NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

kerwil62's Avatar
Yeah they're kicking ass now. Browns come to town on Sunday.
Sights set on passing the Pats (or even the Chiefs) in the standings and grabbing one of the Top Two playoff berths? Earning a BYE while others have to play during Wild Card Weekend should be a goal (after clinching the division, of course).

Patriots host the Vikings this weekend....keep an eye on that one. After that, two on the road (@Miami.....@Pittsburgh) d the Pats have been mediocre away from home to date (3-3).

Chiefs play the Raiders twice over the next 5 weeks....however, sandwiched between those contests are games vs the Ravens, the Chargers, and @Seahawks. Any trap games on this list for KC...?

Nothing is for certain, especially in the NFL, however the Texans have got it all in front on them for the taking. They're playing good ball right now and ought to go into January with a real head of steam. In the AFC, the road to the SB just might have to go through H-town. Now wouldn't that be something?
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-01-2018, 05:26 PM
Snatchman, don’t be so cold bro!

I hope we don’t let our guard down on the Browns. It’s setting up as a classic trap game. We’re right up there with the ‘second tier teams’ now......

1st tier... Rams, Chiefs, Saints

2nd tier... Patriots, Steelers, Texans, Bears, Cowboys

Akeem Hunt is a beast but he’s a stupid ass for what he did. I know it’s hard to do, but you just gotta walk away from that kind of bullshit....

Dallas Cowboy fans are as arrogant as ever now.....
DarthMaul's Avatar
Akeem Hunt is a beast but he’s a stupid ass for what he did. I know it’s hard to do, but you just gotta walk away from that kind of bullshit.... Originally Posted by Satin

True but when he was asked about by the Chiefs, early in the season, he lied about it. That's what got him cut.

And the damn Texans won again!! 9 in a row! I won't get excited until we stop shitting on ourselves in the red zone and make it out of the first round.
kerwil62's Avatar
Patriots host the Vikings this weekend....keep an eye on that one. After that, two on the road (@Miami.....@Pittsburgh) d the Pats have been mediocre away from home to date (3-3).

Chiefs play the Raiders twice over the next 5 weeks....however, sandwiched between those contests are games vs the Ravens, the Chargers, and @Seahawks. Any trap games on this list for KC...?
Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Patriots took care of the Vikings 24-10. Texans had the No. 2 spot for three hours. LOL!! I don't see them losing to the Steelers or the Dolphins but if any game would be a trap it would be against the Steelers.

The Steelers have lost two in the row(kinda pissed that they let the Chargers come back from a 23-7 deficit and take the game. Also add poor officiating to the mix). Look out for the Chargers, they're ballin' right now.

And the damn Texans won again!! 9 in a row! I won't get excited until we stop shitting on ourselves in the red zone and make it out of the first round.
Originally Posted by DarthMaul
I feel ya on this one bruh. Their offense just isn't explosive enough for me. The Browns were moving the ball better and much more efficient then the Texans, and the game would've been much closer if it weren't for that holding penalty and that turnover on the next drive. And also for those 3 INT's Mayfield threw. He still outplayed Watson though(close to 400 yards passing).

I'm gonna say this now. If the Texans play the Patriots, Chiefs, hell even the Chargers in the playoffs, they're done. Even with they way they're playing now which is damn good(9 in a row). The Patriots and Chiefs has always been their achille's heel during the playoffs.

If the AFC playoffs started now, this is what it would look like:

1. Chiefs
2. Patriots
3. Texans
4. Steelers

Wild Card:
5. Chargers
6. Ravens

NFC Playoff Picture if started now:

1. Rams
2. Saints
3. Bears
4. Cowboys

Wild Card:
5. Seahawks
6. Redskins
Texans D saw that Mayfield lets the ball go within 2.5 seconds often to the first person he locks on to after the ball is snapped. He also throws with a flat trajectory.

The Texans still have a substandard Oline. Watson has improved since the start of the season but he holds onto the ball too long and takes too many hits. He's going to get another devastating injury by the end of next season if the line doesn't improve considerably and he doesn't cut the hold-on-to-the ball-too-long hits in half.

I think they can win a playoff game but only one.
Redskins won't sign Kap. Even I have to agree that Kap is a better QB than who the Redskins recently picked up. He hasn't been in the league for 5 years. Then again, I don't know how much Kap is asking and whether he'll just be another broken leg.
Hard not to be cold on McNuttless Satin, lol. He has tortured Houston football fans since 2002 with his pussified version of football. I've stroked enough checks to the Texans owner to be able to bitch about not accomplishing diddly squat for 15 plus years, glad that mofo croaked!! LOL. The snatch business has made me a cold blooded mfer I guess.
I was watching "Get Up" earlier today and they posed a question, Who would you trade for Aaron Rodgers right now? Putting a Texans spin on it, would you trade D. Watson for Aaron Rodgers right now if you were the new and improved Rick Smith/Brian Gaine?(Texans GM).

I will reserve my thoughts until I hear yours.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Will Fuller
kerwil62's Avatar
That 9-game win streak looks like it will end today.

Colts up 24-14 in the 3rd.
kerwil62's Avatar
That 9-game win streak looks like it will end today.

Colts up 24-14 in the 3rd. Originally Posted by kerwil62
Done. Colts win 24-21.
I gotta ask: Are the Texans trying to get Watson hurt? Who's calling the plays? We are going to the playoffs so why call QB option?
kerwil62's Avatar
Playoff scenario looks like this....

1. Chiefs(Home field throughout, first round bye)
2. Patriots(first round bye)
3. Texans
4. Ravens
Wild Card:
5. Chargers
6. Colts or Titans

1. Saints(Home field throughout, first round bye)
2. Rams(first round bye)
3. Bears
4. Cowboys
Wild Card:
5. Seahawks
6. Eagles

I feel bad for the Steelers. They were seeded at #4 and by losing to the Saints and the Ravens beating the Chargers they fell to the Wild Card spot. Now the ONLY way they get in the playoffs is by the Colts and Titans ending up in a tie, which I doubt will happen.

Now for the Texans they have to get their running game going. Watson can't be the main running back, that boy gonna wind up getting hurt. And basically if he goes down, the Texans are done. Doesn't matter who they play. They need to win this first game at home so they.......damn.........can go up to Foxboro and........fuck.........I just don't trust them against the Patriots.

First round games will be set after the Colts/Titans game:

Colts or Titans vs Texans
Chargers vs Ravens

Eagles vs Bears
Seahawks vs Cowboys
kerwil62's Avatar
It will be the Colts vs Texans. Brace for impact.