Fucken Asshole

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  • Old-T
  • 08-30-2017, 10:03 AM
Well, I guess this thread will keep going a while since you are intent on babbling more. Oh well, it is relatively harmless so I will play along. It would be better if you could read/think a bit better, but I'll have to take what is there. As the Buddhist saying goes, I should not expect more from you that you are capable of.

Let's see:

--You were so convinced--and proud, it seems--that you had offended my sensibilities, hurt my ego, and bloodied my self-esteme that I had to check and see if it was true. When I discovered it was not true I felt obliged to let you know. After all, SOME DAY you might actually grow up and feel remorse for your groundless attacks on my character (doubtful, but possible) and I wouldn't want you to go through life with unnecessary guilt feelings.

--You think it is the mods' place to push back on dumb ideas. No. It is the mods' place to step in when someone breaks the rules. It is other posters' right to reply to dumb posts, or just posts they don't agree with. That is why it is a DISCUSSION board, not a LM's Private Blog. Sorry, my disagreeing with you--or pointing out where you are crude and juvenile--does not rescind my right to post.

--I certainly do NOT think all Texans--or all Austinites--are "inferior", or "dumb", etc. Just that in this forum there seems to be a disproportionately large number of redneck misogynist thinkers and posts. I actually think real Texans are a decent group writ large, but this forum is not a proportionate cross section of clueless, crude Texans.

--What do I provide to this board? A counterweight to some of the crass, dark ages posts (and posters) that show up on here. A more moderate political opinion to the RWWs (and LWWs) who tend to dominate the political discussions. A lot of useful information to those who want to have civil conversations or ask about the cities I know. And based upon the number/type of PMs and e-mails I get, a voice for a number of people who--for varied reasons--do not post themselves. Somehow I doubt those are the same people who PM you, but I don't lose sleep over that. Or over your harmless little rants. [And I probably shouldn't clue you into this secret, but the more I preoccupy your attention, the less time you can use to attack others. Since I have absolutely no interest in ever meeting you, your banal insults and rants truly do not affect me. Except to provide some Three Stooges humor when I read them.]
This thread is boring now.
Little Monster's Avatar
Well, I guess this thread will keep going a while since you are intent on babbling more. Oh well, it is relatively harmless so I will play along. It would be better if you could read/think a bit better, but I'll have to take what is there. As the Buddhist saying goes, I should not expect more from you that you are capable of.

Yep. I will babble on and on as long as I see fit. Superior One. That's the beauty of starting your own threads. Your replies are no more witty & sophisticated than mine are, so let's do this!!

Let's see:

--You were so convinced--and proud, it seems--that you had offended my sensibilities, hurt my ego, and bloodied my self-esteme that I had to check and see if it was true. When I discovered it was not true I felt obliged to let you know. After all, SOME DAY you might actually grow up and feel remorse for your groundless attacks on my character (doubtful, but possible) and I wouldn't want you to go through life with unnecessary guilt feelings.

Ok, who's doing the “Babbling” here??? And no I will never feel one oz of guilt for putting you in your place. You are the one who started the shit with me not the other way around. You are just simply another hypocrite who loves to dish it out , but can't take it. Nothing more. And no I will never ever “grow up” as long as I live, and trust me I have many more years left in me than you do old man.

--You think it is the mods' place to push back on dumb ideas. No. It is the mods' place to step in when someone breaks the rules. It is other posters' right to reply to dumb posts, or just posts they don't agree with. That is why it is a DISCUSSION board, not a LM's Private Blog. Sorry, my disagreeing with you--or pointing out where you are crude and juvenile--does not rescind my right to post.

Ok now you sir are back peddling and trying to change what you said in order to try and justify your wannabe “Macho Superiority” presence here. You clearly stated that you are “Pushing back at Belligerent Assholes”, when in fact NO ONE ever pushed shit at you or said shit to you. You sir, just like to get into the middle of shit just so you can put on your typical “Mr. Wonderful” persona so you can try and impress the ladies. Period. You never once mentioned anything about “Dumb Ideas”, however even if you did, who are you to decide what is or is not a “Dumb Idea” Superior One??? Every time you open your mouth you just continue to give me more and more amo, smart one.

