The Bills : )

lilylivered's Avatar
Gonna be Florida weather unfortunately.
80 they say at kickoff
obnoxiousram's Avatar
Squish the fish! Go Bills!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The Vegas odds are bouncing every which way including loose.
winn dixie's Avatar
Saw a current odds Vegas line to go to superbowl. Bills at 5th best. Feels about right for now to be honest
lilylivered's Avatar
Got to prove yourself every year
Good game tomorrow
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
ECG fired up the 1st Ace Ventura movie while waiting for coffee this morning.
lilylivered's Avatar
Squish the fish!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Stealers getting pummeled by the Texans. That's same as getting beat by broncos. Snick
offshoredrilling's Avatar
it looks as Jill's ... ops Bills will be having fish for dinner
lilylivered's Avatar
Looks like....
Lol @ superbowl you mean super toilet bowl????
lilylivered's Avatar
Lol @ superbowl you mean super toilet bowl???? Originally Posted by BOSSVPLOW
Dolphin fan....
winn dixie's Avatar
Nope just someone who has seen many bills games turn into crap games when they need to win
Plastic Man's Avatar
they threws ...a jimmie ball

...yas justs gots ...older