The Mueller report

Whisky_1's Avatar
The IG is finished with his investigation and is at present preparing his report for release. Mueller committed Brady violations by not making available exculpatory evidence beneficial to the accused -- a Weissmann hallmark -- with both Flynn and Manafort. You'll be tearing up and gnashing your teeth before the end of summer, just like you did on election night in 2016.

The only ones "poised" to lose all credibility would be Team Mueller and the miscreant dim-retards in Congress beating the dead horse formerly known as the Mueller investigation.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The Mueller report is old news now and his report findings will most likely be incorporated into the metadata of 45's misdeeds for analysis by the House for impeachment preceedings.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Mueller report is old news now and his report findings will most likely be incorporated into the metadata of 45's misdeeds for analysis by the House for impeachment preceedings. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

The Brady violations committed are not old news, and they are very relevant as proof that the Mueller investigation was partisan bullshit destined to be ripped apart on the shoals of its own illegal activities rendering it less than useless for Nadless and Schitty's bullshit.
Whisky_1's Avatar
You keep bringing up "The Brady violations". I don't get what you talking about. It seems you are implying that Mueller has evidence that exernorates a defendent and refused to share it. I'm not a lawyer but I would think that is a matter for a federal appellate court at this point. I doubt anyone on Mueller's team is worried. 45 refused to release his federal taxes going against a generally accepted Presidential tradition....even though he promised to release them after he was elected. 45 and AG Barr refused to release an unredacted copy of the Mueller report to various congressional committees. Furthermore, it appears that 45 is exercising his political influence to tamper with witnesses before Congress. If hinsight is 20/20 then the only entity and individuals that appear to not be sharing information and tampering with witnesses is the Executive Branch inclusive of AG Barr and some other high level henchmen.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You keep bringing up "The Brady violations". I don't get what you talking about. It seems you are implying that Mueller has evidence that exernorates a defendent and refused to share it. I'm not a lawyer but I would think that is a matter for a federal appellate court at this point. I doubt anyone on Mueller's team is worried. 45 refused to release his federal taxes going against a generally accepted Presidential tradition....even though he promised to release them after he was elected. 45 and AG Barr refused to release an unredacted copy of the Mueller report to various congressional committees. Furthermore, it appears that 45 is exercising his political influence to tamper with witnesses before Congress. If hinsight is 20/20 then the only entity and individuals that appear to not be sharing information and tampering with witnesses is the Executive Branch inclusive of AG Barr and some other high level henchmen. Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Your comparison is bullshit. Federal law prohibited Barr from releasing a wholly redacted report: federal law written by jackasses like Nadless and Schitty.

Meanwhile, federal law required that Mueller provide exculpatory evidence to Flynn and Manafort. Mueller failed to do that. Regardless of whether that evidence exonerates Flynn or Manafort, it is a Brady violation not to provide it. The whole case against Flynn and/or Manafort can be tossed because Mueller hid exculpatory evidence from Flynn and Manafort's lawyers.

Whisky_1's Avatar
Your comparison is bullshit. Federal law prohibited Barr from releasing a wholly redacted report: federal law written by jackasses like Nadless and Schitty.

Meanwhile, federal law required that Mueller provide exculpatory evidence to Flynn and Manafort. Mueller failed to do that. Regardless of whether that evidence exonerates Flynn or Manafort, it is a Brady violation not to provide it. The whole case against Flynn and/or Manafort can be tossed because Mueller hid exculpatory evidence from Flynn and Manafort's lawyers.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
What federal law prevents AG Barr from releasing the unredacted Mueller report to congressional committees in its oversight role? Like I said I'm not a lawyer but please explain exactly what exculpatory evidence was withheld from Flynn and Manafort?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What federal law prevents AG Barr from releasing the unredacted Mueller report to congressional committees in its oversight role? Like I said I'm not a lawyer but please explain exactly what exculpatory evidence was withheld from Flynn and Manafort? Originally Posted by Whisky_1
certain info has to be redacted, some are classified. things like grand jury info and personal info can't be released. Details of an ongoing investigation can't be released either.

not sure about this, but the method of collection prolly will get released to the committee.

the redactions for the committee has a lower standard than the public release.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Like I said I'm not a lawyer but please explain exactly what exculpatory evidence was withheld from Flynn and Manafort? Originally Posted by Whisky_1
read this article from John Solomon of The Hill.

