Fox Caught Making Up News Out of Nothing Again - The Real Pirate Story

I B Hankering's Avatar
That's the spirit IB. If you can't dazzle them with superior intellect, baffle them with mindless, childish name calling. Originally Posted by bigtex
Ekim the Inbred is a rock -- he has no intellect to appeal to. If you haven't noticed that, then you're a pretty dumb muther fucker also.
It's your argument that has no foundation, because once again you're ignoring the Kool Aid dispensing MSM's presentation of the video as "unaltered evidence". Further, you're ignoring completely the Kool Aid dispensing MSM's claims regarding the Palestinian problem -- which it has yet to retract.

Your phoney concern regarding "
we would never hear the end of it" has no meaning, because you put on your liberal, MSM blinders and ear plugs ages ago and you see and hear only what you want to see and hear. The story is not over, your just not listening. Mother Jones has put forth multiple lies and the liberal MSM repeated those lies, and Dims like you deny there ever were lies.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
If you assume that I only listen to the MSM that is the farthest from the truth I actually gather my news from multiple sources including Mitt Romneys Campaign site itself. Which make no statements in which he denies what has been said in the video or has made any claims that his person has been altered on the the video. Until he does you can take you excuses and your far fetched theories to yourself.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Are you denying Odumbo used Predator drones against Kadaffyduck's regime and him personally? You're hysterically stupid if you are trying to deny Odumbo's missile strike against Kadaffyduck's motor convoy didn't deliver him to the mob.
Your inability to read or think logically--I am not sure which is the root cause--is shining through very brightly on this thread and the other one today. Did I say ANYTHING about Obama NOT injecting in Libya? No I did not. I only said he didn't start it as you were implying. You yourself even AGREED with my point when you brought up Jefferson. You can't have it both ways--Obama started it but it's been going on for 200 years. No, wait! I get it now, just like Lincoln was a vampire slayer, Jefferson invented a time travel machine and lept forward a couple centuries. OBAMA IS ACTUALLY THOMAS JEFFERSON!!!! No wonder he won't produce a birth certificate, it would prove he is time traveling! Only YOU, IB, are brilliant enough to see that! What a fool we have been to doubt you!
This one I have to mark down and use soon. Actually I give permission for anyone who cares to use it, they can use it even though I noticed it: IBH is admitting that anything the DNC says must be true! I'm not even taking him out of context--since the DNC and Obama said Jefferson was the first Democrat he is clearly, unequivically DEMANDING that I accept it as true--because the DNC said it! I now suspect IBH will start seriously backpeddling, but we all have seen it here ourselves. Originally Posted by Old-T

Old-T, you failed to address the questions:

Are you denying Odumbo used Predator drones against Kadaffyduck's regime and him personally?
You're hysterically stupid if you are trying to deny Odumbo's missile strike against Kadaffyduck's motor convoy didn't deliver him to the mob.

Are you denying that at the 2012 convention Odumbo and the DNC made the claim that they were the same party that Jefferson created and represented, you hysterically-stupid-Old-T?

I B Hankering's Avatar
If you assume that I only listen to the MSM that is the farthest from the truth I actually gather my news from multiple sources including Mitt Romneys Campaign site itself. Which make no statements in which he denies what has been said in the video or has made any claims that his person has been altered on the the video. Until he does you can take you excuses and your far fetched theories to yourself. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Once again you're ignoring documented incidents where Mother Jones twice presented adulterated video and claimed it was wholly factual and true. That is not a "far fetched theory": it's fact. You've presented not one iota of evidence contradicting that fact. Persist in your own delusions, if you must.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-23-2012, 03:31 PM
Old-T, you failed to address the questions:

Are you denying Odumbo used Predator drones against Kadaffyduck's regime and him personally? You're hysterically stupid if you are trying to deny Odumbo's missile strike against Kadaffyduck's motor convoy didn't deliver him to the mob.

Are you denying that at the 2012 convention Odumbo and the DNC made the claim that they were the same party that Jefferson created and represented, you hysterically-stupid-Old-T? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I answered your questions very simply and very directly. You even quoted them. If you are unable to read--or don't care to read--I have no more time to try and explain it more simply. I suggest you look up a few very simple words in a dictionary. "Start". "Century."

