NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Solemate62's Avatar
Only in America: Colin Kapernick gets blacklisted by the entire NFL establishment for adhering to his cause. A total piece of of self serving shit, Brown, ends up earning a good salary with the Patriots! Originally Posted by Solemate62
I rest my case....
BigLouie's Avatar
Although the Texans won they didn't look so great and the Jags go stupid on the very last play. Should have gone the tie and overtime. And the play they ran on the extra point, straight up the middle was a low success rate play. A play that will get a coach fired.

This is the type of game that gives the team and fans false hope. Sure they won but it was against a bad team with a rookie QB in only his second NFL game and it took a stupid play by the Jags to win.
boardman's Avatar
Although the Texans won they didn't look so great and the Jags go stupid on the very last play. Should have gone the tie and overtime. And the play they ran on the extra point, straight up the middle was a low success rate play. A play that will get a coach fired.

This is the type of game that gives the team and fans false hope. Sure they won but it was against a bad team with a rookie QB in only his second NFL game and it took a stupid play by the Jags to win. Originally Posted by BigLouie

Several wins in that streak last year were much the same. Dumb luck or bad decisions by opposing coaches. The one thing Jacksonville has is a pretty good defense but the Texans have to be able to score more points on pretty good defenses.

The sacks were down but they still hit Watson too much. Then they run that QB draw up the middle for their only score? The fuck are they thinking? The only bright spot I see on offense is Carlos Hyde. That guy is playing like he wants a fucking contract or something. They need to make the whole team watch his plays over and over and over. Dude lays it all out.

The receivers aren't doing that bad but they can only do so much. They can't throw it to themselves and if they could they wouldn't have time. That line has got to get their sit together and quick or they're going to lose Watson to a concussion or worse.

The defense has to get more aggressive. This bend but don't break philosophy is going to bite them in the ass when they play another good offensive team.
Should the Texans hire Tomlinson when he gets fired at the end of the season? Your opinion Kitler?
Do you mean Tomlin? I doubt Pittsburg fires him, they don't do knee jerk stupid shit like the organization we know all to fucking well.

The game was a snoozer. Watson did not play well. He did play well against the Saints. Jags have a decent defense, Texans were lucky to survive and win against Minshew. Minshew actually outplayed Watson except for the critical sack fumble the Texans recovered deep in Jags territory. That one play was the turning point in the game.

Chargers will be a true test as Rivers is the real deal, he will most likely carve up the Texans D. Watson will have to play great for us to have a chance.
boardman's Avatar
Should the Texans hire Tomlinson when he gets fired at the end of the season? Your opinion Kitler? Originally Posted by gnadfly

I like Tomlin, I think he brings some attitude. I doubt he gets fired and agree with Daddio's reasons why.

Furthermore, I doubt any successful NFL coaches will come to this team in the current environment. Too many idiotic decisions being made at the highest level. Best they can hope for, if they fire BoB, is to get another second tier coach with more ego than brains or a hungry college coach wanting to advance his career like BoB was at the time he was hired. Look how that turned out. This shit is trickling down from the top as it usually does. Until that is fixed the Texans will be a perennial mediocre team.
FTR I thought BoB brought some attitude when he was hired. I think in the right situation he would be a really good coach. Now he just looks like he's going through the motions. Sure, he says the right things but the team isn't responding to him, they know it's a clusterfuck. If BoB gets fired he'll get another chance as a head coach. Hell, he'd probably be successful at Pittsburg.
BigLouie's Avatar
If the Texans finish 8-8 or 9-7 i expect BoB to be fired especially if he keeps making time management mistakes.
boardman's Avatar
If the Texans finish 8-8 or 9-7 i expect BoB to be fired especially if he keeps making time management mistakes. Originally Posted by BigLouie

He should have been fired last year after that uninspired performance in the playoffs but they won the division so he got to keep his job.

They could very well win the division with a 9-7 record this year. Worst case scenario is that's what happens and they win a home playoff game to make it to the second round where they'll get destroyed by The Patriots or Chiefs and BoB keeps his job.
A wildcard shouldn't cut it but that may also happen. Regardless of how they get there if they lose in the first round his ass has to go.
Only in America: Colin Kapernick gets blacklisted by the entire NFL establishment for adhering to his cause. A total piece of of self serving shit, Brown, ends up earning a good salary with the Patriots! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Please don't. Kap is nobody's savior except some hucksters. He got his money. Where's your Kap check? AB is now out of a job and millions. The NFL has finally got smart and wrote these contracts where guaranteed money isn't guaranteed.

If the Texans finish 8-8 or 9-7 i expect BoB to be fired especially if he keeps making time management mistakes. Originally Posted by BigLouie
He should have been fired last year after that uninspired performance in the playoffs but they won the division so he got to keep his job.

