How many of us are left from ASPD?

I probably lurked ASPD for a couple of years, just to read the discussions once a month before I decided to register an account...I never actually signed up for ECCIE, my account just got migrated somehow..
Danger Mouse's Avatar
Old ASPDer here as well...joined around 2000 based out of Austin (well, not really that old since I joined in my mid-20's). Changed my handle, though, somewhere along the way. Attended plenty of ASPD parties in Houston, SA, and Austin back in the day. Pretty much a lone wolf these days; not really all that active even pre-COVID. This morning I was thinking about a couple of friends that have long since passed on from ASPD. RIP, my friends.
I was there,
uncle buck 50's Avatar
Can’t believe this post is still alive... or that I am, for that matter.

I think I got here about 2003 or so with aspd.
TryWeakly's Avatar