NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

BigLouie's Avatar
Teflon Rick should be fired tomorrow because the Texans just got beat by the QB they passed on so they could take a lineman they will probably release next year. Texans will probably finish 5-11 but the clueless owner will keep him around because so many are hurt. Truth is team is terrible due to poor drafting
kerwil62's Avatar
Teflon Rick should be fired tomorrow because the Texans just got beat by the QB they passed on so they could take a lineman they will probably release next year. Texans will probably finish 5-11 but the clueless owner will keep him around because so many are hurt. Truth is team is terrible due to poor drafting Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yep, 5-11 is about right.The Colts are the only team they have a possibility of beating.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I believe there is s good chance that BoB is gone at end of year. Originally Posted by BigLouie
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 12-17-2017, 08:18 AM
My four reasons to watch the Texans game, as difficult as it is to do, today:

1. Watch Clowney on defense. The one-man show.
2. Watch Hopkins to see how bad of a pass from T.J. Yates he can catch. Maybe he will catch one behind his back today!
3.See T.J.Yates scramble for his life against the Jaguars' pass rush.
4. Can the Texans actually get their running game going?
A new reason to fire BOB. 42 seconds left in the half, Texans ball. Two running plays and end the half 24-0.

But no, throw another pick and end the half 31-0. The man takes a badly beat up team and makes them worse.
BigLouie's Avatar
Yes that first half marked the end. Will Rick get to stick aground, i think..
  • UH
  • 12-17-2017, 04:04 PM
who cares, most of these sport team was built on stolen money, that come with a package of hotel and hooker to fucx ...
Rick can't be fired - he just signed a new extension. What a bunch of dumbfucks. Just stop going to the game. Better yet, you stupid PSL owners return the season ticket. Just mail the tickets from the games. I guarantee you if the front office received 10K tickets this week they'd panic.
Kudo's to Sean Pendergast in the Houston Press writing an article about why Rick Smith should be fired!!! Good Read.

Fire Rick, Fire Rick, Fire Rick, or at least kick him up stairs and give him a new title VP in charge of Socks!!! Fucker needs to GOOOOOOO!!!
Oralist's Avatar
I am amazed that the Steelers are only favored by 10.
spear89's Avatar
Hey guys,
Yes Rick Smith sucks, Yes BOB's clock management sucks. BUT: There is no coaching staff that could have had any success with the amount and severity of the injuries they had this year. Not even Belichek .

Next year they will have to address O line and secondary, and get a competent back up QB. But with all of the guys coming back from injury they should be very competitive.

I know it sucks losing an entire year but they still have the core of a good solid team.
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 12-23-2017, 08:13 AM
In my opinion, I think they need to use those three third round picks to attempt to fix the offensive line and defensive secondary.

I also think they should consider trading next years second round pick in order to move up in this years draft to fix the offensive line and defensive secondary.

I think that it the Texans should think about drafting a Q. B. and allow Watson to groom a backup quarterback much like Brett Farve groomed Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers. We all know how well that worked out. The rest of that story is history!

I'm not talking about BoB grooming a Q.B., I'm talking about Watson grooming a Q.B.
RyanFromTER's Avatar
How are you going to have what is basically still a rookie QB groom his backup?
nu2's Avatar
  • nu2
  • 12-23-2017, 01:27 PM
BoB has a hard enough time calling good plays all the time. Watson is an extremely talented person and, from what I hear a very bright guy. He has shown that he can accept responsibility very quickly and is a leader on the Texan's offense.

BoB tried to groom Savage. We all know how that is working out. By delegating the grooming of a rookie Q.B. to an very bight, young man that is one less thing the coach has to do.

Sure, both quarterbacks will be learning together. But I think that would result in a better quarterback situation than what we have now. I think the Texans need to involve Watson in the decision making process of the selection of the next quarterback. Give him somebody he can work with. Give him somebody who will be capable of eventually leading the team if he gets hurt.

BoB has earned my respect by developing plays for Watson to succeed in, for example, a Clemson 2.0 offense.

Let BoB develop the playbook for the Texans' next rookie quarterback. Let Watson help the next rookie quarterback succeed.