Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Yay! ... ...

... Glad You're back, mate! ...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Seems like someone’s trying to catch up with three months of pent up anxiety.

Not that there’s nothing wrong with it.
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1062981620]Seems like someone’s trying to catch up with three months of pent up anxiety.

... Who is? ... YOU - or Waco?? ...

#### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
Tucker interviews Tony Bobulinski tonight at 8 EST. "You want the truth, you can't handle the truth".

From "A Few Good Men".
Tucker interviews Tony Bobulinski tonight at 8 EST. "You want the truth, you can't handle the truth".

From "A Few Good Men". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
... Too right, mate!

... Would LOVE to see our liberal mates actually
WATCH the interview and comment on it.

But they won't... Couldn't even persuade them to
view the pieces on Ray Epps and the "pipe-bomber"...

.... No doubt the Republican Congress will be interviewing
Bobulinski next year. ... Maybe Ray Epps also.

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
... Too right, mate!

... Would LOVE to see our liberal mates actually
WATCH the interview and comment on it.

But they won't... Couldn't even persuade them to
view the pieces on Ray Epps and the "pipe-bomber"...

.... No doubt the Republican Congress will be interviewing
Bobulinski next year. ... Maybe Ray Epps also.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Hell Salty, they'll watch it and then lie about it. Hell, you'll even get lawyers who say "don't believe your lying eyes", but put before a jury of average Americans, or nationally televised hearings coming in January, there is no way on earth to deny the reams of evidence Bobulinski has, and the agent that was in charge of interviewing Bobulinski? Well he got fired after the head of the FBI Wray, gave him his walking papers after being convinced of Thibaults well documented bias. Of course Thibault says he resigned and all this was just coincidental. Yeah, right. And Strzok, Page and all the FBI agents and councils just happened to retire too after their conduct was "looked into".

What I find most funny about all this is how people from both sides of the aisle will lie through their teeth to protect "their party" against the best interest of the US.

And Bobulinski getting a phone call from Jim Biden, Joe's brother in crime while he is in an interview room at FBI headquarters? Now that's just funny as hell. One of more of those agents alerted Jim Biden to the fact that Bobulinski was at FBI headquarters, spilling the beans on the Biden crime family. SMH.
... Too right, Hedo...

And people don't seem to understand that YOU are a fellow
with High Integrity... YOU don't even fancy Trump much-any,
but here you are - DEFENDING Trump from all the lies and attacks
because YOU surely smell a rat with the Dems and the FBI/DOJ.

Can't wait for when the Republican Congress investigates
the crooked Biden deals....

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
... Too right, Hedo...

And people don't seem to understand that YOU are a fellow
with High Integrity... YOU don't even fancy Trump much-any,
but here you are - DEFENDING Trump from all the lies and attacks
because YOU surely smell a rat with the Dems and the FBI/DOJ.

Can't wait for when the Republican Congress investigates
the crooked Biden deals....

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

I hear ya but I don't consider anything I say as "defending" Trump. You are right, don't like the guy, wouldn't cross the street to shake his hand..... unless Melania and Ivanka were there skimpily dressed.

I try to stick to what I believe are legal questions and I don't care who the party or person is that is helped or hurt and one would have to be deaf dumb and blind ( like a few on this board ) not to see the FBI's corruption in this matter just like 20 or so whistleblowers are now alleging against the FBI not to mention the firings or "resignations" at the FBI. The list is to long to even get into but the one at the top of the list concerning Bobulinski, is Timothy Thibault who was in charge of looking into the Bobulinski matter. He just happened to "resign" while under investigation of bias.

Trump appears to be guilty, though no court of law has said so yet, of keeping documents, classified or not that by law do not belong to him. Does that sound like I'm defending Trump? He is a jerk but even jerks deserve equal justice under the law and no matter how much SR tells me Hillary Clinton didn't do the same damn thing, be in possession of documents on an illegal server she was hiding from the Dept. of State.

Pointing out the illegal and immoral conduct of the FBI and DOJ is not IMHO, a defense of Trump.