--I certainly do NOT think all Texans--or all Austinites--are "inferior", or "dumb", etc. Just that in this forum there seems to be a disproportionately large number of redneck misogynist thinkers and posts. I actually think real Texans are a decent group writ large, but this forum is not a proportionate cross section of clueless, crude Texans.

Sir, please cut the horse shit. You keep trying to sugar coat your ignorance and negativity and it's not going to work on me. I know what you're doing every time you bring up that “Texans & Austinites” shit up, You know what the fuck your doing so do yourself a favor and just own. At least I own up to my shit, you are just too damn worried what the ladies are gonna think about you, so you continue to try and find some way to keep from admitting what you truly are

--What do I provide to this board? A counterweight to some of the crass, dark ages posts (and posters) that show up on here. A more moderate political opinion to the RWWs (and LWWs) who tend to dominate the political discussions. A lot of useful information to those who want to have civil conversations or ask about the cities I know. And based upon the number/type of PMs and e-mails I get, a voice for a number of people who--for varied reasons--do not post themselves. Somehow I doubt those are the same people who PM you, but I don't lose sleep over that. Or over your harmless little rants. [And I probably shouldn't clue you into this secret, but the more I preoccupy your attention, the less time you can use to attack others. Since I have absolutely no interest in ever meeting you, your banal insults and rants truly do not affect me. Except to provide some Three Stooges humor when I read them.]
Originally Posted by Old-T
nd now we finally get to the fun part. I kept pressing you on naming your contributions to this board, mainly because I already knew you have little to none. And second I knew your ass was gonna to list your wannabe wisdom as a contribution. LMMFAO!!! But then you even make a bigger ass out of your self by trying to claim political discussions on a provider board as another contribution. So let me get this straight, you try and put me down for the whole GS thing which is a hobby related realm, but Old-T Wisdom & political dicussions are far greater contributions to this board..... HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA

Now you do earn one point for the different cities thing, and I do believe you when you say that you get pm's from folks inquiring about the different places you've been. Why? Well because I have received a couple of those pm's myself. Have you been inside the UK forum?? It's not very active and when you have 10 reviews there like I do , yes you will get a couple pm's from people. So you get one point, Bravo Old-Wise One Bravo!!

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  • Old-T
  • 09-01-2017, 10:21 PM
Oh my. What awesome drivel you post.

Yep. I will babble on and on as long as I see fit. Superior One. That's the beauty of starting your own threads. Your replies are no more witty & sophisticated than mine are, so let's do this!!
Wit is in the eye of the reader. I am sure you have your groupies who think you are wittier, I suspect some think I am. I don’t really care what the crowd count is, that isn’t why I post.

Ok, who's doing the “Babbling” here??? And no I will never feel one oz of guilt for putting you in your place. You are the one who started the shit with me not the other way around. You are just simply another hypocrite who loves to dish it out , but can't take it. Nothing more. And no I will never ever “grow up” as long as I live, and trust me I have many more years left in me than you do old man.
Who is babbling? Why obviously you are. And no, YOU started this with your OP. I decided to express my opinion about something I thought was vulgar, but it was YOUR post (as you are fond of pointing out when it is convenient for you to do so).

I acknowledge that you probably DO have more years left than I do. But whether they are good years is yet to be seen. 50 year olds who act like teenagers often get mistaken for being more than a little daft.

Ok now you sir are back peddling and trying to change what you said in order to try and justify your wannabe “Macho Superiority” presence here. You clearly stated that you are “Pushing back at Belligerent Assholes”, when in fact NO ONE ever pushed shit at you or said shit to you.
Change what I said? Why no, YOU are the one who brought up the issue of mods/moderation. I just pointed out that you were wrong. That is far from backpedaling. And you really can read what you have posted on this thread and have the delusional gall to say “NO ONE ever pushed shit at you or said shit to you”? That is hysterically funny. And a lie.

Dumb ideas are in the eye of the poster. I stated I thought some of yours were/are dumb. No more, no less. But again you wish to somehow claim people who think your post is dumb do not have the right to say so.

