How many of us are left from ASPD?

ffflowerman4's Avatar
ASPD the web site, or a.s.p., and then later, a.s.p.d. the USENet forum? I was on both. And TSML.

I think that makes me a dinosaur in internet years. Or older. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I remember you!!!
craze danz's Avatar
I used to love lurking on aspd. Did so for 2,3 years up until its end... never actually registered on it.
Cunnilinguists's Avatar
Joined around the time I switched from dial up to high speed internet connection. 2002?
GaGambler's Avatar
I found the Large Canine Board first, back in maybe 2002 or 2003, TER next and ASPD shortly thereafter when I was living in Atlanta, hence the handle GaGambler.

I will confess that until recently I have not done a lot of posting on ECCIE, but I might have the most lifetime posts on TER with somewhere over 60,000 posts I am sure I have the most of any still active member of that site.

I sometimes wonder just how much more productive I could have been over the last couple of decades if I had spent the thousands of hours that I have spent running my mouth on internet fuck boards and had spent that time doing something else with that time. Ok, I don't wonder about it THAT often lol.
ShysterJon's Avatar
"I founded ASPD. And the Internet."

-Al Gore
Grace Preston's Avatar
I found the Large Canine Board first, back in maybe 2002 or 2003, TER next and ASPD shortly thereafter when I was living in Atlanta, hence the handle GaGambler.

I will confess that until recently I have not done a lot of posting on ECCIE, but I might have the most lifetime posts on TER with somewhere over 60,000 posts I am sure I have the most of any still active member of that site.

I sometimes wonder just how much more productive I could have been over the last couple of decades if I had spent the thousands of hours that I have spent running my mouth on internet fuck boards and had spent that time doing something else with that time. Ok, I don't wonder about it THAT often lol. Originally Posted by GaGambler

Haahahaha... when I saw you on another post I had wondered if you were THAT GAGambler....
Tubby 42 was
wizzbang's Avatar
Posted many reviews there, then re-posted those here when the switch was made.
GaGambler's Avatar
Haahahaha... when I saw you on another post I had wondered if you were THAT GAGambler.... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
haha, yes I am THAT GaGambler. After all, who in their right mind would want to impersonate me? lol
P411 says my account was opened in 2007. Probably about the same on ASPD, maybe a little earlier.
  • ketro
  • 05-10-2021, 02:01 PM
I was definitely active on ASPD by 2002, but I may have signed up around 2000. I would have been mostly active in Houston around that time.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Over 100 reviews on ASPD. I miss the legends, HoOter, Rebecca, Casey Carlson, DFWKitty, Jordan of Dallas, etc.

Early day mod here.

HID (21-HIF)
i was on ASPD in Houston from about 2003. Don't post much on eccie
Ronin3's Avatar
ASPD Houston with a different handle. Wasn’t as active a contributor there, as I am here. Was learning the ropes.
Yes. ASPD veteran here too. I've left and returned a couple of times from then to now.