Assholes's Speech

If the Russians were colluding with the Trump team during the campaign wouldn't there be "backchannels" already set up? Why wait until December? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Well that's popular talking point now.

1) That would assume that Kushner knew others were talking with the Russians. The investigation is into the campaign. No one has said the whole campaign as a whole was colluding. So it's possible that while say Manafort was working with the Russians, Kushner didn't know and was looking for his own.

2) In order for them to discuss high level intel, they would need to use a SCIF. You can't just do the same "back channel" conversations.

Trump people just refuse to believe that anything could be shady. IC officials have said that this isn't a back channel. The former head of the CIA has said that this isn't a back channel. But I guess you know more than him.
Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Again, did he plan on going to the Russian embassy to use their SCIF? And at the time he said this, was Bush the president? And had Bush just sanctioned the Russians for interfering in an election? And was his plan to do something to prevent the US from knowing what was said? It's not the same. You can pretend it is all you want. But they were trying to set up a way that US officials couldn't hear what they said but it was ok that Russian officials could. That's not a back channel and that's not what Obama was doing. You're fake news.
gfejunkie's Avatar
But I guess you know more than him. Originally Posted by Austin Dude

No. I just don't have TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).
gfejunkie's Avatar
This whole Russia thing is beginning to unravel anyway. Why don't the dimretards want Carter Page's testimony?


This whole Russia thing is beginning to unravel anyway. Why don't the dimretards want Carter Page's testimony?


Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Yeah it's unraveling. It looks like it's picking up. More subpoenas.

I thought Trump didn't know Carter Page and he wasn't really part of the campaign? So how can he either confirm or deny anything? He's meaningless unless we are now to believe that he was a key person who could give information to clear the campaign.

You can keep wishful thinking up, it won't make the investigation or its legitimacy disappear. This will continue to hang over this presidency for awhile.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I hope it does. The dimretards and the lamestream media just keep digging their own graves deeper and deeper.

Get this - Kathy Griffith also took a shot at the First Lady by wearing a blouse in the pic that was termed - "the pussy bow blouse." Now I did not catch that a news commentator did. Well,The backlash has started on her. Two casinos just cancelled her shows. Grrrrrrrrr, this makes me so damn mad
Get this - Kathy Griffith also took a shot at the First Lady by wearing a blouse in the pic that was termed - "the pussy bow blouse." Now I did not catch that a news commentator did. Well,The backlash has started on her. Two casinos just cancelled her shows. Grrrrrrrrr, this makes me so damn mad Originally Posted by Austin Ellen

Makes you so damn mad. About as mad as this mad me:
Yep, I agree. It's a shame people have to act like that.

Makes you so damn mad. About as mad as this mad me: Originally Posted by Austin Dude
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Get this - Kathy Griffith also took a shot at the First Lady by wearing a blouse in the pic that was termed - "the pussy bow blouse." Now I did not catch that a news commentator did. Well,The backlash has started on her. Two casinos just cancelled her shows. Grrrrrrrrr, this makes me so damn mad Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Awwww, Madam "I love Donald, he's just Politically Correct!!!!" She, who defended the guy who bragged he was great friends with a convicted organizer high level pedophile sex ring, the guy who bragged about walking in on under-age beauty contestants "because he can", the Great Pussygrabber himself, the guy who could shoot anyone on 5th Ave and nothing would happen to him, Madam, please. Now you come here to whinge about the treatment of these two high rise living assholes who don't give a fuck about you and would likely find your very person repugnant were they ever to meet you.

I loathe all politicians. Dumbicrats and Repulikkkans alike. They should be tarred and feathered and put in the stocks to suffer the elements and bugs and the taunts of the crowd and take rotten tomatoes and cabbages to the face, and that would still be too good for these theiving corporate cock sucking Luciferian fucks.

We get to burn politicians in effigy, we get to draw cartoons of Mohammed jacking off, we get to photoshop Jesus screwing a hooker, we can burn the flag and wipe our asses with the Constitution. Nothing, I mean nothing is so sacrosanct in this country as to be above contempt and ridicule. And that Idiotic Orange Affront is not an exception. Roasting the venerable is a most American virtue. Don't like it? Stop being such a "politically correct snowflake" aka" that which your previously proclaimed to hate until it became inconvenient for you".

The dumbest thing Kathy did was not in distributing that photo, it was apologizing for it. She made no real threat to kill him, it was just a fucking image. It is the job of artists, musicians, poets, writers and comedians to reflect their times and culture and mock and deride it at every turn. It is their job to do so. Trump deserves every bit of this and more. They all do.
Little Monster's Avatar
It's no crime or even misconduct to speak with the Russians. Nor is there anything wrong with being "looked at" by LE. In the end the FBI and the Special Counsel will determine that no laws were broken and that will be the end of it.

