Assholes's Speech

Ok, that's not really the same thing. You're comparing apples against oranges. ( No pun intended on the
I think it's too late because she has sponsors and they already are starting to drop her. I doubt CNN will keep her on too.
Sponsors are not going to touch her again.

She apologized on camera but it's too late for that a day later? Trump took out a front page ad calling for the death of black/latino teens who were found innocent. Yet he hasn't apologized for that yet. He refused to rent to African Americans and had to remedy that and never apologized for that. I guess it was just too late for him. Or it's ok for him to never apologize since he hasn't. Again people have come out against Kathy Griffin from all sides. Yet Trump people refuse to do the same when they should. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Whoa, you bet I felt the same way regarding the ape and monkey comments made about the Obamas. That was not comedy. It wasn't appropriate and wrong on many levels. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Well good to hear that
Ok, that's not really the same thing. You're comparing apples against oranges. ( No pun intended on the
I think it's too late because she has sponsors and they already are starting to drop her. I doubt CNN will keep her on too.
Sponsors are not going to touch her again. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Apples and oranges? I would say calling for the death of teens worse than some tacky, poorly thought out, idiotic stunt by a woman I think isn't funny. You took a step forward in my eyes and two back. The point wasn't that it's too late for her. She apologized, that's the point I was making. Trump hasn't apologized and it's been decades. He took out an ad calling for the death of teens. And they were innocent. He didn't even have the decency to put out an ad apologizing or retracting. Come on. Yes she will lose sponsors. That's their right and I think she should. I think everyone should have to pay for the things they do. I don't think she was really on CNN. She's an occasional host. She's not a visible person on their network. I think it's just funny to bring CNN in it, the devil to Trump people. When that other network finally fired a guy who had so many claims against him and the guy running it had so many claims against him. After paying millions out too. Let's not go there.
Well, I don't think her apology was real. She knew what she was doing when she made that video. Shes is on tape saying - we're gonna have to move to Mexico when this gets out among other things.
I have to tell you - I don't condone calling for the death of anybody. And I don'[t know what you are referring too when you state that Trump was calling for that.If you could post a link I'll read it.
And yes, Griffith is not a regular on CNN. She does the New Years Eve special with Anderson Cooper. Which had a lot of viewers last year.
Let me ask you - can you imagine the outrage from the left if a conservative did this to Obama?

Apples and oranges? I would say calling for the death of teens worse than some tacky, poorly thought out, idiotic stunt by a woman I think isn't funny. You took a step forward in my eyes and two back. The point wasn't that it's too late for her. She apologized, that's the point I was making. Trump hasn't apologized and it's been decades. He took out an ad calling for the death of teens. And they were innocent. He didn't even have the decency to put out an ad apologizing or retracting. Come on. Yes she will lose sponsors. That's their right and I think she should. I think everyone should have to pay for the things they do. I don't think she was really on CNN. She's an occasional host. She's not a visible person on their network. I think it's just funny to bring CNN in it, the devil to Trump people. When that other network finally fired a guy who had so many claims against him and the guy running it had so many claims against him. After paying millions out too. Let's not go there. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Well, I don't think her apology was real. She knew what she was doing when she made that video. Shes is on tape saying - we're gonna have to move to Mexico when this gets out among other things.
I have to tell you - I don't condone calling for the death of anybody. And I don'[t know what you are referring too when you state that Trump was calling for that.If you could post a link I'll read it.
And yes, Griffith is not a regular on CNN. She does the New Years Eve special with Anderson Cooper. Which had a lot of viewers last year.
Let me ask you - can you imagine the outrage from the left if a conservative did this to Obama? Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Well I don't think a lot of things people do are genuine. I could go down the list of things that Trump has said that I could say wasn't real. And when we have him on video saying things, people give him the benefit of the doubt. So odd you are choosing now to say the video means so much.

He put out an ad saying the death penalty was needed for this black men because they allegedly raped a white woman. He never apologized for doing that. It's that simple. And people have been calling for that apology for decades and he refuses to give it. So I guess it's worse to give an apology and some people not believe it, than to make a colossal mistake and never apologize.

