Tucker Carlson reports

Precious_b's Avatar
then you do know his name but don't watch him. neither do i. he's an uber liberal asshole.

tucker makes fun of him regularly. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You already knew that since i've told you twice.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You already knew that since i've told you twice. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Luthor is not Wiki. But I can understand the confusion.


Lex outed himself telling me it was uncouth for me to reveal personal information. I was just pressuring.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You already knew that since i've told you twice. Originally Posted by Precious_b

well you did double post your own post. so i guess that's "telling me twice"
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
tonight's episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight can't be posted on this website because while Tucker launches an epic take-down of the fettersloth he then mentions a certain then underage climate activist.

we'll just have to make do with this ....


thank you valued posters.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Carlson doesn't report. He opines.
HedonistForever's Avatar
He reports on topics the Left and MSM won't touch because it damages the Democrat party..... and then he opines just like virtually every "journalist" in this country now does. There are no more Cronkite's. Each will have to decide whether that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Just one of many examples, Tucker was reporting on Hunter's laptop while Twitter and Facebook had the FBI "warning" them to stay away from the story. All the proof that anybody needs to understand this issue.

I'm not saying anybody "has to conclude" what Tucker concludes but as in the Bobulinski story, we have people on the left admitting that they have never even heard the evidence for themselves and simply relies on "analysis" of others, which is fine if you are getting both sides of the story. When you only get one and "refuse" to even hear a counter narrative, well, that's on you.

I heard both sides of this story. I heard Tucker interview Bobulinki in person. He didn't just give us his opinion of what Bobulinski was saying and then I heard the other side of the story, "it's all BS" is the best they could do.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
once again Tucker Carlson Tonight can't be posted on an "adult" website due his epic take down of gender reaffirmation bullshit so we'll have to make due with Candice Owens exposing BLM for the fraud they are.

thank you valued posters.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Candace Owens for Vice President
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
time once again for his GOATNESS Tucker to expose the pomposity of the radical left ..

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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar