Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

Dorian Gray's Avatar
No...the following words must be included for you to remain on topic:

Tuesday Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Was ist Aboriginee Mittwoch?
[What about Aboriginee Wednesdays?]
Victoriajolie's Avatar
DM has many more miles on the chain gang Originally Posted by dearhunter
Funny thancks !
Jaci's Avatar
  • Jaci
  • 05-25-2016, 01:06 PM
Damn this S%#! still going on?
Damn this S%#! still going on?
Jaci Originally Posted by Jaci
Yes, it is. DM rocks.
Was ist Aboriginee Mittwoch?
[What about Aboriginee Wednesdays?] Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

Warten fur Ihr Sonderangebot auf Glas dieser kommende November, Fraulein.
KittyLamour's Avatar

Warten fur Ihr Sonderangebot auf Glas dieser kommende November, Fraulein. Originally Posted by andymarksman
Wait for your special offer on glass this coming November , Miss .

Just what are you insinuating?

Now that is completely offensive. I'm not a Dorthy fan, but if her remarks were considered racist... what you just posted is BLATANTLY RACIST and fyi there is NOTHING FUNNY about Kristallnacht or the Nazi regime.
If you are smart enough to realize what he actually meant by "Was ist Aboriginee Mittwoch," then you'll understand why my response is absolutely justified.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Oh trust and believe I'm smart enough... but never low enough to justify making fun of something as shameful and horrifying as the holocaust. Would you have posted that if it was a member of your family that suffered that nightmare? Your little video said 51,000 people died the night of Kristallnacht.

Dorian's post was no more distasteful than the Cuban Tuesday comments. I'm Cubana I can say that, because if anyone would be offended by the Cuban Tuesday comments it would be me and I was not. Your post made me physically ill. I am a huge history buff and maybe it's all the things I know about WWII that make it so repulsive to me. I doubt it though. It is repulsive to anyone with a sense of decency, right and wrong and human compassion.

Fair is fair... Dorothy was banned from the points she accumulated from her "racist" comments... Dorthy's comments are vanilla next to yours and I certainly hope that you were pointed accordingly.
The lovely Miss Dorthy Monroe have nothing to do with the Nazis. And her comment wasn't racist. Not one wee bit.
FunInDFW's Avatar
KittyLamour's Avatar
The lovely Miss Dorthy Monroe have nothing to do with the Nazis. And her comment wasn't racist. Not one wee bit. Originally Posted by armature
I never said she did and I just said the Cuban comments did not offend me. What I did say is this:"Your Post DID Offend Me". Get it right.
Your little video said 51,000 people died the night of Kristallnacht. Originally Posted by KittyLamour

What a pathetic liar!
Dorian's post was no more distasteful than the Cuban Tuesday comments. I'm Cubana I can say that, because if anyone would be offended by the Cuban Tuesday comments it would be me and I was not. Originally Posted by KittyLamour

You just demonstrated you are merely an ignorant racist.
KittyLamour's Avatar
What a pathetic liar! Originally Posted by andymarksman
Me or history?

You just demonstrated you are merely an ignorant racist. Originally Posted by andymarksman
Racist? Who is the racist? You with your horrendous Nazi commentaries you display like it's something to snicker at or me for calling you out for it?

Dorian did not display a video commentary to go along with his statement, so it appeared as harmless as the Cuban Tuesday posts. If what you are implying is actually the statement he was making then that would be wrong as well. I've met Dorian though in person and i seriously doubt that he would be making a racist statement about a persecuted minority race of people a joke like you did so blatantly.

I am not going to stoop to your level and continue to argue with you. What you posted and the manner in which you did so was disrespectful and unacceptable period. There are members of this forum you owe a huge apology to and continuing to deny it only makes it worse.

Que verguenza.
KittyLamour's Avatar
I am speaking of fairness. Dorthy's comments were deemed unacceptable and she was pointed and subsequently banned.

Why is he getting away with it?

Questioning my ethnicity inappropriately is a whole lot less offensive than making light of human persecution on a mass scale.

"Andymarksman, it's real easy to pick up shit and throw it. The hard part is washing it off your hands."