The Mueller report

Whisky_1's Avatar
"If Pelosi or Schitt want access to the unredacted report they can go the the SCIF room and read it."

This is probably the most accurate response with regard to congressional access to an unredacted copy of the Mueller report. So what happened to the excuse that access was prevented by law?
I B Hankering's Avatar
"If Pelosi or Schitt want access to the unredacted report they can go the the SCIF room and read it."

This is probably the most accurate response with regard to congressional access to an unredacted copy of the Mueller report. So what happened to the excuse that access was prevented by law?
Originally Posted by Whisky_1
Federal law prohibits the wholesale public dissemination of the report per Rule 6(e) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure on release of grand jury information.

Under the compromise afforded by Barr, Schitty, et al, have to sign in without cell phones, cameras, etc., thus creating an audit trail of who saw what when. It requires the likes of Schitty to personally take the time and go see the docuemt and not farm it out to some junior staff member. It prevents Schitty, et al, from snapping pictures of classified documents and sending those images to his buddies in the the lib-retarded lame stream media.

Notice how Schitty, et al, refused to submit to those guidelines, but, instead, whined like you're doing that the whole report was never released..
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I call BS because members of Congress receive security clearances they need and are qualify for to perform their jobs which includes oversight of the Executive Branch. Originally Posted by Whisky_1

not bullshit.

congress critters security clearances is not unlimited. there are certain info they just do not have clearance to look at.

grand jury data and investigations; they can't look at it when its active.

as pointed out, once in a while an unredacted report is made available to the committee under strict guidelines.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

do you think withholding exculpatory evidence is a problem in flynn and manafort cases?
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2019, 08:29 AM
DF - of course not
DPST's operate on "feelings" , not intellectual deliberation!
matchingmole's Avatar
More TDS...Trump Devotional Syndrome
Whisky_1's Avatar

do you think withholding exculpatory evidence is a problem in flynn and manafort cases? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
No! I do not know if Mueller withheld exculpatory evidence. So, No not at this time, but I'm not a lawyer.


Do you think a hostile foreign nation using cyberwarfare to interfere in American democratic processes during the 2016 General Election is a problem?
lustylad's Avatar
Do you think a hostile foreign nation using cyberwarfare to interfere in American democratic processes during the 2016 General Election is a problem? Originally Posted by Whisky_1
So buying a few ads on Facebook and leaking emails the DNC was too stupid to keep secure is now called "cyberwarfare" - on a par with shutting down our electric grid? You only hype this stuff to discredit trump.

Do you think using official campaign money to pay Putin's intel agents to create a dossier full of lies on your political opponent is a problem?

Do you think government spying on a political campaign is a problem?
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Trump and Barr are crossing another line

By Michael Morell
Contributing columnist
Michael Morell was the deputy director of the CIA from 2010 to 2013 and twice its acting director. He is a contributing columnist for The Post.

There seems to be an erroneous belief among some that if the analysts had not come to the conclusion that Putin was trying to help Trump, there would not have been an FBI counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. This belief is misplaced; there was likely never a link between a judgment by the intelligence community analysts and a decision by the FBI on whether to open a counterintelligence case.

LexusLover's Avatar
#1.... but I'm not a lawyer.

#2....Do you think a hostile foreign nation using cyberwarfare to interfere in American democratic processes during the 2016 General Election is a problem? Originally Posted by Whisky_1
#1: It shows.
#2: Apparently it wasn't to Obaminable.
LexusLover's Avatar

Trump and Barr are crossing another line

Michael Morell, Contributing columnist
Michael Morell was the deputy director of the CIA from 2010 to 2013 and twice its acting director. He is a contributing columnist for The Post. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Apparently Little Mike has forgotten about Title 50 = STFU.
Jaxson66's Avatar
“I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments – that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election. That allegation deserves the attention of everyAmerican
Robert Mueller
May 29, 2019

The fact that Russian military agents attacked the 2016 election doesn’t appear to trouble the Trump party. They choose to believe the Freedom Caucus deep state bullshit over reality.
  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2019, 08:22 AM
J666 - SomeOne left out the narrative that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian in a conspiracy to get elected.

Resulting in the Excuses for the hillary Loss.

I B Hankering's Avatar
“I will close by reiterating the central allegation of our indictments – that there were multiple, systematic efforts to interfere in our election. That allegation deserves the attention of everyAmerican
Robert Mueller
May 29, 2019

The fact that Russian military agents attacked the 2016 election doesn’t appear to trouble the Trump party. They choose to believe the Freedom Caucus deep state bullshit over reality.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Scorpions do what scorpions do. It's in their nature. It's ignorant politicos, i.e., Odumbo, who sat back and let scorpions do what they do while Odumbo fiddled is the only real crime here ... and in Benghazi.
Jaxson66's Avatar
J666 - SomeOne left out the narrative that Trump and his campaign actively colluded with the Russian in a conspiracy to get elected.

Resulting in the Excuses for the hillary Loss.

Forgetful? Originally Posted by oeb11
There was definitely collusion, but that’s not a crime. Mueller clearly states in his report the lack of irrefutable evidence to prove conspiracy.

FYI...if you scroll to the back of the report you will find a list of all the foreign contacts made with the trump campaign. Dear leader is pleading innocent of collusion when collusion isn’t a crime...