She does a special on New Years (one day) that gets a lot of viewers. OK. Bill O'Reilly did a show almost every night, had the highest ratings in that time slot and was having cases settled for millions. Having plenty of women come out with stories about him and nothing was done. So yeah CNN shouldn't be brought into this if you watched Fox News with all of that going on.

Let me ask you this.. Could you imagine the lack of outrage from the right when people did these things to Obama or worse, Obama's wife? Because they were doing it as recently as last year and it wasn't a lot of outrage. We've seen that. It's not a secret. And the left has denounced Kathy Griffin, which the right never really did when people did obscene things toward Obama or his wife. The left would be outraged, like the right if it were Obama. No doubt. But the difference is that Obama faced racist remarks all the time. Want a recent example:

I didn't hear people coming on here calling for the right to stand up to this type of stuff. Or is it because it's a semi-famous person doing it to Trump? Because the word from the campaign was the coastal elites where not understanding Middle America. This happened in Middle America, which apparently represents the true America.
OK that newsclip is terrible. That was just wrong.
And I agree with you - I don't think a lot of things people do are genuine too.
I just saw where Anderson Cooper denounced her video too. Maybe this awful video will bring about some change since both the left and right are willing to denounce it. I hope so.

Well I don't think a lot of things people do are genuine. I could go down the list of things that Trump has said that I could say wasn't real. And when we have him on video saying things, people give him the benefit of the doubt. So odd you are choosing now to say the video means so much.

He put out an ad saying the death penalty was needed for this black men because they allegedly raped a white woman. He never apologized for doing that. It's that simple. And people have been calling for that apology for decades and he refuses to give it. So I guess it's worse to give an apology and some people not believe it, than to make a colossal mistake and never apologize.

She does a special on New Years (one day) that gets a lot of viewers. OK. Bill O'Reilly did a show almost every night, had the highest ratings in that time slot and was having cases settled for millions. Having plenty of women come out with stories about him and nothing was done. So yeah CNN shouldn't be brought into this if you watched Fox News with all of that going on.

Let me ask you this.. Could you imagine the lack of outrage from the right when people did these things to Obama or worse, Obama's wife? Because they were doing it as recently as last year and it wasn't a lot of outrage. We've seen that. It's not a secret. And the left has denounced Kathy Griffin, which the right never really did when people did obscene things toward Obama or his wife. The left would be outraged, like the right if it were Obama. No doubt. But the difference is that Obama faced racist remarks all the time. Want a recent example:

I didn't hear people coming on here calling for the right to stand up to this type of stuff. Or is it because it's a semi-famous person doing it to Trump? Because the word from the campaign was the coastal elites where not understanding Middle America. This happened in Middle America, which apparently represents the true America. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
pussycat's Avatar
Who's whining? I definitely express my frustration with his lack of intelligence or know how.

And I'm not the role model so even if I were whining, it doesn't matter what I do.

It's been seven months and he has had historically approval ratings, he recently released a budget that overwhelmingly hurt the people who got him in office, had an error and went against things he said campaigning. Even if Congress had no intention of passing that budget, the fact that he put that out shows that he doesn't care about those coal miners and victims of opioid addiction. Oh and his son-in-law is now being looked at for trying to have backroom convos with Russia. And he knew Flynn was under investigation, and he was a pussy in front of the Saudi's. He refused to talk about to them about human rights violations (while his daughter is there pushing her "campaign" for women's rights) and he didn't talk about radical islamic terrorists. But he called out our allies for not paying their bills (ironic because he didn't do the same thing when he was stiffing hard working Americans). Did it while standing in front of a memorial. Something that many countries lost soldiers for, an attack not against them but they stepped in. Yet Trump didn't agree to hold up that Article. Our allies are now saying they can't depend on us, meaning we could lose footing as the role model of the world. And that's just all recent stuff. In the span of a week.

Yeah so much "whining" by me and others. I wonder why that is? Maybe because this is an epically bad start to a presidency. Wake me up when we start winning so much we are tired of it. Because it's looking like our president is a laughing stock to the world. No wonder he's whining all the time. What a role model huh. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
It's no crime or even misconduct to speak with the Russians. Nor is there anything wrong with being "looked at" by LE. In the end the FBI and the Special Counsel will determine that no laws were broken and that will be the end of it.