You're right talking to Russia is not a crime itself. However Lying to the US government under oath when asked about it IS a fucking crime, and a federal crime at that. You and the rest of the Asshole supporters seem to be ignoring that fact, which makes you people IGNORant. Committing perjury is what has landed Flynn, Sessions, some other dumb fuck, and now his own son in law in hot water. All of those dumb asses are guilty of lying to the government, it is all on record, that is a FACT.

In the mean time those making money out of ginning up fear and hatred of Trump will continue exaggerating these meaningless claims.

can you please provide proof from a LEGIT source of this asinine claim. Breitbart & Fox News don't coun't, nor does any other ultra right news outlet.

Go on Youtube and you can see several films of former President Jimmy Carter talking about his relationship with Putin. He says he knows Putin well, and that he thinks that he can be useful and make a contribution to peace by being a channel of information between Putin and Trump!

What in the fuck does this shit have to do with Asshole's entire administration committing perjury??

Do you know that when John Kennedy was President that he started a secret means of contact with Soviet Premier Khurchov? They secretly exchanged letters so that their respective staffs wouldn't know what they were discussing.

What in the fuck does this shit have to do with Asshole's entire administration committing perjury??

So why is it when Kennedy and Jimmy Carter promote secret diplomacy with the Russians it's seen as peaceful and benevolent...

But when Trump and those around him do this it's viewed as TREASON!

BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL HYPOCRITES, THAT'S WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by pussycat

This has got to be one of the most moronic, asinine, futile arguments posted in this forum yet, and that is saying a lot!!
Pointing fingers at someone else every time you or a member of your administration gets busted committing a federal offense will not hold up in court.

Screeching "Fake News" every time Asshole gets called out on his bullshit is not going to hold any water. First off the only ones who buy into that crock of shit are his dumb ass supporters, and second it's only making the people who are investigating his ass wonder what the fuck it is he's hiding.

November 2018 can't come soon enough, Retardlicans are gonna get their sorry asses blown the fuck out of the water. Anyone wanna take bets???
Little Monster's Avatar

The Secret Service is on it.

If you think this shit's funny you're beyond sick. Trump derangement syndrome is out of control.
Originally Posted by gfejunkie

GOOD!!! FUCKING GOOD!! I'm glad this beautiful woman posted that pic. I wish I could make love to her tonight!!
She only illustrated what many of us wishes will happen!!
May Freya bless that beautiful woman for all eternity!!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Hey LM, I've been looking for someone to photoshop my face onto a Chest Burster erupting out of the Sweet Potato Saddam's thorax. Know anyone who can do that for me??? lol
Miss Valentina's Avatar
May Odin and Freyja have you backstroking in artesian pools of the finest pussy juice till the End of Days my beloved.
Wow-perhaps you would be happier in another country.

Awwww, Madam "I love Donald, he's just Politically Correct!!!!" She, who defended the guy who bragged he was great friends with a convicted organizer high level pedophile sex ring, the guy who bragged about walking in on under-age beauty contestants "because he can", the Great Pussygrabber himself, the guy who could shoot anyone on 5th Ave and nothing would happen to him, Madam, please. Now you come here to whinge about the treatment of these two high rise living assholes who don't give a fuck about you and would likely find your very person repugnant were they ever to meet you.

I loathe all politicians. Dumbicrats and Repulikkkans alike. They should be tarred and feathered and put in the stocks to suffer the elements and bugs and the taunts of the crowd and take rotten tomatoes and cabbages to the face, and that would still be too good for these theiving corporate cock sucking Luciferian fucks.

We get to burn politicians in effigy, we get to draw cartoons of Mohammed jacking off, we get to photoshop Jesus screwing a hooker, we can burn the flag and wipe our asses with the Constitution. Nothing, I mean nothing is so sacrosanct in this country as to be above contempt and ridicule. And that Idiotic Orange Affront is not an exception. Roasting the venerable is a most American virtue. Don't like it? Stop being such a "politically correct snowflake" aka" that which your previously proclaimed to hate until it became inconvenient for you".

The dumbest thing Kathy did was not in distributing that photo, it was apologizing for it. She made no real threat to kill him, it was just a fucking image. It is the job of artists, musicians, poets, writers and comedians to reflect their times and culture and mock and deride it at every turn. It is their job to do so. Trump deserves every bit of this and more. They all do. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina