Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

You're the one eating shit sandwiches, drip-shit. You're so drunk on shit sandwiches that you posted an article that destroys your dim-retard lie about what Trump was attempting to do in Ukraine.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He's been eating them since Nov 2016! With extra awesome sauce.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Senate beginning preparations for an impeachment trial

While senators await the House of Representatives to move into the public phase of their impeachment inquiry, aides and members are beginning to prepare for a likely Senate trial.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are cautious: there are no articles of impeachment and the House hasn't voted to impeach the President. But, the logistical undertaking of a Senate impeachment trial isn't an easy lift and can't snap into action overnight leading to conversations that have begun in even small ways.

Talks are underway between Senate aides and even Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts' team over simple things like where Roberts' office will be during the trial, one Senate aide told CNN. The last time the Senate did this was the 1990s for the trial of then-President Bill Clinton, when staffers didn't all need their own computers and the chief justice was housed just off the Senate floor in the Senate president's room.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Sondland changes testimony, admits to quid pro quo with Ukraine

United States Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland walked back his previous claim that there was no quid pro quo agreement between the United States and Ukraine.

Sondland acknowledged in his revised testimony that President Trump withheld U.S. military aid to Ukraine in order to force the Ukrainians into launching an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. He also requested that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky look into a CrowdStrike conspiracy theory and any Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

But, but, but the transcript
Jaxson66's Avatar
You're the one eating shit sandwiches, drip-shit. You're so drunk on shit sandwiches that you posted an article that destroys your dim-retard lie about what Trump was attempting to do in Ukraine.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sondland changes testimony, admits to quid pro quo with Ukraine

United States Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland walked back his previous claim that there was no quid pro quo agreement between the United States and Ukraine.

Sondland acknowledged in his revised testimony that President Trump withheld U.S. military aid to Ukraine in order to force the Ukrainians into launching an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. He also requested that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky look into a CrowdStrike conspiracy theory and any Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

But, but, but the transcript
Jaxson66's Avatar
He's been eating them since Nov 2016! With extra awesome sauce. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Sondland changes testimony, admits to quid pro quo with Ukraine

United States Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland walked back his previous claim that there was no quid pro quo agreement between the United States and Ukraine.

Sondland acknowledged in his revised testimony that President Trump withheld U.S. military aid to Ukraine in order to force the Ukrainians into launching an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. He also requested that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky look into a CrowdStrike conspiracy theory and any Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

But, but, but the transcript
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sondland changes testimony, admits to quid pro quo with Ukraine

United States Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland walked back his previous claim that there was no quid pro quo agreement between the United States and Ukraine.

Sondland acknowledged in his revised testimony that President Trump withheld U.S. military aid to Ukraine in order to force the Ukrainians into launching an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. He also requested that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky look into a CrowdStrike conspiracy theory and any Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

But, but, but the transcript .
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
A queer whine with weak sauce is all you've got.

1. Sondland "presumed" the aid was attached to a public denouncement, by Ukraine, of corruption. He was not told that was a case. He assumed it was.

2. Sondland further admits that his assumption was that the aid was tied to an open and frank "denouncement of corruption" and not for any dirt on Biden, or Burisma.

3. Sondland admits that this is all based on his "feelings" and not any direct knowledge of facts.

Chung Tran's Avatar
from what I hear, the Senate is not expected to bring any impeachment to a vote.. McConnell will refuse to consider, like he has with the scores of House bills passed this session.
  • oeb11
  • 11-05-2019, 07:20 PM
If the house votes for impeachment and a Senate trial ( I think unlikely - Pelosi does not want a trial) the Republicans run the rules - and may treat the DPST's with a dose of their own medicine.

They will have subpoena rights and can call Schiff and nadler on carpet under oath, and also look at other aspects.

DPST's are justifiably terrified of that - I do not see Pelosi permitting a vote to start a Senate trial.
Chung Tran's Avatar
If the house votes for impeachment and a Senate trial ( I think unlikely - Pelosi does not want a trial) the Republicans run the rules - and may treat the DPST's with a dose of their own medicine.

They will have subpoena rights and can call Schiff and nadler on carpet under oath, and also look at other aspects.

DPST's are justifiably terrified of that - I do not see Pelosi permitting a vote to start a Senate trial. Originally Posted by oeb11
I don't know.. but I don't think a vote is set in stone. I think it would "win", but at what price? the Republicans could spin it, successfully, as "they tried to destroy Trump, and failed", and coming off, say, Kavanaugh, when they tried the same kind of tactic, only worse, the Dems would be better off to string things along, leak here and there, and ultimately not impeach.. not even vote. to what end? maybe Pelosi can release all the dirt possible, then announce no vote, because the system is rigged? might not do any good, but it beats voting and going no where.
Jaxson66's Avatar
A queer whine with weak sauce is all you've got.

1. Sondland "presumed" the aid was attached to a public denouncement, by Ukraine, of corruption. He was not told that was a case. He assumed it was.

