How are we going to pay for all this shit?

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  • WTF
  • 12-07-2021, 12:43 PM
You shouldn't hide behind a Politico story, especially one that doesn't even come close to substantiating your ignorant posts.

Saying that "taming deficits is (temporarily) less important than spurring growth" is not even close to saying "deficits don't matter". The former implies they still matter, but should not be prioritized ahead of another, more urgent goal. If you disagreed with Reagan's priorities, you are entitled to say so. You are NOT entitled to completely misrepresent his views or the views of the people in his administration.

! Originally Posted by lustylad
I've already told you I look at actions not words. You can claim you are straight while have a dick in your ass. Your actions would not be in line with you words.

We have 40 years of facts that I have based my view on.

Care to take a look at something you used to tout. GDP/Debt

1980 $908 32% Volcker raised fed rate to 20%
1981 $998 31% Reagan tax cut
1982 $1,142 34% Reagan increased spending
1983 $1,377 37% Jobless rate 10.8%
1984 $1,572 38% Increased defense spending
1985 $1,823 41%
1986 $2,125 46% Reagan lowered taxes
1987 $2,350 48% Market crash
1988 $2,602 50% Fed raised rates
1989 $2,857 51% S&L Crisis
1990 $3,233 54% First Iraq War
1991 $3,665 58% Recession
1992 $4,065 61%
1993 $4,411 63% Omnibus Budget Act
1994 $4,693 64% Clinton budgets
1995 $4,974 64%
1996 $5,225 64% Welfare reform
1997 $5,413 63%
1998 $5,526 60% LTCM crisis & recession
1999 $5,656 58% Glass-Steagall repealed
2000 $5,674 55% Budget surplus
2001 $5,807 55% 9/11 attacks & EGTRRA
2002 $6,228 57% War on Terror
2003 $6,783 59% JGTRRA & Iraq War
2004 $7,379 60% Iraq War
2005 $7,933 61% Bankruptcy Act & Katrina.
2006 $8,507 61% Bernanke chaired Fed
2007 $9,008 62% Bank crisis
2008 $10,025 68% Bank bailout & QE
2009 $11,910 82% Bailout cost $250B ARRA added $242B
2010 $13,562 90% ARRA added $400B, payroll tax holiday ended, Obama Tax cuts, ACA, Simpson-Bowles
2011 $14,790 95% Debt crisis, recession and tax cuts reduced revenue
2012 $16,066 99% Fiscal cliff
2013 $16,738 99% Sequester, government shutdown
2014 $17,824 101% QE ended, debt ceiling crisis
2015 $18,151 100% Oil prices fell
2016 $19,573 105% Brexit
2017 $20,245 104% Congress raised the debt ceiling
2018 $21,516 105% Trump tax cuts
2019 $22,719 107% Trade wars
2020 $27,748 129% COVID-19 & 2020 recession
2021 $28,400 125% COVID-19 & American Rescue Plan Act
lustylad's Avatar
Care to take a look at something you used to tout. GDP/Debt Originally Posted by WTF
It's debt/GDP, not vice versa.

And quit deflecting. Class is waiting for you. Fiscal policy 101, taught by wtf. Let's go!

This is your chance to shine! Tell us everything we don't understand about "the whole of when to cut taxes"! I want to hear what I'm missing.

You're the eccie expert on fiscal policy, so please share your expertise! Originally Posted by lustylad
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  • 12-07-2021, 01:13 PM
I've already called Laffer a lightweight. You think he's a heavy. Reagan's economic record was so strong there are plenty of advisers eager to take credit for it.

Huh? You want to "move along" when I just handed you the mic?

This is your chance to shine! Tell us everything we don't understand about "the whole of when to cut taxes"! I want to hear what I'm missing.

You're the eccie expert on fiscal policy, so please share your expertise! Originally Posted by lustylad
I have already told you once before. Recently in fact and I will not do so again.

If you weren't such a fucking asshole you'd acknowledge so.

I want you to move along if you can discuss things in a rational respectful manner since we are not having these discussions in person where I can assure that you do. We are just going to have to do this on the honor system. From now on if you seek something from me, it will be requested respectfully or I will disengage.

