NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

The Texans looked good last night and the GOAT bad.

But...Tannahill and the Titans are surging.
BigLouie's Avatar
The Texans must have been reading their press clippings once too often. Denver just tore their asses up. Jackson must have liked putting it to them
kerwil62's Avatar
The Texans must have been reading their press clippings once too often. Denver just tore their asses up. Jackson must have liked putting it to them Originally Posted by BigLouie
No shit!!

Broncos came here knowing they don't have shit to lose and caught the Texans sleeping. These muthafuckas were in a DEEP sleep! 31-3 haltime lead in YOUR house?? Texans had better wake the fuck up because the Titans are on that ass! So in order to secure the division win they need to win out. Sweep the Titans and beat the Bucs. It's just that simple.
boardman's Avatar
This defense! Second rate defensive back are back to giving 10 yard cushions and TEs go basically uncoverd. Mercilus and McKinney both looked like they were playing in slow motion.
Crennel looks lost.

Offensively, when you're down 14-0 and haven't even made it through your first 15 -20 scripted plays it's time to get away from the script and find adjust. You can't wait til halftime.
I was at an LSU game a few years ago and started talking to these oldtimers next to me. Cool guys from Detroit. They always said SOL, which I thought meant Shit outta Luck, but they said it meant Same Old Lions!!!

Texans = Lions = SOL = Same Old Texans. Everytime the Texans get to a spot where they can do something worthwhile, they step on thier Dick!!!

It all comes down to the Texans vs Titans Twice. Titans are a 3 point favorite in game 1 this weekend in Nashville.
boardman's Avatar
Don't be surprised if the Texans win this weekend. Then they'll double stomp their dick when it's all on the line. They'll do the same thing that won the first game thinking the Titans won't adjust.
BigLouie's Avatar
Texans could lose 2 of next 3 games and finish out of the playoffs.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Texans could lose 2 of next 3 games and finish out of the playoffs. Originally Posted by BigLouie
That's a true fact. The defense looked like sh** like most of you have already said. WE HAVE NO FUCKING PASS RUSH AT ALL AND HAVEN'T FOR WEEKS!!
Don't be surprised if the Texans win this weekend. Then they'll double stomp their dick when it's all on the line. They'll do the same thing that won the first game thinking the Titans won't adjust. Originally Posted by boardman
The Texans haven't played the Titans this year. Count on the Titans winning the conference and BoB getting fired.
boardman's Avatar
The Texans haven't played the Titans this year. Count on the Titans winning the conference and BoB getting fired. Originally Posted by gnadfly

One can only hope. That's the best case but they still need a fucking GM. And they need an owner committed to winning so they'll hire and PAY a good coach.

Worst case is they back into the playoffs securing BoB another season then get their asses handed to them by somebody like KC. Same shit, different year.

The Texans are looking more and more like a team that is satisfied with mediocrity and getting paid off the backs of the NFL. More like The Browns than the Patriots.

I guess it's not a bad deal to have your half ass franchise increase in value every year regardless of whether you win or not.
BigLouie's Avatar
The Texans have gotten blown-out 2 of their last 4 games. Not a good trend. Because of bad decisions they have no first and second round picks the next two years to address any needs and with no real GM their lower picks are going to be iffy. You can't keep over paying for free agents and giving up draft picks to correct mistakes and build a winning team. This is going to catch up to the Texans and soon.
boardman's Avatar
It's already caught up with them. They gave away too much for Tunsil and they didn't get enough for Clowney.
This team is becoming notorious for not developing players. Look at how many high round draft picks they've wasted on players who couldn't be successful on this team. It's like they think if they're were great in college then they're automatically going to step up to the next level. They've got to coach the guys up to the next level. That just doesn't seem to be happening.

Kareem Jackson is a prime example. He never was the best cover corner in the league but he was one of the best tacklers and a hard hitter. The guy has a nose for the football and he plays hard. He looked like he belonged at a safety position but the Texans didn't even want the guy there.

Lo and behold he goes off to Denver and has a monster game against the CB. 11 tackles, 3 passes defended, an interception and that goofy ass 70 yard fumble recovery handoff. He earned AFC defensive player of the week for that.
BoB doesn't know how to get the most out of his players.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Boardman, let's not forget Brandon Brooks going to the Eagles and becoming a Pro Bowler!
Solemate62's Avatar
Makes no sense at times: last week losing at home to a tepid Broncos team and today, winning a tough one on the road! Crazy!
Damn, Texans beat Titans only postponing the inevitable for BoB.