2. Sondland further admits that his assumption was that the aid was tied to an open and frank "denouncement of corruption" and not for any dirt on Biden, or Burisma.

3. Sondland admits that this is all based on his "feelings" and not any direct knowledge of facts.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yeah, so says Hannity the sewer rat propagandist. But the truth continues to be exposed daily and the polls are going to move towards impeachment and removal. The Senate better get up off their knees or they will lose their cushy job and perks. Moron.

Sondland's new testimony, which was included in the public release of his closed-door deposition transcript on Tuesday, adds to Democrats' evidence that the President connected the freezing of US security aid to Ukraine to investigations into Biden as well as the hacking of the Democratic National Committee's servers during the 2016 election, which cuts to the heart of their impeachment case against Trump. The committees have now heard from several witnesses, including top US diplomat in Ukraine Bill Taylor and National Security Council aide Tim Morrison, who have testified that Ukraine opening such investigations was linked to $400 million in US security aid and a one-on-one meeting between Trump and Zelensky.
Jaxson66's Avatar
If the house votes for impeachment and a Senate trial ( I think unlikely - Pelosi does not want a trial) the Republicans run the rules - and may treat the DPST's with a dose of their own medicine.

They will have subpoena rights and can call Schiff and nadler on carpet under oath, and also look at other aspects.

DPST's are justifiably terrified of that - I do not see Pelosi permitting a vote to start a Senate trial. Originally Posted by oeb11
Terrified of what? The truth? Its the trump party that’s terrified of the truth.

McConell hasn’t got shit to work with, their will be a vote in the Senate. The sycophants may let the fat lying bastard continue to squat in the Oval Office but they will pay in 2020.

Dems won a governorship in Kentucky tonight
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Terrified of what? The truth? Its the trump party that’s terrified of the truth.

McConell hasn’t got shit to work with, their will be a vote in the Senate. The sycophants may let the fat lying bastard continue to squat in the Oval Office but they will pay in 2020.

Dems won a governorship in Kentucky tonight Originally Posted by Jaxson66

no so fast, sparky!

Kentucky governor race too close to call; Dems flip Virginia

"The Kentucky governor's race remained too close to call late Tuesday, with Democratic challenger Andy Beshear threatening to oust Republican Gov. Matt Bevin a day after President Donald Trump came to the state in a last-ditch effort to save the embattled incumbent."

let's see how the dust settles in the morning, sparky.
Sondland changes testimony, admits to quid pro quo with Ukraine

United States Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland walked back his previous claim that there was no quid pro quo agreement between the United States and Ukraine.

Sondland acknowledged in his revised testimony that President Trump withheld U.S. military aid to Ukraine in order to force the Ukrainians into launching an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. He also requested that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky look into a CrowdStrike conspiracy theory and any Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.

But, but, but the transcript
. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're just stating hear say nonsense. Biden has committed Federal Crimes. One in particular is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: (15 USC 17dd-1) Which States, "It is illegal for a United States Citizen to coerce or influence, through bribery or extortion a Foreign Nation into taking action that might financially benefit that person, his/her family or business". Biden openly admitted to withholding promised money to the Ukrainian Government unless they fired a criminal prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings in which his son Hunter was affiliated with. There is also Federal Bribery Statute (18USC201(b)),Gratuities Statute (18USC201(C)) and the Hobbs Extortion Act (18USC 1951)" A threat to a Foreign Official in order to obtain an official benefit affecting interstate or foreign commerce constitutes extortion under the Hobbs Act. This is the real Quid pro quo committed by Joe Biden when he was Vice President.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yeah, so says Hannity the sewer rat propagandist. But the truth continues to be exposed daily and the polls are going to move towards impeachment and removal. The Senate better get up off their knees or they will lose their cushy job and perks. Moron.

Sondland's new testimony, which was included in the public release of his closed-door deposition transcript on Tuesday, adds to Democrats' evidence that the President connected the freezing of US security aid to Ukraine to investigations into Biden as well as the hacking of the Democratic National Committee's servers during the 2016 election, which cuts to the heart of their impeachment case against Trump. The committees have now heard from several witnesses, including top US diplomat in Ukraine Bill Taylor and National Security Council aide Tim Morrison, who have testified that Ukraine opening such investigations was linked to $400 million in US security aid and a one-on-one meeting between Trump and Zelensky.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
No, it wasn't Hannity. It was Sondland's words as any intelligent and sentient person can see. Investigating the 2016 crimes is entirely Constitutional and within the purview of the President. You' got nothing but whine and weak sauce.
Chung Tran's Avatar
no so fast, sparky!

Kentucky governor race too close to call; Dems flip Virginia

"The Kentucky governor's race remained too close to call late Tuesday, with Democratic challenger Andy Beshear threatening to oust Republican Gov. Matt Bevin a day after President Donald Trump came to the state in a last-ditch effort to save the embattled incumbent."

let's see how the dust settles in the morning, sparky. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Ha! you quote the Loser himself, even as FOX and other right-leaning pundits all conceded last night.