I happened to like the direction CK had moved the forum as far as insults. Now that the continued parroting seems to be removed from every single thread it might be worth a shot for the forum to continue to improve and not degenerate into a shitshow.

So if you choose not to change for the ,Waco and LexusLover have at the petty insults and corruption of perfectly good threads with your nonsense.
lustylad's Avatar
I have already told you once before. Recently in fact and I will not do so again.

If you weren't such a fucking asshole you'd acknowledge so... Originally Posted by WTF

I knew you would do this. You're a fraud. Every time I put you on the spot and give you an opportunity to show you know more than 1% of what you claim to know, you duck and flee!

And you lie by using the same lame excuse every time - "I have already told you before". No, you didn't. Stop using that lie whenever you know you're in over your head!

Then you call me a "fucking asshole" while lecturing everyone on the need to stop the insults and treat you respectfully!

What a piece of sh..., er, work you are!

But thanks for proving to everyone, once again and beyond any doubt, that you are the...

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  • WTF
  • 12-07-2021, 01:59 PM
I knew you would do this. You're a fraud. Every time I put you on the spot and give you an opportunity to show you know more than 1% of what you claim to know, you duck and flee!

And you lie by using the same lame excuse every time - "I have already told you before". No, you didn't. Stop using that lie whenever you know you're in over your head!

Then you call me a "fucking asshole" while lecturing everyone on the need to stop the insults and treat you respectfully!

What a piece of sh..., er, work you are!

But thanks for proving to everyone beyond any doubt you are the...

Originally Posted by lustylad
I had already explained where you Reagan lovers have gotten Laffer's theory wrong. You can not just continually cut taxes and expect Optimal tax receipts.

I called you a fucking asshole because I did not think you stupid enough to forget that very discussion only weeks ago. My apologies for calling you a fucking asshole if in fact you are that stupid.
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  • WTF
  • 12-07-2021, 02:06 PM
It's debt/GDP, not vice versa.

And quit deflecting. Class is waiting for you. Fiscal policy 101, taught by wtf. Let's go! Originally Posted by lustylad
I've already posted my point along with the rising debt to GDP.

I'm not claiming to be an expert. All I'm doing is pointing out the obvious...which does not fit your narrative of RR.

I'm not totally anti Reagan. But you bragging about how much he spot break the Soviets is simplistic. Totally disregarding oil prices as being a much larger factor. This peace dividend was then used as a cause of 9/11 and a reason for Bush to ramp up more military spending. And your so called defeat of the long did that last? Did it lead to the alliance like WWII with Germany and Japan? But enough of that. Reagan lit the fuse to this....the numbers bare it out
bambino's Avatar
I knew you would do this. You're a fraud. Every time I put you on the spot and give you an opportunity to show you know more than 1% of what you claim to know, you duck and flee!

And you lie by using the same lame excuse every time - "I have already told you before". No, you didn't. Stop using that lie whenever you know you're in over your head!

Then you call me a "fucking asshole" while lecturing everyone on the need to stop the insults and treat you respectfully!

What a piece of sh..., er, work you are!

But thanks for proving to everyone, once again and beyond any doubt, that you are the...

Originally Posted by lustylad
Lucas is. WTF is something different. More of what he called you.
... Blimey! ... The Pittsburgh lads kicking some arse
and surely got the book out and taking-down some names!

Why am I not surprised? ...

However, barneys like this one are rather counter-productive
to the good of the forum. Almost WORSE now than two weeks ago.

In thee immortal words of that wise Australian Confuchess:

"Can't we all just get along?"

### Salty
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  • 12-07-2021, 04:30 PM
WTF is something different. More of what he called you. Originally Posted by bambino
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  • 12-07-2021, 04:40 PM
... Blimey! ... The Pittsburgh lads kicking some arse
and surely got the book out and taking-down some names!

Why am I not surprised? ...

However, barneys like this one are rather counter-productive
to the good of the forum. Almost WORSE now than two weeks ago.

In thee immortal words of that wise Australian Confuchess:

"Can't we all just get along?"

