YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

pyramider's Avatar
On number one twice.

2. Fuck the spooks. Bring me a sleeping bag, and give me a bj ... and I will sleep thru their bullshit.
On number one twice.

2. Fuck the spooks. Bring me a sleeping bag, and give me a bj ... and I will sleep thru their bullshit. Originally Posted by pyramider
Number 2 says ALONE...I'll send you a sleeping bag and a bottle of your favorite lube...
pyramider's Avatar
So you mean the spooks are going to apply the lube and make magic happen? You sure are high maintenance.
So you mean the spooks are going to apply the lube and make magic happen? You sure are high maintenance. Originally Posted by pyramider
They offer chj only if you serenade them with the theme song from "Ghost," but something tells me you've already been there and done that...
RedLeg505's Avatar
May 29, 2013

1. How often have you fallen in love?

2. Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Would you be willing to spend the night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
1. In my life? Maybe 10 times. I've fallen in LUST many more times than that

2. No. Yes...if you paid me. Or unless the haunted place was a 5 star resort hotel, then no payment needed. Why else would I stay in a dusty, cobwebbed, ratty place?
May 29, 2013

1. How often have you fallen in love?

2. Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Would you be willing to spend the night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
1. I have been infatuated with both men and women countless times in life. I have been in love maybe 5 times give or take 2-3 where the line between infatuation and love is grey and fond memories still remain.

2. Yes I believe in them. However, I feel that the positive vibes in my "aura" are what protect me from being bothered by the ones that may or may not be around me. That being said...is the ghost in the haunted house known to show ill-will towards its guests? That would be the defining variable for me. Sure, positive vibes may shield me to an extent, but I'm not one to go inviting trouble. If its a "harmless" entity, then sure...if it served a good purpose (charity, research, an act of bravery/faith for those that might look up to me).
jbravo_123's Avatar
May 29, 2013

1. How often have you fallen in love?

2. Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Would you be willing to spend the night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
1) Twice. As with all guys, I have lusted many times though.

2) Nope, so spending the night in a supposedly haunted house wouldn't bother me. Given that it's a remote location though, I'd probably want a weapon for any possible intruders though if it was warrented (ie, high crime area, etc.).

INTERMISSION: I rocked the librarian role yesterday...
May 29, 2013

3. What wedding did you object to or want to object to?

4. If you could spend one year in perfect happiness, but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do so? If not, why not?
Originally Posted by YummyMarie
May 29, 2013

1. How often have you fallen in love?

2. Do you believe in ghosts or evil spirits? Would you be willing to spend the night alone in a remote house that is supposedly haunted house?

Good questions and gave me pause to think.
1. Only once have I fallen in love and I remain in love with her to this day. I was faithful for 50 years. Now that I am widowed I want to sample all of the things I missed.

2. A haunted house can't be worse that a bunker in some damn jungle. I don't believe in ghosts.
Uncle Han's Avatar
1. I have been infatuated with both men and women countless times in life. I have been in love maybe 5 times give or take 2-3 where the line between infatuation and love is grey and fond memories still remain.
Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I certainly understand infatuations. Certainly they are very common and frequent. I am surprised you have been in love so often. To me it seems it's something much rarer.

I have a question intended to hear your opinion. It is said that women who like men and women tend to like women much better. Do you think that is true? You seem like a person who would give an honest answer even though your livelihood is about being with men.
Uncle Han's Avatar

INTERMISSION: I rocked the librarian role yesterday... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Your hair looks like you rocked a college kid in the reference section.
Your hair looks like you rocked a college kid in the reference section. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
Lol...I tried to crop it but it was too much of a hassle...I had actually just finished blow drying it...haha
Uncle Han's Avatar
I had actually just finished blow drying it...haha Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I have a question intended to hear your opinion. It is said that women who like men and women tend to like women much better. Do you think that is true? You seem like a person who would give an honest answer even though your livelihood is about being with men. Originally Posted by Uncle Han
My livelihood is based on enjoying the moment...men just more often invest in coming along for the ride. I could equally market my girl on girl skills (Tebow knows I have an oral fixation that goes both ways), however, I'm afraid my marketing would be in vain (spelling?) as women can typically get it for free.

About men v. Women. I have more often sought out men. As I have grown and become more comfortable with my bisexuality, I have enjoyed building female relationships, however I don't typically seek them. I stumble upon them and don't rush through them. I savor every moment. I don't know that it is because I enjoy the moments more, or if it is the fact that I am just now at this point in my life enjoying them. They are shiny and new perhaps? My male partners over time, may feel threatened by this ability to savor women in this way, but I know at the end of the day that I want a man by my side. I need them to provide the strength and temperance that I lack. I am a control freak who secretly hopes to depend on and trust a man to love me and care for me. When I reflect, I find that I treat women in the way that I crave to be treated. There are probably a million psychological/relationship issues that come into play for me personally, but for now, it is what it is. Whenever I fall, I fall hard...and damn it feels good...