Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

Jaxson66's Avatar

In these LOONS' dialogue just replace "quid pro quo" with "Russian Collusion"!

When the Democrats' "quid pro quo" surfaces ... they'll STFU! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I suggest you schedule yourself a brain scan, you seem to present the signs of a tapeworm boring throughout that little organ of yours.

Do you eat a lot of pork? That’s the most common denominator in folks who suffer brain worms.

Get this fucking straight, nothing is over and no one will STFU until that fat lying bastard is gone from the Oval Office. I know folks with brain worms have a terrible memory so write that down.
Jaxson66's Avatar
j666 believes anything cnn, nyt, wapo put out.

i got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell - and j666 is an easy mark for lies.

lol Originally Posted by oeb11
You need to ask IB if you can borrow his spare raincoat, because while you’re kissing the feet of your god he’s pissing on your head and has you convinced it’s raining.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You need to ask IB if you can borrow his spare raincoat, because while you’re kissing the feet of your god he’s pissing on your head and has you convinced it’s raining. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're still dining on lib-retard whine, Schitty's tube-steak and white gravy. Schitty's a congenital liar and your a foll for believing him.
  • oeb11
  • 11-07-2019, 10:22 AM
j666 has a degree in etiquette and diplomacy.

LexusLover's Avatar
...folks who suffer brain worms.

Get this fucking straight, nothing is over and no one will STFU until that fat lying bastard is gone from the Oval Office. I know folks with brain worms have a terrible memory so write that down. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Talk to yourself much? Or is that your brain worm doing the talking?

Little pukes like you are just a mess on the pavement....don't even begin to approach being a low speed bump! Like I said to you! I shit more sense in the toilet in the morning than you ever had!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump Wanted Attorney General Barr to Publicly Clear Him Over Ukraine Call

WASHINGTON—President Trump wanted Attorney General William Barr to publicly declare that he hadn’t broken any laws during a phone call with the Ukrainian leader that is now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry, but Mr. Barr refused the request, an administration official said Wednesday.

Mr. Trump’s request for Mr. Barr to hold a news conference came shortly after the White House released a rough transcript of the July 25 call. In that call, Mr. Trump pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to undertake investigations related to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, as well as the 2016 election. Mr. Trump’s desire for such a public announcement was discussed among White House officials, who relayed it to the Justice Department, the official said.

If this accusation is true trump’s piss boy certainly has had a change of heart. Particularly since he had no problem with lying to the country about the Mueller report. This leak doesn’t ring true to me, it’s a trap to discredit the press. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

But, but, but Bill Taylor!

  • oeb11
  • 11-07-2019, 01:58 PM
I suggest you schedule yourself a brain scan, you seem to present the signs of a tapeworm boring throughout that little organ of yours.

Do you eat a lot of pork? That’s the most common denominator in folks who suffer brain worms.

Get this fucking straight, nothing is over and no one will STFU until that fat lying bastard is gone from the Oval Office. I know folks with brain worms have a terrible memory so write that down. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

j666 should read the "Rules".
not acceptable to post about participant medical issues.

STFU - something the DPST's point at Conservatives - they do not support free speech for all - only their DPST idiotology.
j666 is free to speak/write his mind - within the "Rules".
LexusLover's Avatar

j666 is free to speak/write his mind .... Originally Posted by oeb11
That's a deafening silence and a blank sheet of paper!!!!
What's up with "brain worms?" I heard about it yesterday and two days ago from different people.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Get this fucking straight, nothing is over and no one will STFU until that fat lying bastard is gone from the Oval Office.
Hopefully this is true. Watching President Trump make fools out the nutters for another 5 years will be entertaining.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Talk to yourself much? Or is that your brain worm doing the talking?

Little pukes like you are just a mess on the pavement....don't even begin to approach being a low speed bump! Like I said to you! I shit more sense in the toilet in the morning than you ever had! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Oh my

You need to buy a tube of Vagisil

The pussy hurt isn’t over, the trump impeachment hearings begin next Wednesday. Like I have informed you on many occasions there will be a vote for impeachment and no deep state bullshit will stop it.

My guess is three articles, #1 abuse of power, #2 congressional obstruction, #3 obstruction of justice and. ( #4 general douchebaggery , thanks to another members suggestion.)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh my

You need to buy a tube of Vagisil

The pussy hurt isn’t over, the trump impeachment hearings begin next Wednesday. Like I have informed you on many occasions there will be a vote for impeachment and no deep state bullshit will stop it.

My guess is three articles, #1 abuse of power, #2 congressional obstruction, #3 obstruction of justice and. ( #4 general douchebaggery , thanks to another members suggestion.) Originally Posted by Jaxson66

But, but, but Bill Taylor!

Jacuzzme's Avatar
The dem case so far:
- Triggered by a political hack with no actual knowledge of the situation whatsoever.
- A guy who got his information from the newspaper.
- A pudgy O5 who thinks he heard things a dozen professional transcriptionists didn’t.
- A lawyer, with a penchant for Disney girls, who tweets about the impending coup.
- Pushed by the same media who covered for the country’s most prolific pedophile, misogynists and abusers.

These guys aren’t very smart.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Ukraine Pressure Campaign Undermined 'Rule Of Law,' Top State Dept. Official Says

As Kent described it, Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, put a hold on aid to Ukraine at the president's direction.

Article Two, Section Four of the United States Constitution provides that: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors."

Article 1...Abuse of power will cover the Bribery committed by that fat lying bastard.
Ukraine Pressure Campaign Undermined 'Rule Of Law,' Top State Dept. Official Says

As Kent described it, Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, put a hold on aid to Ukraine at the president's direction.

Article Two, Section Four of the United States Constitution provides that: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors."

Article 1...Abuse of power will cover the Bribery committed by that fat lying bastard. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So more "opinion" on the events that took place over the potential word of the people directly involved. Seems that putting aid on "hold" at the direction of the POTUS is perfectly withing the purview of the POTUS. The reason and events surrounding it still appears to be all speculation.

Not making great inroads on the "Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors."

How's that impeachment vote process going Jax? Care to comment on the recent lowering of the polls of those directly wanting Trump removed from office from over 50% to now under 50% again.