The Mueller report

I know the Freedom caucus ( Russian Sympathizers) will be spewing the lies of the trump party about deep state conspiracy bullshit they serve to the party each and every day. Mueller is going to be testifying about facts not fantasy’s about Obama and Hillary. The Russian sympathizers will get their asses handed to them by Mueller. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Like another poster, keep on dreaming.

Mueller already said his "testimony" in any future events would be the report. The report did not conclusively define any crimes. He's simply playing partisan politics and continued baiting. He's not handing anyone their asses, and likely will look foolish when asked about some of things he excluded from his report.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And it will part of the Congressional record.

And more bricks will hit the bathroom floor.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Smdh! AG Barr is a political appointee of a sitting President that has presented reasonable suspicion of a crime discovered during an independent investigation of a hostile foreign nation's cyberattack on the US. Both AG Barr and 45 have mislead the public according to the principal author of the findings of the independent investigation. Indictment and trial in Congress is constitutional due process for sitting President rather than the conventional criminal justice system. Congress not AG Barr has broad powers in a constitutional mandate to provide oversight of the executive branch. I recommend 45 resign as soon as possible so VP Pence can pardon him. Otherwise there is a possibility that 45 could also be tried for treason and VP Pence investigated, tried and removed from office as a co-conspirator. In any case, the world is laughing at US not with US and it is time for this embarrassing, corrupt, traitorous and racist administration to come to an end. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
FYI. Nadless, Schitty, etc., are 100% died in the wool partisan, dim-retard politicos who have been lying to you for over two years now. Barr is far more honorable than any dim-retard in Congress. That you continue give Nadless, Schitty, etc., any credibility says much about the state of the dim-retard party.

I know the Freedom caucus ( Russian Sympathizers) will be spewing the lies of the trump party about deep state conspiracy bullshit they serve to the party each and every day. Mueller is going to be testifying about facts not fantasy’s about Obama and Hillary. The Russian sympathizers will get their asses handed to them by Mueller. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
The dim-retards are going to have their collective asses handed to them as they are exposed again for being the lying frauds they are.
Whisky_1's Avatar
FYI. Nadless, Schitty, etc., are 100% died in the wool partisan, dim-retard politicos who have been lying to you for over two years now. Barr is far more honorable than any dim-retard in Congress. That you continue give Nadless, Schitty, etc., any credibility says much about the state of the dim-retard party.

The dim-retards are going to have their collective asses handed to them as they are exposed again for being the lying frauds they are. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Why you gotta go and get all potty mouth! Anyway take a guess at how many times 45 has lied to his base, his constituents and the whole nation! AG Barr is not much better. Honor! The entire First Family has taken grifting to a whole new level. Real Talk. Don't hold your breath waiting for honor from a five time draft dodger and alledged pederosis, rapist who refuses to accept responsibility for the consequences of his orders when ordering American troops into harms way. Get outta here with that dodo.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Why you gotta go and get all potty mouth! Anyway take a guess at how many times 45 has lied to his base, his constituents and the whole nation! AG Barr is not much better. Honor! The entire First Family has taken grifting to a whole new level. Real Talk. Don't hold your breath waiting for honor from a five time draft dodger and alledged pederosis, rapist who refuses to accept responsibility for the consequences of his orders when ordering American troops into harms way. Get outta here with that dodo. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Trump has not visited a lie on this country of the magnitude of the dim-retard lie of "Russia! Russia! Russia!" advanced by hildebeest, Nadless, Schitty, Nancy, Chucky, CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, WaPo, etc., etc., etc.

There is no fucking comparison!
Whisky_1's Avatar
You keep telling yourself all that horseshit and dreams of "possibilities" of "remote chances" of treason if it keeps you warm at night. It's simply not there in the Mueller report.

The rest of us are watching as the House continues to not come up with enough dirt to go to impeachment hearings and their investigations falter and fall flat. The house remains relatively far away from enough votes to even impeach. And then you'll watch it thrown out in the Senate if they manage to politicize impeachment.