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
lustyladdie is just upset because I think his economic prowess is on par with Rainman. Our little laddie boy is good with numbers but couldn't get laid flashing a 100k at a bar in Vegas.

Someone please tell him to quit losing his caca over what people think about him on a hooker board.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Blimey! ... The Pittsburgh lads kicking some arse
and surely got the book out and taking-down some names!

Why am I not surprised? ...

However, barneys like this one are rather counter-productive
to the good of the forum. Almost WORSE now than two weeks ago.

In thee immortal words of that wise Australian Confuchess:

"Can't we all just get along?"

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

hold my beer, mate ..

I've already told you I look at actions not words. You can claim you are straight while have a dick in your ass. Your actions would not be in line with you words.

We have 40 years of facts that I have based my view on.

Care to take a look at something you used to tout. GDP/Debt

End of Fiscal YearDebt (in billions, rounded)Debt-to-GDP RatioMajor Events by Presidential Term

1929 $17 16% Market crash
1930 $16 17% Smoot-Hawley reduced trade
1931 $17 22% Dust Bowl drought raged
1932 $20 34% Hoover raised taxes
1933 $23 40% New Deal increased GDP & debt
1934 $27 40%
1935 $29 39% Social Security
1936 $34 40% Tax hikes renewed depression
1937 $36 39% Third New Deal
1938 $37 42% Dust Bowl ended
1939 $40 51% Depression ended
1940 $43 49% FDR increased spending & raised taxes
1941 $49 44% U.S. entered WWII
1942 $72 48% Defense tripled
1943 $137 70%
1944 $201 91% Bretton Woods
1945 $259 114% WWII ended
1946 $269 119% Truman's 1st term budgets & recession
1947 $258 103% Cold War
1948 $252 92% Recession
1949 $253 93% Recession
1950 $257 86% Korean War boosted growth and debt
1951 $255 74%
1952 $259 71%
1953 $266 68% Recession when war ended
1954 $271 69% Eisenhower's budgets & Recession
1955 $274 64%
1956 $273 61%
1957 $271 57% Recession
1958 $276 58% Eisenhower's 2nd term & recession
1959 $285 55% Fed raised rates
1960 $286 54% Recession
1961 $289 52% Bay of Pigs
1962 $298 50% JFK budgets & Cuban missile crisis
1963 $306 48% U.S. aids Vietnam, JFK killed
1964 $312 46% LBJ's budgets & war on poverty
1965 $317 43% U.S. entered Vietnam War
1966 $320 40% 1967 $326 40%
1968 $348 39%
1969 $354 36% Nixon took office
1970 $371 35% Recession
1971 $398 35% Wage-price controls
1972 $427 34% Stagflation
1973 $458 33% Nixon ended gold standard & OPEC oil embargo
1974 $475 31% Watergate & budget process created
1975 $533 32% Vietnam War ended
1976 $620 33% Stagflation
1977 $699 34% Stagflation
1978 $772 33% Carter budgets & recession
1979 $82732%
1980 $908 32% Volcker raised fed rate to 20%
1981 $998 31% Reagan tax cut
1982 $1,142 34% Reagan increased spending
1983 $1,377 37% Jobless rate 10.8%
1984 $1,572 38% Increased defense spending
1985 $1,823 41%
1986 $2,125 46% Reagan lowered taxes
1987 $2,350 48% Market crash
1988 $2,602 50% Fed raised rates
1989 $2,857 51% S&L Crisis
1990 $3,233 54% First Iraq War
1991 $3,665 58% Recession
1992 $4,065 61%
1993 $4,411 63% Omnibus Budget Act
1994 $4,693 64% Clinton budgets
1995 $4,974 64%
1996 $5,225 64% Welfare reform
1997 $5,413 63%
1998 $5,526 60% LTCM crisis & recession
1999 $5,656 58% Glass-Steagall repealed
2000 $5,674 55% Budget surplus
2001 $5,807 55% 9/11 attacks & EGTRRA
2002 $6,228 57% War on Terror
2003 $6,783 59% JGTRRA & Iraq War
2004 $7,379 60% Iraq War
2005 $7,933 61% Bankruptcy Act & Katrina.
2006 $8,507 61% Bernanke chaired Fed
2007 $9,008 62% Bank crisis
2008 $10,025 68% Bank bailout & QE
2009 $11,910 82% Bailout cost $250B ARRA added $242B
2010 $13,562 90% ARRA added $400B, payroll tax holiday ended, Obama Tax cuts, ACA, Simpson-Bowles
2011 $14,790 95% Debt crisis, recession and tax cuts reduced revenue
2012 $16,066 99% Fiscal cliff
2013 $16,738 99% Sequester, government shutdown
2014 $17,824 101% QE ended, debt ceiling crisis
2015 $18,151 100% Oil prices fell
2016 $19,573 105% Brexit
2017 $20,245 104% Congress raised the debt ceiling
2018 $21,516 105% Trump tax cuts
2019 $22,719 107% Trade wars
2020 $27,748 129% COVID-19 & 2020 recession
2021 $28,400 125% COVID-19 & American Rescue Plan Act Originally Posted by WTF