In the mean time those making money out of ginning up fear and hatred of Trump will continue exaggerating these meaningless claims.

Go on Youtube and you can see several films of former President Jimmy Carter talking about his relationship with Putin. He says he knows Putin well, and that he thinks that he can be useful and make a contribution to peace by being a channel of information between Putin and Trump!

Do you know that when John Kennedy was President that he started a secret means of contact with Soviet Premier Khurchov? They secretly exchanged letters so that their respective staffs wouldn't know what they were discussing.

So why is it when Kennedy and Jimmy Carter promote secret diplomacy with the Russians it's seen as peaceful and benevolent...

But when Trump and those around him do this it's viewed as TREASON!

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Apples and oranges? I would say calling for the death of teens worse than some tacky, poorly thought out, idiotic stunt by a woman I think isn't funny. You took a step forward in my eyes and two back. The point wasn't that it's too late for her. She apologized, that's the point I was making. Trump hasn't apologized and it's been decades. He took out an ad calling for the death of teens. And they were innocent. He didn't even have the decency to put out an ad apologizing or retracting. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Trump never waits for the truth. Hell, he doesn't even care about the truth. If he has a bias or agenda, he would try to ruin the lives of innocent people without flinching.

Despicable behavior from a dishonorable and despicable human being: Donald J. Trump.
It's no crime or even misconduct to speak with the Russians. Nor is there anything wrong with being "looked at" by LE. In the end the FBI and the Special Counsel will determine that no laws were broken and that will be the end of it.

In the mean time those making money out of ginning up fear and hatred of Trump will continue exaggerating these meaningless claims.

Go on Youtube and you can see several films of former President Jimmy Carter talking about his relationship with Putin. He says he knows Putin well, and that he thinks that he can be useful and make a contribution to peace by being a channel of information between Putin and Trump!

Do you know that when John Kennedy was President that he started a secret means of contact with Soviet Premier Khurchov? They secretly exchanged letters so that their respective staffs wouldn't know what they were discussing.

So why is it when Kennedy and Jimmy Carter promote secret diplomacy with the Russians it's seen as peaceful and benevolent...

But when Trump and those around him do this it's viewed as TREASON!

BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL HYPOCRITES, THAT'S WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by pussycat

Idk maybe because when they did it Trump wasn't the president. Remember one president at a time. Obama was the president. He had just put sanctions against the Russians when they were talking about it. And the guy they were talking to, his bank was sanctioned. And the reason it's different is that the "back channel" was just to keep the US from hearing. The Russians, a foreign government, would be free to hear the convos. Oh and before you go with the unmasking blah blah blah, this was before they knew of those allegations. So there was no need to prevent US officials from hearing and not an adversarial country. This is hypocrisy on anyone defending this part. If it were to come out that Obama did this with a country, the right would be up in arms. It's shady to prevent our country from hearing it but to allow the Russians to by going to there SCIF. Why are we even pretending this is normal or appropriate?
gfejunkie's Avatar
I just saw where Anderson Cooper denounced her video too. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Looks like her antic was too much even for the network for the unhinged, CNN...
Oh that was faster than I thought it would be. That was appropriate thing to do.

Looks like her antic was too much even for the network for the unhinged, CNN... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar
If it were to come out that Obama did this with a country Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Russia, Iran, Cuba...
Russia, Iran, Cuba... Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Wait Obama set up a back channel with those countries where the US didn't hear it but those countries did? He went to their consulates to have convos? No he didn't do that. That's the issue. Kushner was talking about going where only the Russians could hear and not our country. Come man it's not hard to see why that isn't good.
gfejunkie's Avatar
If the Russians were colluding with the Trump team during the campaign wouldn't there be "backchannels" already set up? Why wait until December?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Wait Obama set up a back channel with those countries where the US didn't hear it but those countries did? He went to their consulates to have convos? Originally Posted by Austin Dude

Why are we even pretending this is normal or appropriate? Originally Posted by Austin Dude