You are being dumber and more illogical than normal and that's pretty difficult! Well done!
joe bloe's Avatar
[QUOTE=I B Hankering;3229574]Once again you're ignoring documented incidents where Mother Jones twice presented adulterated video and claimed it was wholly factual and true. That is not a "far fetched theory": it's fact. You've presented not one iota of evidence contradicting that fact. Persist in your own delusions, if you must.[/QUOTE]

How else, can anyone be a Democrat?
Ekim the Inbred is a rock -- he has no intellect to appeal to. If you haven't noticed that, then you're a pretty dumb muther fucker also.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yet another classic example of IB resorting to mindless, childish name calling because he lacks the intellectual capacity to dazzle anyone with even the slightest degree of brilliance.
I guess you are ignoring the part where Romney has not claimed that the video was altered as a whole itself. There are no delusions when my opinions are based of facts and words that come from Mitt Romney's own mouth and the statements his campaign team have made. How are your opinions made?

But then again you pick and choose what you want to hear, the fact that the video has not been accused of being altered as a whole means nothing to you. The only thing that the Romney's campaign has had an issue with a clip released about the Middle East Peace Negotiations and have no issue with the entire video of the fundraiser.

The Mitt Romney campaign blasted this out earlier today, via email:
Today, The Obama Campaign Leveled False Attacks Against Mitt Romney Based On A Debunked And Selectively Edited Video:
Today, Obama Campaign Spokesperson Ben LaBolt Attacked Mitt Romney Based On A Debunked Mother Jones Tape. OBAMA CAMPAIGN SPOKESMAN BEN LABOLT: “You heard on the tapes released this week that it's Mitt Romney who would walk away from the peace process.” (MSNBC, 9/19/12)
But This Morning, Politico Reported That The Mother Jones Video Was Selectively Edited To Give A False Impression About Mitt Romney’s Views On The Middle East Peace Process. “But the clip initially provided by Mother Jones does not include that part of his remarks, and therefore was not reported by the aforementioned news outlets. Romney's complete remarks about the Mideast peace process were included in the complete video Mother Jones published Tuesday afternoon, less than 24 hours after it released clips from the fundraiser. But the clip posted to the Mother Jones website, which was cited by the national media, cuts out the excerpt in which Romney says that ‘American strength, American resolve’ will cause the Palestinians to ‘some day reach the point where they want peace more than we’re trying to force peace on them.’” (Dylan Byers, “Technically, Romney Said Peace Was Possible,”Politico, 9/19/12)
The problem is, there is nothing in my reportthat "debunks" the video.
More mysterious still, is why the Romney campaign wants to debunk a video containing remarks that the candidate doubled-down on in a follow-up press conference. Slate's Dave Weigel hits the nail on the head: "[B]y calling the whole tape 'debunked' and 'selectively edited,' the campaign's hewing closer to the argument -- the real story is liberal media-Obama collusion," he writes. "And the result is a sort of paradox, in which Romney stands by what he said in a video that you can't trust."
UPDATE (5:45 p.m.): A Romney campaign spokesperson reaches out to say that they only take issue with the clip addressing the Mideast peace negotiations, not with the entire video of Romney's remarks at the fundraiser.
That is all the proof I need, the Romney campaign released a statement where they claimed Politico's Dylan Byers had debunked the Romney video, when Dylan Byers responded to the campaigns claims, campaign comes out with a statement they they only have a problem with one clip and the the whole video itself.

So there you go, not one person denies that Romney's ideas in the fully released videos had been altered in anyway.
So as I said before when Romney comes out and says the video is altered or there is solid proof of post production edits- you have nothing to base your claims on.

No where is your proof that anything in the video has been altered, any changes in the continuity? Do you have claims that he was dubbed over? Any claims that the video has been diced and spliced within an inch of it's life? I haven't seen a single iota of proof that would prove otherwise. The exact time he responds to whether he is backing away from any of the statements in the video.