your contention is wrong. Reagan didn't start the debt. it existed for decades before he became president. the numbers show it.

that it continued after him is meaningless. it existed for decades before him. you probably aren't some uber lib Ronnie hater like some here obviously are but you post like it.

you've been making a fool of yourself over this for weeks now and acting like a petulant child because no one agrees with you, because you are wrong.
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  • WTF
  • 12-07-2021, 08:27 PM
hold my beer, mate ..

your contention is wrong. Reagan didn't start the debt. it existed for decades before he became president. the numbers show it.

that it continued after him is meaningless. it existed for decades before him. you probably aren't some uber lib Ronnie hater like some here obviously are but you post like it.

. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Are you blind?

Even lustylad wasn't silly enough to bring this up.

Here without lecturing you, I'll give you a helpful assignment.

Graph the Debt to GDP ratio from 1929 to present. Hint, it climbed through the depression and WWII and then begins a long mostly descending pattern until...well I'll let you figure out what year it begins a climb back to WWII levels.

After that you will understand why lustylad resorted to insults instead of addressing the implication that you correctly pointed out I've been making for weeks but in reality for over a decade.

Google David Stockman if you'd like to learn more.

Here let me help you...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Are you blind?

Even lustylad wasn't silly enough to bring this up.

Here without lecturing you, I'll give you a helpful assignment.

Graph the Debt to GDP ratio from 1929 to present. Hint, it climbed through the depression and WWII and then begins a long mostly descending pattern until...well I'll let you figure out what year it begins a climb back to WWII levels.

After that you will understand why lustylad resorted to insults instead of addressing the implication that you correctly pointed out I've been making for weeks but in reality for over a decade.

Google David Stockman if you'd like to learn more.

Here let me help you... Originally Posted by WTF

you are citing a vanity fair article to bolster your lame claim? read it, worthless. you are getting desperate to prove a point you can't prove.

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  • WTF
  • 12-07-2021, 09:27 PM
you are citing a vanity fair article to bolster your lame claim? read it, worthless. you are getting desperate to prove a point you can't prove.

bahahahahaahhahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Wow...that was a side note.

Did you graph your assignment?

If so you will easily see that Reagan started this run up of debt to GDP ratio?

Had you, you'd see exactly wtf I have been say to be true.

The VF article was not boost my case. The numbers I provided make my case.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Wow...that was a side note.

Did you graph your assignment?

If so you will easily see that Reagan started this run up of debt to GDP ratio?

Reagan didn't, the cropped data you used is exposed by mine. ask how Ronnie could have accrued a nearly 1 TRILLION debt BEFORE becoming prez?

Had you, you'd see exactly wtf I have been say to be true.

And let me give you a friendly reminder...addressing the bearer of bad news instead of the bad news is a decent tell that you're not holding a good hand. Originally Posted by WTF

And let me give you a friendly reminder... youz iz wrong. so crack yer stubby old knuckles and type more bullshit. it will still be bullshit. now and 100 years from now.