The Bills : )

winn dixie's Avatar
Jets got robbed on that bs holding call.
Am I the only person that thinks that Tyler swift is ugly as fuck?

Go Bills
lilylivered's Avatar
Game Morning!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
odds drifting from 4 to 6.5
2nd week in a row the Bill's odds have a wide range of odds

FYI, today I'll be wearing a Chiefs jersey in an Upset NY bar.
The girls will all be wearing Bills jerseys
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Game Morning!
GO BILLS : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
whars the better part, its game morning
Gov. Kathy today its ok to skip church or sleeping in
go to a bar and get shit face drunk before noon this Sunday

///// just askin
offshoredrilling's Avatar
almost over, hope they get a late 7
if ya watched at a bar do nor drive home
walk to dinner for food first DUH ya started drinking early ya know

mmmm just checked can bills get 14 fast ????
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
All three of the gals just ordered me a shot.
I'm not driving.
It's official the excuse is jetlag official buffalo bills excuse of why they didn't play good
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Bills need the Jill's back

girls singing if pull this off we'll shower in your locker room may have worked
lilylivered's Avatar
Next week : )
Plastic Man's Avatar
Game Morning!
GO BILLS : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
ya hads ...a reason ta gets outsa ...yer bed ans nows ...that reason ends ...ins utter ...defeat

...jimmie balls flyin

...upset slowly dyin
The Drummer's Avatar
You're fucked up hard!
winn dixie's Avatar
Bills gonna win out now. Fixing to run the table

Go Bills
Lol I called it McDermott used the excuse of being flown in on Fri while the jags were rested up being in London all week
Plastic Man's Avatar
jimmie ball flyin ins the upset night
...yer broken dreams taughts ya ta cry
...alls yer life
...ya been dreadin ta admits ya flopped

...fat funnel reclinin ins the upset night
...take these pancaked tits an pays yer fee
...alls yer life
...ya were dreamin ya mights gets pussy fer free

...jimmie ball fly
...jimmie ball fly
...inta the unendin dark ofs the dyin upset night

...jimmie ball fly
...jimmie ball fly

...take this viagra fer yer defeated manhood
...alls yer life
...ya weres prayin fer yer cock ta arise
...ya weres prayin fer yer cock ta arise
...ya weres prayin fer yer cock ta arise
I think McDermott needs to fire his "acting" defensive coordinator.