NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
Wow, big story going around that Rick Smith has about had it with BoB and that if the Texans lose on Saturday that BoB is gone and if they happen to win this Saturday and then get blown out the following Saturday he will be gone then. Both 610 and 790 talking about this a LOT.
Fishpie's Avatar
Media speculation just stirring up the pot. If anything they need to focus on firing Smith before BoB.
Fire Rick!!!
Watch out for them gotdamn Giants! They may not do shit right all the time but they can do shit at the RIGHT time! Originally Posted by kerwil62
How many (Giants) starters remain from that 2011 team (ie: beat the Pats Feb 2012) in the Super Bowl? I mean, other than Mouth-Breather Manning and (does Victor Cruz start or not...?)

Otherwise...this is kinda a whole new group of dudes that have never done jack shit.....'cept party with Beiber in Miami the week of their first playoff game. Wonder if that was the RIGHT time!....guess we'll find out soon enuff....
jstone420's Avatar
They beat the cowgirl's twice sir .
Solemate62's Avatar
They beat the cowgirl's twice sir . Originally Posted by jstone420
Not to mention that twice in the past decade,the Giants beat Green Bay in their stadium in January then twice beat the Pats for the whole thing in early February!
They beat the cowgirl's twice sir . Originally Posted by jstone420
Sure...they did, didn't they? Well, it's playoff time we'll see if / how that helps them in this post-season, hmmm?

For the record, the Giants will get ZERO playoff games at home (where they were 7-1). Being the 5th seed, it's unlikely they'd be the hosts for the NFC Championship (it could only be the #6 seeded Detroit should both make it that far.)

The Giants were a mediocre 4-4 on the road this year (losing to the Vikes...the Pack...the Steelers...and the Iggles).
They could beat the Pack in Lambeau this weekend; it's possible....Green Bay's secondary is a M*A*S*H unit right now. That said, they'd get that 3rd shot at Dallas....guess we'll see should that occur, hmmm?
cabletex7's Avatar
People faulting the GM are probably the same people who were screaming for the Texans to draft Vince Young and Johnny Manziel. With the exception of Brock, Rick put together a decent team; on both sides. The overall poor performance of the Texans is on the Coach.
Fishpie's Avatar
Sure...they did, didn't they? Well, it's playoff time we'll see if / how that helps them in this post-season, hmmm?

For the record, the Giants will get ZERO playoff games at home (where they were 7-1). Being the 5th seed, it's unlikely they'd be the hosts for the NFC Championship (it could only be the #6 seeded Detroit should both make it that far.)

The Giants were a mediocre 4-4 on the road this year (losing to the Vikes...the Pack...the Steelers...and the Iggles).
They could beat the Pack in Lambeau this weekend; it's possible....Green Bay's secondary is a M*A*S*H unit right now. That said, they'd get that 3rd shot at Dallas....guess we'll see should that occur, hmmm? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Giants might not be the poster team of winners but when they win they tend to win where nobody else does and has the whole nation basically looking like this

People faulting the GM are probably the same people who were screaming for the Texans to draft Vince Young and Johnny Manziel. With the exception of Brock, Rick put together a decent team; on both sides. The overall poor performance of the Texans is on the Coach. Originally Posted by cabletex7
You can WK for Smith all you want but Smith is just picking players. He's not coaching them or anything. Lots of talent in FA that the front office tends to pass on. They rather look for a diamond in the rough for cheap by drafting them or signing them as undrafted. This all goes back to Houston being a development league city.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Fire Rick!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Should have happened a number of seasons ago already.

People faulting the GM are probably the same people who were screaming for the Texans to draft Vince Young and Johnny Manziel. With the exception of Brock, Rick put together a decent team; on both sides. The overall poor performance of the Texans is on the Coach. Originally Posted by cabletex7
And just who would have picked out the coach?
BigLouie's Avatar
Heard a bit more on the Rick Smith thing. Seems that BoB did not want Brock which is probably why no one meet with him before signing. The story is being talked about at more web sites so there must be something to the story because everyone probably checked around to see if there was something there
Solemate62's Avatar
Old but apt adage: I believe half of what I see and none of what I hear! Or, long ago Pirates baseball player Willie Stargell had this to say when a reporter questioned him about some rumor involving Willie - "Rumors are like butts, everyone has one to spread!"
Super Head 713's Avatar
Bump lolz .. What about those texans?
kerwil62's Avatar
Texans defense stepped up and did what it needed to do to win. And Brock actually played pretty well. Now they have to wait see who wins the Dolphins/Steelers game.

As Fishpie said, Dolphins win, Texans go to KC. Steelers win(which I predict), Texans go to NE.

The NFC is already set. Seahawks beat the Lions and will go to ATL next week. The winner if the Packers/Giants game will face the Cowboys.
bambino's Avatar
Old but apt adage: I believe half of what I see and none of what I hear! Or, long ago Pirates baseball player Willie Stargell had this to say when a reporter questioned him about some rumor involving Willie - "Rumors are like butts, everyone has one to spread!" Originally Posted by Solemate62
Pops was the best. Great player.