Daughter of Random Thoughts

WMJ4657's Avatar
I learned not to refer to any of our fine ladies as prostitutes. I didn't intend to be offensive or disrespectful, but she sure didn't like it. That is one mistake I will not be making again! Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Well my point had very little to do with whatever makes you comfortable calling ladies these days. Had more to do with the person who got arrested and me feeling like a hypocrite.
mpriyamktc's Avatar
Interesting, I had a wow visit lately!
So do people who see you in a parking lot, do they know who you are, why you are there?
I'm pretty sure everyone knows what the others are up to.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Bonus hole? Lmao
Saw ad on STG with sisters offering their services. Please let me go back and erase the thought of them 2 together from the ad.
Maybe you should quit bare backing the bitches, writing stellar reviews, knowing they're not worth a fuck. It's only going to back track on you. Btw your not that fucking savy nor cute.
biomed1's Avatar
Of The Following . . .
The following is not permitted on the site:

Insulting Others
Targeting other members for attacks
Harassing other members, groups of members, class of members, etc
Disrespecting other members on the site
General rudeness toward other members on the site
Only a guilty person would feel offended or harrassed by a previously posted post.
Zenovia's Avatar
If you could erase all the mistakes of your past, you would also erase all of the wisdom of your present. Remember the lesson, not the disappointment.
Seems like Pinocchio has been visiting Arkansas lately.
Wish they would allow us to post pics of girls that don't have a profile here but are reviewed.
Looking thru my Twitter followers and I was saddened to see how many providers have passed away.
I think all can agree that we need more Vivian Starr postings on a thread.
CatMan4u's Avatar
I agree with Zenovia our past events good or bad help shap our future they point out things we messed up on so we can improve our thought process so we don't repeat and make us hopefully better