Why resign again? Originally Posted by eccielover
It is almost impossible to divorce politics from the impeachment of a politician which is nothing more than a bunch of politicians putting one of the own on trial in a politically leveraged court. The Mueller report was not an investigation of 45. From my understanding DOJ policy and the US Constitution prevents Mueller from indicting 45 has a stand alone entity. Indictment of a sitting President is the restricted to the House and a sitting President can only be tried in thevSenate. The House will have to conduct its own investigation to determine if there is sufficient evidence to indict Trump.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Obama and Hillary are pretty much out of the picture now. At this point in 45's term the chaos of this administration is all on Trump and only Trump.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Obama and Hillary are pretty much out of the picture now. At this point in 45's term the chaos of this administration is all on Trump and only Trump. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Team Mueller is the direct manifestation of hildebeest and Odumbo's misuse of government intelligence agencies to destroy the presidency of the opposition party. Durham and Horowitz have a summer surprise for you.
Whisky_1's Avatar
You do know the lackies for the leading candidate of the opposition party was meeting with Russian spies and diplomats, did not meet the criteria for security clearances and then alledgely lied to the FBI about meeting with Russian officials only to later recant stories after they were unmasked. Unmasked during routine surveillance of foreign agents by the American CI community. It's sort of like being caught nude, getting busy, balls deep in your ATF kitty, holding her toes up against the wall over her head as the police kick in the brothel doors and take your picture for evidence. Surprise!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You do know the lackies for the leading candidate of the opposition party was meeting with Russian spies and diplomats, did not meet the criteria for security clearances and then alledgely lied to the FBI about meeting with Russian officials only to later recant stories after they were unmasked. Unmasked during routine surveillance of foreign agents by the American CI community. It's sort of like being caught nude, getting busy, balls deep in your ATF kitty, holding her toes up against the wall over her head as the police kick in the brothel doors and take your picture for evidence. Surprise!!!! Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Said Russians met with hildebeest lackies BEFORE and AFTER they met with Trump's people.

Flynn was briefed and debriefed by the FBI before he had dinner with Putin -- no crime.

Mueller committed a Brady violation with both Flynn and Manafort when he failed to give their lawyers exculpatory evidence that would have benefited their defense.

Mueller lied about Dowd's telephone conversation, and he lied about who the hell Kilimnik was.
Whisky_1's Avatar

Said Russians met with hildebeest lackies BEFORE and AFTER they met with Trump's people.

Flynn was briefed and debriefed by the FBI before he had dinner with Putin -- no crime.

Mueller committed a Brady violation with both Flynn and Manafort when he failed to give their lawyers exculpatory evidence that would have benefited their defense.

Mueller lied about Dowd's telephone conversation, and he lied about who the hell Kilimnik was.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Of course Flynn and Manafort committed no crime. Thats why they are convicted and on their way to jail. Furthermore, since YOU brought it up, 45 has achieved another first and set a new record by telling more outright outrageous refutable lies and half-truths (10K+) than any other American President.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Of course Flynn and Manafort committed no crime. Thats why they are convicted and on their way to jail. Furthermore, since YOU brought it up, 45 has achieved another first and set a new record by telling more outright outrageous refutable lies and half-truths (10K+) than any other American President. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Mueller's crimes may prove to offset Manafort's.

Flynn's new lawyer has plans to keep Flynn out of jail: Brady violation and fruit of the poisonous tree.

Brady violations are veritable get out of jail free cards.

Mueller didn't provide exculpatory evidence to Flynn and Manafort's lawyers. In Flynn's case, that's a direct violation of the judge's order to turn over ALL evidence to Flynn's lawyers.
Whisky_1's Avatar
Mueller's crimes may prove to offset Manafort's.

Flynn's new lawyer has plans to keep Flynn out of jail: Brady violation and fruit of the poisonous tree.

Brady violations are veritable get out of jail free cards.

Mueller didn't provide exculpatory evidence to Flynn and Manafort's lawyers. In Flynn's case, that's a direct violation of the judge's order to turn over ALL evidence to Flynn's lawyers.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Lol! Where do you get this nonsense? The only get out of jail card I see is AG Barr intrevening try to protect the anal virginity of his boy Manafort. Looks like Flynn gonna take one for the team all alone. From my vantage point they are all traitors to the Republic including 45.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Lol! Where do you get this nonsense? The only get out of jail card I see is AG Barr intrevening try to protect the anal virginity of his boy Manafort. Looks like Flynn gonna take one for the team all alone. From my vantage point they are all traitors to the Republic including 45. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Barr is poised to lose all credibility. Once he supports the fat lying bastards executive order for the census citizenship question he’ll lose what little credibility he has.
Barr has already intervened into Manafort’s problem by stopping the transfer of Manafort to Rikers Island. The government was putting pressure on that Russian sympathizer because he lied in multiple interviews and Barr lifted that pressure.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lol! Where do you get this nonsense? The only get out of jail card I see is AG Barr intrevening try to protect the anal virginity of his boy Manafort. Looks like Flynn gonna take one for the team all alone. From my vantage point they are all traitors to the Republic including 45. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
The IG is finished with his investigation and is at present preparing his report for release. Mueller committed Brady violations by not making available exculpatory evidence beneficial to the accused -- a Weissmann hallmark -- with both Flynn and Manafort. You'll be tearing up and gnashing your teeth before the end of summer, just like you did on election night in 2016.

Barr is poised to lose all credibility. Once he supports the fat lying bastards executive order for the census citizenship question he’ll lose what little credibility he has.
Barr has already intervened into Manafort’s problem by stopping the transfer of Manafort to Rikers Island. The government was putting pressure on that Russian sympathizer because he lied in multiple interviews and Barr lifted that pressure.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

The only ones "poised" to lose all credibility would be Team Mueller and the miscreant dim-retards in Congress beating the dead horse formerly known as the Mueller investigation.