Russian oligarch's story could spell trouble for Team Mueller

Meuler's team withheld this evidence from Manafort's lawyers.

Most importantly, Deripaska’s interview with the FBI reportedly was never provided by Team Mueller to Manafort’s lawyers, even though it was potential proof of innocence, according to Manafort defense lawyer Kevin Downing. Manafort, initially investigated for collusion, was convicted on tax and lobbying violations unrelated to the Russia case.

OSC also had no reason to launch a case against manafort. He was not involved with the Russians. They did it anyway.

“Recent revelations by The Hill prove that the Office of Special Counsel’s (OSC) claim that they had a legitimate basis to include Paul Manafort in an investigation of potential collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government is false,” Downing told me. “The failure to disclose this information to Manafort, the courts, or the public reaffirms that the OSC did not have a legitimate basis to investigate Manafort, and may prove that the OSC had no legitimate basis to investigate potential collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government.”

I tell you one thing. the wheels on Meuller Report is getting very wobbly!!!

Mueller thought he could get away with the stunts he's pulled in past cases, but too many people are watching him for his stunt to work.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Muller started on FLAT TIRES ,
  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2019, 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by Whisky_1
What federal law prevents AG Barr from releasing the unredacted Mueller report to congressional committees in its oversight role? Like I said I'm not a lawyer but please explain exactly what exculpatory evidence was withheld from Flynn and Manafort?

certain info has to be redacted, some are classified. things like grand jury info and personal info can't be released. Details of an ongoing investigation can't be released either.

not sure about this, but the method of collection prolly will get released to the committee.

the redactions for the committee has a lower standard than the public release.

DF - an explanation of the law passed by Congress governing the redaction of the Report is useless - the DPST's will never give up the false narrative that Putin conspired with Trump illegally. regardless of the law and findings of the report.

You are preachinig to the Devil.

Total waste of time.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Muller started on FLAT TIRES , Originally Posted by rexdutchman

well it did have air in its tires when they first started.

it started leaking air soon after.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What federal law prevents AG Barr from releasing the unredacted Mueller report to congressional committees in its oversight role? Like I said I'm not a lawyer but please explain exactly what exculpatory evidence was withheld from Flynn and Manafort? Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure on release of grand jury information.

Mueller did not release to Flynn the exculpatory transcript of the so-called "telephone conversation" captured by a wire tap on Team Trump as ordered by the judge. Mueller withheld the exculpatory testimony of Oleg Deripaska who denied each and every one of Mueller's accusations against Manafort.
Whisky_1's Avatar
I call BS because members of Congress receive security clearances they need and are qualify for to perform their jobs which includes oversight of the Executive Branch. Nor do I see how this Rule 6 applies as the former defendants now convicts Flynn and Manafort. Both presumably knew of their own guilt which is supported by evidence and confession. Manafort and Flynn admitted their guilt, entered into plea bargain agreements and agreed to cooperate with Mueller in exchange for lighter sentences. Hence, I do not see how Rule 6 as a technicality applies?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I call BS because members of Congress receive security clearances they need and are qualify for to perform their jobs which includes oversight of the Executive Branch. Nor do I see how this Rule 6 applies as the former defendants now convicts Flynn and Manafort. Both presumably knew of their own guilt which is supported by evidence and confession. Manafort and Flynn admitted their guilt, entered into plea bargain agreements and agreed to cooperate with Mueller in exchange for lighter sentences. Hence, I do not see how Rule 6 as a technicality applies? Originally Posted by Whisky_1

Schitty is on record as leaking to the lame-stream media every fucking thing he has heard for two years! And no one claimed Rule 6 applied to Manafort and Flynn, but Brady requirements do apply to fucking Mueller, and he violated them on multiple occasions.
Whisky_1's Avatar
ok, if you say so. good luck with that!
If Pelosi or Schitt want access to the unredacted report they can go the the SCIF room and read it.

They have access. Weismann is guiding them and he knows exactly what's in those redacted sections.

The Dims just need to keep "Russian Collusion" on the front pages unitl 2021. They can't. Everyone is burned out on it except the most butthurt Hillary supporters and the lazy MSM.