team Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Delusional, sir. However, you did manage to so state your case without using many syllables or any truth.

Perhaps you can get a job in the Administration.
Oh dear! The professor that made the model that predicted correctly 5 of 6 elections since 1996 is giving Trump a 91 percent chance of winning. Whatever will the little snowflakes do? They can always move to Canada!

Just wait until after the debates - it will jump to 100 percent. Old Joe needs to get out of the basement.

Trump has 91% chance of winning second term, professor’s model predicts
nuglet's Avatar
According to sources: Trump has a 92% chance of ending up in JAIL.
winn dixie's Avatar
Delusional, sir. However, you did manage to so state your case without using many syllables or any truth.

Perhaps you can get a job in the Administration. Originally Posted by BJonesBaby
Since everything else is being called racist i will call your post racist!

See how it works? Goes both ways!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Oh dear! The professor that made the model that predicted correctly 5 of 6 elections since 1996 is giving Trump a 91 percent chance of winning. Whatever will the little snowflakes do? They can always move to Canada!

Just wait until after the debates - it will jump to 100 percent. Old Joe needs to get out of the basement.

Trump has 91% chance of winning second term, professor’s model predicts Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
And here's another FACT: Since approval ratings of the POTUS started under Truman, no POTUS running for reelection has been reelected with a negative approval rating.

Latest summation this morning of Trump's approval rating by FiveThirtyEight:

40.1% approve, 55.9% disapprove. -15.8%. Lowest since Feb. 2019.
And sinking.

So it depends on which source of information one chooses to believe. Many of these so-called models are built almost totally on the economy, and even today that is Trump's strongest area. Even I say if you want a POTUS that will revive the economy the fastest, it would be Trump, because he will sacrifice the well being of everyone and everything in favor of the economy.
Yep, summertime polls are not predictions of November results.
Here's a fun fact - back in June of 2016 Clinton was ahead by 12 points. A simular lead that Biden enjoys today.
Actually, Trumps numbers are down a lot less given everything that has happened and Biden support is not increasing as everyone seems to think. Remember he almost lost the Democratic primary.
The Trump machine is about to pull out all stops to stay in power. It will be interesting to see how the Biden team will respond.
pussycat's Avatar
Voting for Biden is the same as voting for Al Sharpton. Independents don't want their statues of George Washington and Jefferson torn down. Nor do they want the Green New Deal or anything else Biden now supports. Trump will win even if all he does is stay home and do nothing.
BJonesBaby's Avatar
Since everything else is being called racist i will call your post racist!

See how it works? Goes both ways! Originally Posted by winn dixie
How is it racist? Or are you just making jokes?

Not very funny.
Oh precious, you poor thang. I did not imply or spout off - I didn't know how the questions were asked. And Speed gave me an answer. You really need to get a life.

Thank you for that post, Speedy.
For ellen to spout off how well the cheeto does in the polls and when the wind turns to imply they rig the questions....
Beautiful response. Originally Posted by Precious_b
winn dixie's Avatar
How is it racist? Or are you just making jokes?

Not very funny. Originally Posted by BJonesBaby
Im sorry you cant keep up! Went way over the learning curve for liberals

I know you dont get it! Double standards for the racist card!
Precious_b's Avatar
Oh precious, you poor thang. I did not imply or spout off - I didn't know how the questions were asked. And Speed gave me an answer. You really need to get a life. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Oh, since my failed philanthropic efforts in trying to give you $$$ if you prove what you say, no need to worry about my bank.
You must have quite the stock holders share with Preparation H to be so butthurt in my complimenting Speedy for his clear, concise, precise response to you. And we all know you turn a blind eye to whatever makes the faux golden light on the cheeto look good and, just like the thin skinned baby in chief, rail on anything that disparages him. You have a well documented history of tooting out to the world when anything says dugout donny is up. Which I can pull many links to prove.

Don't mimic the childish attitudes of your baby when people point out facts.
EagleEye's Avatar
Yep, summertime polls are not predictions of November results.
Here's a fun fact - back in June of 2016 Clinton was ahead by 12 points. A simular lead that Biden enjoys today.
Actually, Trumps numbers are down a lot less given everything that has happened and Biden support is not increasing as everyone seems to think. Remember he almost lost the Democratic primary.
The Trump machine is about to pull out all stops to stay in power. It will be interesting to see how the Biden team will respond. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

There were a lot higher levels of undecideds back in 2016. Many of those undecideds took a flyer on Trump, hoping he would grow into the job. Trump, for better or worse, is a known quantity this time around, so fewer "flyers" are in play in 2020.

Also, in 2016 polling, HRC also never broke the 50%+, Biden has. So Trump has challenges ahead, especially if COVID lingers into OCT/NOV. If he can cut Biden's lead down to 5.5-6% in the polls he would be within the polling margin of error to electorally squeak by.
BJonesBaby's Avatar

Team Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Im sorry you cant keep up! Went way over the learning curve for liberals

I know you dont get it! Double standards for the racist card! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Still don’t understand how I am unable to keep up with your rapier-like humor, sir.

You called my comments racist. Are you feeling oppressed and fear your white privilege is being threatened? That’s the real race card nowadays, Mr. Dixie. It matters only to Trumpists. Is that why every comment is racist to you Mr, Dixie?

Like Trump, you seem to be making the entire conversation about your bruised feelings. Maybe you need a hug now, because your feelings are going to be more than just bruised in November, assuming the Republicans don’t find more ways to keep voters away from the polls.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yep, summertime polls are not predictions of November results.
Here's a fun fact - back in June of 2016 Clinton was ahead by 12 points. A simular lead that Biden enjoys today.
Actually, Trumps numbers are down a lot less given everything that has happened and Biden support is not increasing as everyone seems to think. Remember he almost lost the Democratic primary.
The Trump machine is about to pull out all stops to stay in power. It will be interesting to see how the Biden team will respond. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
You are 100% correct. We are just over 16 weeks from election day. At this point in 2016 Trump started closing the gap on Clinton. By election day that 12 point lead was down to 3 points and Trump had actually moved ahead in some battleground states and had closed to within the margin of error in others.

What I am saying, and I've said before, at some point in the very near future Trump has to do something positive or Biden has to do something negative so Trump can close that gap. Trump will not win if his approval rating is -15.8% on election day and he trails Biden by 8% or so at the national level.

I also say this is not 2016 and Trump will not be facing a negative opponent like Clinton and Trump now has 3 1/2 years in office on which voters can rate him. With a current 55.8% of voters disapproving of his performance in office, That says a lot to me.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There were a lot higher levels of undecideds back in 2016. Many of those undecideds took a flyer on Trump, hoping he would grow into the job. Trump, for better or worse, is a known quantity this time around, so fewer "flyers" are in play in 2020.

Also, in 2016 polling, HRC also never broke the 50%+, Biden has. So Trump has challenges ahead, especially if COVID lingers into OCT/NOV. If he can cut Biden's lead down to 5.5-6% in the polls he would be within the polling margin of error to electorally squeak by. Originally Posted by EagleEye
Excellent point on the undecided voters in 2016.