They could very well win the division with a 9-7 record this year. Worst case scenario is that's what happens and they win a home playoff game to make it to the second round where they'll get destroyed by The Patriots or Chiefs and BoB keeps his job.
A wildcard shouldn't cut it but that may also happen. Regardless of how they get there if they lose in the first round his ass has to go. Originally Posted by boardman
I agree that if they do less than a playoff win, BoB is out of here. IMO, the whole Clowney trade and Miami deal is an effort to scuttle a firing by BoB if it don't work out. No coach would want the position in a crippled franchise.
boardman's Avatar
Please don't. Kap is nobody's savior except some hucksters. He got his money. Where's your Kap check? AB is now out of a job and millions. The NFL has finally got smart and wrote these contracts where guaranteed money isn't guaranteed.

I agree that if they do less than a playoff win, BoB is out of here. IMO, the whole Clowney trade and Miami deal is an effort to scuttle a firing by BoB if it don't work out. No coach would want the position in a crippled franchise. Originally Posted by gnadfly

I think the NFL owners have always been in control to an extent unlike NBA and MLB owners.
Just the nature of the game helps some. Players are one play away from a career ending injury and there is always someone younger, stronger and faster that can fill in and possibly take your position away. NFL players live game to game. Look what happened to Tony Romo. Prescott kicked him out of the league.
NBA Stars write their own ticket. Individually they draw huge numbers. The owners will give them any damn thing they want
MLB players have security in their experience. If they can make it to the league and stay a couple of years that experience will pay off nicely. Look at the contract that Marwin got.

Interesting take on BoB.
Good win by the Texans last week vs the Chargers. Unexpected victory. Good to see we got pressure on Rivers and secondary was better without Colvin. JJo is still terrible but he almost made a pick at the end that would have sealed the deal.

Watson looked really good but he really needs to throw the ball away sometimes. He tries to make a play on every play and gets hammered when he gets caught.

Sunday is a must win, because you are supposed to win this one. The Panthers are actually better without Cam. Cam had been horrible this year. He is not the any good unless he can run. Kyle Allen is the guy that ran Kyler Murray out of College Station.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Good win by the Texans last week vs the Chargers. Unexpected victory. Good to see we got pressure on Rivers and secondary was better without Colvin. JJo is still terrible but he almost made a pick at the end that would have sealed the deal.

Watson looked really good but he really needs to throw the ball away sometimes. He tries to make a play on every play and gets hammered when he gets caught.

Sunday is a must win, because you are supposed to win this one. The Panthers are actually better without Cam. Cam had been horrible this year. He is not the any good unless he can run. Kyle Allen is the guy that ran Kyler Murray out of College Station. Originally Posted by Daddio

JJo is old not terrible. I hope he hangs it up after this year or becomes a coach/consultant.

Agree about Watson, sometimes he needs to throw it away.

I was wondering why that "Kyle Allen" name sounded familiar. Didn't he go to U of H for a minute also? Sumelin ran Kyler Murray out of A&M by lying that he would start.
Sumlin couldn't get it done with both Kyler and Kyle on the roster. To be fair, Kyler was a tiny shit at A&M. He's still relatively tiny. I could tell Kyle was a Sunday QB his first start at A&M.
boardman's Avatar
Totally agree on Watson holding the ball too long but the dude makes plays and put that team on his back last week. They knew they were facing a beat up secondary but a decent front line and the offensive game plan exploited it. They were 2:1 pass vs run. That's not a typical BoB game plan. They had no problem going downfield either.

Maybe they'll decide to stick with this O-line for another week and give them a chance to gel.

Is it me or does it look like Watson has to wind up to make those downfield throws? He doesn't seem to have a real quick release.
I wouldn't say the secondary looked all that much better, maybe a little but they're still playing way too far off the line. They line up at the line to make and pretty much concede the 3 -5 yard routes. Good receivers who can make a move after the catch can turn that into more. I thought the front line looked like they got better pressure. DJ Reader made a difference and that allowed Watt some room to make some plays. When the DBs are playing back it's easy pickings even against a decent rush. The QB just has to know who the hot receiver is and make the throw. Brees ate them up doing that.
If Gordon had been active for the Chargers I think that game might have played out differently.
The Texans face one of the better defenses in the league this week. It's going to take a balanced attack to score points. The O-line play will be critical to any success. I don't think they are there yet. The Panther's also have a running game. McCaffrey ran for 150 on 24 carries last week and 120 on 19 carries in week 1. Kyle doesn't have to put the team on his back to win this game. He can hand off 30 times and dink and dunk on high percentage passes to keep the defense backed off. Unless Romeo comes up with something different I'm going 20 - 13 Panthers.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Maybe they'll decide to stick with this O-line for another week and give them a chance to gel.
I hope so it looks like we a "rook" at right tackle now.

Is it me or does it look like Watson has to wind up to make those downfield throws? He doesn't seem to have a real quick release.

I haven't really notice anything except when he occasionally throws a rope down the field now Vince Young had a windup. Man is unbelievable how much mechanics is important in throwing a football!?!

DJ Reader made a difference and that allowed Watt some room to make some plays.

If Gordon had been active for the Chargers I think that game might have played out differently. For damn sure!

The Texans face one of the better defenses in the league this week. It's going to take a balanced attack to score points. The O-line play will be critical to any success. I don't think they are there yet. True and as long as Luuuuuke is playing MLB it's going to be hard to run.

Unless Romeo comes up with something different I'm going 20 - 13 Panthers. I am calling 31 - 21 Texans.