Sir, please cut the horse shit. You keep trying to sugar coat your ignorance and negativity and it's not going to work on me. I know what you're doing every time you bring up that “Texans & Austinites” shit up
No ignorance—there ARE a number of redneck misogynist thinkers and posts on here, even if some of them don’t acknowledge that they are. Negativity? Well, directed at THOSE Texans’ posts, yes indeed. I am negative towards post I don’t agree with—EXACTLY AS YOU ARE DOING IN THIS THREAD. Do you have a divine right to do so that is not given to mere mortals? You post your disagreement with my comments. I post my disagreement with yours. But you somehow see those two as different. You know that hypocrite word you like to toss around? I suggest you look squarely in the mirror. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Little Monster's Avatar

Who is babbling? Why obviously you are. And no, YOU started this with your OP. I decided to express my opinion about something I thought was vulgar, but it was YOUR post (as you are fond of pointing out when it is convenient for you to do so).

And what would you call your posts?? Intellectual replies??? LMMFAO!!
Nice try but I never started shit. The OP was a joke and nothing more, this thread never had shit to do with, you decided to stick your nose in it so therefore you brought this on yourself, own it. You are seriously crying about vulgarity on a Provider Board??? Talk about hypocritic. *SMH*

I acknowledge that you probably DO have more years left than I do. But whether they are good years is yet to be seen. 50 year olds who act like teenagers often get mistaken for being more than a little daft.

I'm far from 50 so that's fine with me...

Change what I said? Why no, YOU are the one who brought up the issue of mods/moderation. I just pointed out that you were wrong. That is far from backpedaling. And you really can read what you have posted on this thread and have the delusional gall to say “NO ONE ever pushed shit at you or said shit to you”? That is hysterically funny. And a lie.

Yes you most certainly did change what you said and you have all throughout this thread, I'm guess because you are trying desperately to make yourself right but it isn't working one bit. In post 73 you clearly stated that your negative & insulting posts are just you “pushing back at belligerent assholes” then you turn around and try to claim that you are just pushing back at “dumb ideas”, two entirely different thing.
The mods were brought, because you seem to think it is YOUR place to go around tell people how they should post and how not to. And I still stand by that statement, you sir have a problem with people who don't think like you do that is why you feel the nee to go around and point fingers. There is no denying that, you can try but you will just continue to fail.

No ignorance—there ARE a number of redneck misogynist thinkers and posts on here, even if some of them don’t acknowledge that they are. Negativity? Well, directed at THOSE Texans’ posts, yes indeed. I am negative towards post I don’t agree with—EXACTLY AS YOU ARE DOING IN THIS THREAD. Do you have a divine right to do so that is not given to mere mortals? You post your disagreement with my comments. I post my disagreement with yours. But you somehow see those two as different. You know that hypocrite word you like to toss around? I suggest you look squarely in the mirror

Yes, those, “these Texans” posts of yours are nothing but pure ignorance, of course I would expect a person who is hung up on themselves as much as you are to acknowledge that. When you have a disagreement with a person who is from another state do you constantly bring up where their from like you do here??? I'm willing to bet you don't, you sir are an ignorant fuck.
If don't like the poster's here in Austin then why do you even bother posting in here???? Oh that's right, because you feel it is your place to go around and tell everyone that they are wrong and you are right. That sir is a fucken hypocrite. I'm not the one who goes around the board pointing fingers at the same time generating just as much negativity as those he's pointing the fingers at, YOU ARE! So therefore you are the blatant hypocrite not me. I unlike you know how to mind my own fucken business

Originally Posted by Old-T
Gamer's Avatar
  • Gamer
  • 09-03-2017, 02:02 PM
Wonder who that's directed towards? Originally Posted by AtxAngela
Judging from the words in post,it sounds like a female did something to make him mad Originally Posted by AtxAngela
*face in the palm*

I swear to the gods you fucken people!! Are gullible, over sensitive, and fucken stupid all at the same time. Now those who know me on here (and there are quite a few who do) already knew better than to take this post serious.
Who was my post directed at?? NO ONE you dipshits!!!
I posted this shit because it has been a while since I've spent any kind of time on here and I get on here and quite frankly this fucken place is BORING as fuck now. So I at least tried to break the goddamn monotony of what is now a very dull forum.
But as long as we have over sensitive & worthless individuals who contribute nothing more than hitting an rtm button I can see it will remain this way.