His response where he stands by his comments made in his video, never ever does Romney himself say that the whole video been altered. So IB show me what ya got? An official statement from his campaign team claiming the whole video was altered would be a good start.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I guess you are ignoring the part where Romney has not claimed that the video was altered as a whole itself. There are no delusions when my opinions are based of facts and words that come from Mitt Romney's own mouth and the statements his campaign team have made. How are your opinions made?

But then again you pick and choose what you want to hear, the fact that the video has not been accused of being altered as a whole means nothing to you. The only thing that the Romney's campaign has had an issue with a clip released about the Middle East Peace Negotiations and have no issue with the entire video of the fundraiser.

That is all the proof I need, the Romney campaign released a statement where they claimed Politico's Dylan Byers had debunked the Romney video, when Dylan Byers responded to the campaigns claims, campaign comes out with a statement they they only have a problem with one clip and the the whole video itself.

So there you go, not one person denies that Romney's ideas in the fully released videos had been altered in anyway.
So as I said before when Romney comes out and says the video is altered or there is solid proof of post production edits- you have nothing to base your claims on.

No where is your proof that anything in the video has been altered, any changes in the continuity? Do you have claims that he was dubbed over? Any claims that the video has been diced and spliced within an inch of it's life? I haven't seen a single iota of proof that would prove otherwise. The exact time he responds to whether he is backing away from any of the statements in the video.

His response where he stands by his comments made in his video, never ever does Romney himself say that the whole video been altered. So IB show me what ya got? An official statement from his campaign team claiming the whole video was altered would be a good start. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
As demonstrated earlier, no one needs to claim the whole video was altered to change the message imparted in the video. It takes less than a second to do that. Mother Jones released edited, editorialized and out of context videos. Mother Jones was forced to admit that, you still pretend it didn’t happen or that it doesn’t matter. It did happen and it does matter because Kool Aid swilling Dims accept it as the gospel truth.

Maybe Romney answer was “inelegant” only because Mother Jones didn’t disclose that part of tape was missing by William A. Jacobson

. . . . It is impossible for us to know if Romney said something which changed or put the remarks in context. Romney doesn’t remember the event except for what exists on audio/video. Maybe in the fullness of the answer, the answer was less “inelegant” than it appears. . . .

Critical audio gap in “complete” Romney tape released by Mother Jones (Update – Corn responds, 1-2 minutes missing)

[Corn lies again hoping to perpetuate the first lie:]

[Corn backpedals:]

"According to the source, the recording device inadvertently turned off. The source noticed this quickly and turned it back one. The source estimates that one to two minutes, maybe less, of recording was missed."

Mother Jones, the left-wing magazine that released a controversial video of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's remarks to a fundraiser in May, now admits that it has no full tape of what Romney said, and that its video is missing "one to two minutes" at the most important moment.

Technically, Romney said peace was possible By DYLAN BYERS

"At controversial fundraiser, Romney says Middle East peace isn't possible," CBS News's Political Hotsheet reported in its online headline. "Romney: ‘No Way’ There Will Be Israeli-Palestinian Peace," read ABC News's headline. "Romney Told Donors ‘No Way’ on Israeli-Palestinian Peace Accord," Bloomberg reported.

In fact, Romney does think a certain peace is possible — albeit not through the oft-proposed channels — and said as much at the fundraiser. But the clip initially provided by Mother Jones does not include that part of his remarks, and therefore was not reported by the aforementioned news outlets.

The most talked about footage shows Romney speaking about the ongoing tensions in the Middle East. While Romney admits being divided about how the issue of a two-state solution should be handled, Mother Jones presents the clip in a very singular, albeit questionable, way.

“He discussed various foreign policy positions, sharing views that he does not express in public, including his belief that peace in the Middle East is not possible and a Palestinian state is not feasible,” Mother Jones wrote on Tuesday.

The outlet explained that Romney’s comments about the situation in the Middle East came after someone at the dinner asked how the “Palestinian problem” could be solved. Mother Jones framed the candidate’s response as follows:” Romney immediately launched into a detailed reply, asserting that the Palestinians have ‘no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish.’”

But this isn’t exactly how the statements were uttered.

