Any Pureblood Providers Left Out There? If Not, I'm Done With This So Called Hobby.

ManSlut's Avatar
translation ... if you say so. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I was the #2 ‘Like’ on your post (probably after you ‘Liked’ yourself)...Thank you for following me, I love all my Fans & Haters, especially the Trumpers.

I predict another, “If you say so” from you on this post, too, don’t let me down.
ManSlut's Avatar
Fun Facts:

Cheap Charlie said he was going to retire due to the tainted prospects of a good time. He hasn’t.

VENUSNOVA asked for her account to be “deleted” a couple of weeks ago to the Houston Staff, it hasn’t, why?...No one even responded, “It can only be Disabled or Guested.”

Two ladies have stated on this threAD they haven’t received the ‘clot shot’. Go get em Charlie.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Great just great. The political cesspool forum is now in the Dallas forum. Where are the modtards that monitor thread hijacking? This thread has been hijacked at least 12 times. Originally Posted by pyramider

you do know this post is off topic, yes?

I was the #2 ‘Like’ on your post (probably after you ‘Liked’ yourself)...Thank you for following me, I love all my Fans & Haters, especially the Trumpers.

I predict another, “If you say so” from you on this post, too, don’t let me down. Originally Posted by ManSlut

thank you valued poster.
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^ If you say so, pays for Premium Access.
Precious_b's Avatar
I was the #2 ‘Like’ on your post (probably after you ‘Liked’ yourself)...Thank you for following me, I love all my Fans & Haters, especially the Trumpers.

I predict another, “If you say so” from you on this post, too, don’t let me down. Originally Posted by ManSlut
Just reply with "Steele Dossier" and see them get their panties in a wad.

To take from a John Boyd phrase, "BS is radial."
Precious_b's Avatar
you do know this post is off topic, yes?

thank you valued poster. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
^^^ If you say so, pays for Premium Access. Originally Posted by ManSlut

pays for premium kgirl ass

Just reply with "Steele Dossier" and see them get their panties in a wad.

To take from a John Boyd phrase, "BS is radial." Originally Posted by Precious_b

let me guess ... the republicans paid for it

Chung Tran's Avatar
I don't need statistics to tell me. I know 7 people who suffered greatly from Covid since last August, 6 were literally near-death, hospitalized, some ventilated.

All 6 were completely unvaccinated. The other is a 72 year old woman who had several sick days, and lingering brain fog. She is vaxxed and boosted.

By the way, the other 6 range from 28 to 54 in age.

I like my chances with the MRNA vaccine.
It’s Asian culture to conform. comply, obey, and not antagonize the emperor. Must obey the emperor. Must not cause displeasure to the dictator. I will obey authority.
ManSlut's Avatar
Oh Charles, seriously what ails you, what got you here? I feel you don’t know whether you’re coming or going...Don’t be afraid or ashamed to say you need some help...I’m worried about you.

My advice- Stay away from news stories from any form of media; drink some good green tea 3 times a day, but especially in the evening after dinner; listen to some good music throughout the day; smile at everyone; compliment 3-4 strangers you run into if out & about; read (a book, remember no Internet shit) at least one hour a day, preferably before bedtime; eat a Clean Diet for about 2 weeks, no sodas or alcohol either, water or green tea only; and thank God for everything he has blessed your Life with; and kiss your old lady like you used to when you first met, soft and tender, then brush the back of the fingers on one hand against her cheek, and look hard into her eyes for about 10 seconds, then tell her when you first fell in Love with her.

Then walk away from the bullshit on this board, you’re a better man than this. I know it and you know it. Real men don’t have to prove they’re an Alpha Male or that they have ‘balls’, that shit is for the insecure ones. A real man just lives his Life for one person to say about him, “There goes a good, decent, thoughtful, caring man.”

I’ll be praying for you and with you...I’m out.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
It’s Asian culture to conform. comply, obey, and not antagonize the emperor. Must obey the emperor. Must not cause displeasure to the dictator. I will obey authority. Originally Posted by Cheap Charlie

Says the guy with a picture of a power hungry political leader/wanna be dictator as a show of praise and devotion on his eccie profile, lol...
GayleMeyers's Avatar
Thanks for the laugh ...
TinMan's Avatar
It’s possible he’s pulling our legs, but on this beautiful Sunday morning I’m going to take Manny’s post at face value and say that’s one of the best pieces of advice I’ve read on any website anywhere in some time. Like a lot of people I would probably be better off if I did the same.
Have you considered changing your name to “Crazy Charlie”?. Asking for a friend.