Clesed Thread Repository

DDarkness's Avatar
Threads get closed when the OP requests ... especially when they are off the rails

annie@christophers's Avatar
Ok . I apologize.
Better? Lol
Threads get closed when.....

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
But but but but.... you clEsed it.....
This one is from Albanistan… but awesome... especially postr #12:

Sweet & Innocent (& Autistic)
Plastic Man's Avatar
plastic man of ...attention evens in places he ...done never beens
You should visit there and bask in the accolades....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Threads get closed when the OP requests ... especially when they are off the rails

DD Originally Posted by DDarkness
things really have changed
things really have changed Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Not always for the best....
DD busy last night.....

Hi Buffalo!


Encounter: Fun with Andrea Davis and the "Mrs"

To that I say....

Encounter: A rare, young, petite treat in Buffalo Asian roulette


The Kimchee Klesure….

I just don't get how Kimchee is Klesure worthy....
Splain it to us DD..... sounds more like something a fuckin genius would screw up....

Carlos Danger's Avatar
The "VID"

I'm a little surprised the comments in posts 5 & 6 were not edited during the clesure....

I feel it's always unfair to burden a newborn child with a mangy whore as it's mother. The chance that the child itself is sucking cock and getting cornholed for peanuts itself in it's adult life are disturbingly likely.
I guess some folks are too irresponsible to see two feet past the nose on his, or her, or (most likely) it's, face.
but I'm not real big on keeping up with possible guideline adjustments.....
Next Best Thing's Avatar
They're just mother jokes.

put the final nail in the coffin
Plastic Man's Avatar
guys donts shy bouts contactin ...plastic man ...fer that link ta the vid