Now did anyone even bother to hit the play button on the music I provided BEFORE reading the post, because the background WAS a big part of the satire you know?? Originally Posted by Little Monster
No, nothing like that at all sweetie. It's the result of drinking way too many Redbulls. Having seen you in person and seeing how beautiful you are, I have nothing bad to say to you. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Lol, you already said it though. People that didn't get your "joke" "Are gullible, over sensitive, and fucken stupid all at the same time."

But it's cool, everyone knows this thread is "supposed" to be illogical. Backtracking is expected.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-03-2017, 07:51 PM

Nice try but I never started shit. The OP was a joke and nothing more, this thread never had shit to do with, you decided to stick your nose in it so therefore you brought this on yourself, own it.
You have wonderful illogic. You admit you started the thread, but when someone replies you claim you never started it. Of course.

You are seriously crying about vulgarity on a Provider Board??? Talk about hypocritic. *SMH*
Somehow I suspect most people here see a difference between sex and killing/mutilation. You obviously do not.

In post 73 you clearly stated that your negative & insulting posts are just you “pushing back at belligerent assholes” then you turn around and try to claim that you are just pushing back at “dumb ideas”, two entirely different thing.
Wow, I thought even you could get that. Dumb ideas are what belligerent assholes typically spew.

When you have a disagreement with a person who is from another state do you constantly bring up where their from like you do here???
It depends. On ECCIE, the more belligerent folk often take great pride in pointing out that they are Texans--or at least from Dallas, Houston, Austin, etc. Or at least not "northerners". So I try to speak their language.

Originally Posted by Little Monster
you were wrong about what a mod's role is. You were wrong in claiming I tried to say you couldn't/shouldn't post. And in your 20-something posts on this thread you have yet to say much cogent. You are getting quite boring. But I am sure you claim otherwise.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 09-04-2017, 01:07 AM
. Originally Posted by Little Monster
I have a question: When you have to explain to everyone that your post is a joke are you either not funny at all or a weird person who has fun talking about strangling/killing people. Just wondering. . .
Little Monster's Avatar
you were wrong about what a mod's role is. You were wrong in claiming I tried to say you couldn't/shouldn't post. And in your 20-something posts on this thread you have yet to say much cogent. You are getting quite boring. But I am sure you claim otherwise. Originally Posted by Old-T
LOL, I was/am spot on about your hypocrisy, I am spot on about you being a worthless non contributing poster, and I am spot on when I say that it is the mods job to "push back" at the belligerent assholes", not yours. In every one of your posts you have done nothing but repeat yourself, display blatant hypocrisy, make shit up & twist words around (which is nothing more than admitting to defeat), back peddled on shit you said, and just flat out played the "holier than thou" role. Which is cool, you have kept this thread on page one a lot longer than I expected this thing to last so perhaps I should thank you...
You get no arguments from me when you say that I'm boring, that's fine I can handle being boring. If I'm boring you then see ya!!
Little Monster's Avatar
Lol, you already said it though. People that didn't get your "joke" "Are gullible, over sensitive, and fucken stupid all at the same time."

But it's cool, everyone knows this thread is "supposed" to be illogical. Backtracking is expected. Originally Posted by Gamer
That's cool Gamer, Monster has no beef with you. In fact after reading your political posts in the Sandbox I honestly think we would get along just fine. I have a lot more respect for you than I do Old-Asshat, because unlike Old-Asshat you are a contributing member who doesn't go around the board trying to impress women young enough to be your great granddaughter with some wannabe wisdom like Old-Asshat does. Unlike Old-Asshat you don't come across as an annoying, raging hypocrite.

So FWIW I wish you nothing but happy hobbying sir.
Holy Guacamoleeee. Just wanted to contribute.
Little Monster's Avatar
Holy Guacamoleeee. Just wanted to contribute. Originally Posted by ATF Hobby

Talk about a successful thread!! First it brought IB out of hibernation and now you! Where the fuck you been hiding Chief!!! Been quite a while since we've downed a beer together.

LMAO. I know brother, been a long ass time. Just still tapping away at the lovelies here on the board. If you still have the same number from back in the day, I will hit you up for that beer.

Now carry on, LOL, crazy MOFO.

Talk about a successful thread!! First it brought IB out of hibernation and now you! Where the fuck you been hiding Chief!!! Been quite a while since we've downed a beer together.

Originally Posted by Little Monster