Assholes's Speech

gfejunkie's Avatar
Figures? Originally Posted by Austin Dude
You'll re-read your post, eventually.

Then you'll get it. Eventually.

Or not. Doesn't matter.
You'll re-read your post, eventually.

Then you'll get it. Eventually.

Or not. Doesn't matter. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Yeah it doesn't matter, especially if you're getting at the Hilter mistake instead of Hitler. Because you knew who I meant. And the point is still valid. Horrible people when things, doesn't meaning winning makes you a role model.

You get that eventually.

Or maybe not. It doesn't matter because the fact remains, Trump isn't a role model. Unless you want to teach kids to lie, go back on what you say to people who trusted you, be a hypocrite, talk about sexual assault, spout racism, and be such a crybaby (oh the media treats me so bad). Tell you what, unless you're kids are rich, they will be set up for a disastrous life with that guy as a role model. But go for it, judging from your comments on here, if you have kids they are screwed already.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Well, almost seven months later he's still President and you're still whining like a little girl who didn't get her ice cream.

Which is a better role model?
Well, almost seven months later he's still President and you're still whining like a little girl who didn't get her ice cream.

Which is a better role model? Originally Posted by gfejunkie

Who's whining? I definitely express my frustration with his lack of intelligence or know how.

And I'm not the role model so even if I were whining, it doesn't matter what I do.

It's been seven months and he has had historically approval ratings, he recently released a budget that overwhelmingly hurt the people who got him in office, had an error and went against things he said campaigning. Even if Congress had no intention of passing that budget, the fact that he put that out shows that he doesn't care about those coal miners and victims of opioid addiction. Oh and his son-in-law is now being looked at for trying to have backroom convos with Russia. And he knew Flynn was under investigation, and he was a pussy in front of the Saudi's. He refused to talk about to them about human rights violations (while his daughter is there pushing her "campaign" for women's rights) and he didn't talk about radical islamic terrorists. But he called out our allies for not paying their bills (ironic because he didn't do the same thing when he was stiffing hard working Americans). Did it while standing in front of a memorial. Something that many countries lost soldiers for, an attack not against them but they stepped in. Yet Trump didn't agree to hold up that Article. Our allies are now saying they can't depend on us, meaning we could lose footing as the role model of the world. And that's just all recent stuff. In the span of a week.

Yeah so much "whining" by me and others. I wonder why that is? Maybe because this is an epically bad start to a presidency. Wake me up when we start winning so much we are tired of it. Because it's looking like our president is a laughing stock to the world. No wonder he's whining all the time. What a role model huh.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Who's whining?
Me and others. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Someone likes to edit things. You're fake news gfejunkie.
Little Monster's Avatar
Alright folks, it looks like the Asshole supporters are getting their asses handed to them over and over. If the best they can do is to continuously bring up Hillary and the election results or a "You're just a sore loser" response then they really aren't much of a challenge to begin with.

I think it's time for a little comedy break...

Lol- A little levity is good!

Alright folks, it looks like the Asshole supporters are getting their asses handed to them over and over. If the best they can do is to continuously bring up Hillary and the election results or a "You're just a sore loser" response then they really aren't much of a challenge to begin with.

I think it's time for a little comedy break...

Originally Posted by Little Monster
Little Monster's Avatar
Lol- A little levity is good! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
gfejunkie's Avatar

The Secret Service is on it.

If you think this shit's funny you're beyond sick. Trump derangement syndrome is out of control.

The left, the lamestream media, and the dimretards will never get their credibility back. They've made themselves completely irrelevant to any discourse whatsoever. Your self-inflicted damage has made it so. Congratulations!
That went too far. Her photo shoot was wrong on so many levels. She apologized for it on camera but me thinks it's too late for that.
Kathy Griffin went too far. I just hope all these people so outraged felt the same way when countless people do cartoons and other visuals of Obama and even worse his wife as monkeys. Especially giving the racial history of calling people of their race monkeys. If you weren't complaining for that. I have to wonder why that is.
That went too far. Her photo shoot was wrong on so many levels. She apologized for it on camera but me thinks it's too late for that. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

She apologized on camera but it's too late for that a day later? Trump took out a front page ad calling for the death of black/latino teens who were found innocent. Yet he hasn't apologized for that yet. He refused to rent to African Americans and had to remedy that and never apologized for that. I guess it was just too late for him. Or it's ok for him to never apologize since he hasn't. Again people have come out against Kathy Griffin from all sides. Yet Trump people refuse to do the same when they should.
Whoa, you bet I felt the same way regarding the ape and monkey comments made about the Obamas. That was not comedy. It wasn't appropriate and wrong on many levels.

Kathy Griffin went too far. I just hope all these people so outraged felt the same way when countless people do cartoons and other visuals of Obama and even worse his wife as monkeys. Especially giving the racial history of calling people of their race monkeys. If you weren't complaining for that. I have to wonder why that is. Originally Posted by Austin Dude