When 'Mother Jones' Opposed 'Selectively Edited' Video 'Reported Uncritically By the Media' By John Nolte

So what do we know?

1. The left-wing David Corn at the left-wing "Mother Jones" released selective portions of hidden video taken without Mitt Romney's knowledge at a fundraiser this spring.

2. The corrupt media (who hate when James O'Keefe releases secret video) ran and are still running with the video, hoping to turn it onto the silver bullet that will finally and forever kill Mitt Romney's campaign.

3. That Mitt Romney asked that the full unedited video be released.

4. That David Corn and "Mother Jones" agreed to release the full unedited video.

5. That David Corn and "Mother Jones" claimed to have released the full unedited video.

6. That David Corn and "Mother Jones" lied when they said they had released the full unedited video.

7. That somewhere around two minutes of the video is missing, and that in the wildest of wild coincidences, the missing minutes just happen to occur around the portion of the video the media are claiming is the most damaging to Romney -- the portion about the 47%.

8. That "Mother Jones" and David Corn not only lied but that, as an institution -- as this editorial from March of last year makes clear -- "Mother Jones" is filled with wild-eyed hypocrites:

To the list of journalism's greatest disgraces, let us now add James O'Keefe. O'Keefe calls himself an investigative reporter, though as far as we can tell the only group of journalists he has anything in common with are habitual fabricators like Jayson Blair, Stephen Glass, and Janet Cooke.

But that's not the scandal we're talking about. The real scandal is that—even though by the time he posted a "sting" of a top NPR fundraiser, O'Keefe was notorious for creating deceptive video smear jobs (ACORN? Hello?)—the media repeated the allegations uncritically.

9. That James O'Keefe eventually released the full unedited NPR video.

10. That as of this writing "Mother Jones" still hasn't released or detailed what is missing from their still selectively edited video -- you know, the missing portion that by some wild coincidence occurs during the portion of the video David Corn, "Mother Jones," and the ObamaMedia say is the most damaging.

To be frank, I don’t believe David Corn or "Mother Jones." I think the missing minutes are mitigating and might even show Romney in a good light; might even show him clarifying his remarks. There's a reason Corn and "Mother Jones" tried to get away with passing off the edited video as unedited, and this is the only reason that makes any sense.

Frankly, I also don’t believe Corn and "Mother Jones" when they claim to not have access to the missing minutes or any idea what occurred during those missing minutes. That this strange edit happens during the portion of the tape Corn and "Mother Jones" are using to beat Romney senseless is just too coincidental for my taste.

Why should we believe anything Corn and "Mother Jones" say after they attempted to pass off edited video as unedited?

Why should we believe anything Corn and "Mother Jones" say when they trash James O'Keefe's hidden video tactics but refuse to live up to his standards of releasing the full unedited video?

We certainly can't expect Romney to remember what he said. After a while all of these fundraisers become a blur. But maybe some of the people who attended the fundraiser remember?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-23-2012, 09:33 PM

To be frank, I don’t believe David Corn or "Mother Jones." I think the missing minutes are mitigating and might even show Romney in a good light; might even show him clarifying his remarks. There's a reason Corn and "Mother Jones" tried to get away with passing off the edited video as unedited, and this is the only reason that makes any sense. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Welcome to gotcha politics. Each side takes quotes out of context. Though I do not think it happened in Romney's case

It matters not what I think, it does matter what the Court of Public Opinion thinks.

We will see come November how that turns out.

Personally, I think Mitt is the 2012 version of John Kerry , 2004. Mitt comes off as a rich snob. There is a reason why none of you righties will take any bets on Romney winning. Deep down, you know I'm right but pray I'm wrong.
There is a reason why none of you righties will take any bets on Romney winning. Deep down, you know I'm right but pray I'm wrong. Originally Posted by WTF
It is comical. All of these BLOEHARDS, most prominently Joe, bloeviate repeatedly about how Romney is going to beat Obama on November 6. Yet not one appears to be even remotely interested in making a bet on their guy.

Perhaps they are not as ignorant as their bloeviating posts. make them appear to be. Their silence speaks volumes.