I Believed My Whole Life That The Moon Landing Was Real, Until I Saw This 12 Minute Video. Now I Know It Was Faked.

We can make this political

“51 space experts say the moon landings were all faked”

Sounds asinine, doesn’t it. But……..

People will believe it. After all, millions believed “51 Foreign Policy Experts” when they claimed that Hunters Laptop was a product of Russian Disinformation and that Donald Trump was a Russian Agent as proven by The Steele Dossier.

See how easy it is to spread an outright lie and have everyone from the Democrat Candidate for the Presidency to the entire majority party in Congress believe it.
How funny. A crescent moon is caused by a round Earth's shadow. All of the Moon's phases are caused by the same thing. The shadow of the earth.
Full moon is no earth shadow blocking sun light. A new moon is the moon completely in the Earth's shadow.

Right now, my biggest concern is how to point out how totally fucking clueless you are without getting pointed.
I would ask you what element the "plasma" moon is made up of but asking you any question along those lines might look like you are in the ball park when you are so far off you display a complete lack of knowledge about the physical sciences.

6th graders know what causes the different phases of the moon.
If the moon is made of plasma, how can there be a "new" moon phase (the phase after a waning crescent when the moon is dark).

I keep coming back to fact you can't be educated. And you're right. It is simple.

Dunning-Kruger effect. Pure and simple.

You don't know shit about the moon, plasma, or albedo. And you are nowhere near smart enough to check simple facts or to recognize how far wrong you are.

Like I said. Dunning-Kruger.

Once we had radar powerful enough, it was used to determine the moon was solid.
Don't believe that? How about tides? You think plasma has enough mass to cause tides?

A quick question.
Does anybody else on this forum believe this guy's claims about the moon?

I didn't think so.

Well that's unfortunate, because the Moon is not a solid rock reflecting the sun. The Moon is not a reflector. light from the Sun and the Moon are independent from one another. The Moon is a Focused Electromagnetic phenomenon called Plasma with it's own phases. That's why you'll see at times a half moon a crescent moon ect. the Moon isn't dependent on the sun. Even the Bible makes that clear in Genesis 1-16 "God made TWO great lights one to rule the day (Sun) and the other to rule the night and the stars(Moon). No mention of a reflector. The Plasma Moon cannot be landed upon, that's all there is too it. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah he said that four years before The Apollo mission. Why would he say that? Not because he's nuts but because he knows the actual truth and he's probably not a freemason either. Originally Posted by Levianon17

gotta give you cred. just when i thought i'd heard every crazy conspiracy theory ever you managed to come up with one i haven't heard of.

and it's still nonsense
Like the lie you continue to spread?

Just because you have poor reading comprehension and still scream "Russia, Russia, Russia" I'll post what was said.

“We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement,” the letter reads. But, it continues, “there are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement.”

2 proven lies you regularly whine about. More whining by you changes nothing. Lev17 was talking about you earlier. A person, when confronted with "compelling" information, will continue to lie because your ego won't let you change you tune.

And of course a trumpy would try to put a political spin on something like "is the moon solid". Go ahead and get your 51 experts together and then we'll talk.

We can make this political

“51 space experts say the moon landings were all faked”

Sounds asinine, doesn’t it. But……..

People will believe it. After all, millions believed “51 Foreign Policy Experts” when they claimed that Hunters Laptop was a product of Russian Disinformation and that Donald Trump was a Russian Agent as proven by The Steele Dossier.

See how easy it is to spread an outright lie and have everyone from the Democrat Candidate for the Presidency to the entire majority party in Congress believe it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Like the house trying for impeachment with no evidence and all their witnesses fall apart on the stand? Like trumpys swallow everything trump says. Stolen elections, putin is a swell guy, etc?
Will trump's base cry when he is convicted? We know they'll vote for a convicted felon? And who cares if they do cry?
Like the lie you continue to spread?

Just because you have poor reading comprehension and still scream "Russia, Russia, Russia" I'll post what was said.

“We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement,” the letter reads. But, it continues, “there are a number of factors that make us suspicious of Russian involvement.”

2 proven lies you regularly whine about. More whining by you changes nothing. Lev17 was talking about you earlier. A person, when confronted with "compelling" information, will continue to lie because your ego won't let you change you tune.

And of course a trumpy would try to put a political spin on something like "is the moon solid". Go ahead and get your 51 experts together and then we'll talk.

Like the house trying for impeachment with no evidence and all their witnesses fall apart on the stand? Like trumpys swallow everything trump says. Stolen elections, putin is a swell guy, etc?
Will trump's base cry when he is convicted? We know they'll vote for a convicted felon? And who cares if they do cry?
Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
You prove my point.
VitaMan's Avatar
The OP is banned, but the thread lives on. With the OP absent does the topic remain the same ?

No moon landing ?

At least the thread gives a glimpse into the mentality of other posters that need to be refuted constantly.

But why continue...the cake has already been taken.
biomed1's Avatar
To Remain On Topic . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
gotta give you cred. just when i thought i'd heard every crazy conspiracy theory ever you managed to come up with one i haven't heard of.

and it's still nonsense Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Plasma Moon is not a Conspiracy. We were all taught in school the Moon is a solid rock that reflects the sun. It's simply not the case. You can't break away from your indoctrinated frame of mind, many people can't.There is a lot of research out there about the Plasma Moon.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Plasma Moon is not a Conspiracy. We were all taught in school the Moon is a solid rock that reflects the sun. It's simply not the case. You can't break away from your indoctrinated frame of mind, many people can't.There is a lot of research out there about the Plasma Moon. Originally Posted by Levianon17

then you should have no problem posting more "evidence" to support this, yes?

you do know that in 1972 the moon mission landed on the earth faced side of the moon, yes?

that means it was visible to anyone with a decent telescope. it was watched by thousands of amateur and professional astronomers. my cousin who was 26 at the time (i was 12) had several excellent telescopes had a watch party to see the lunar modules' liftoff.

he photographed it and i watched it live on one of his telescopes.

there is nothing about this topic you can possibly post that will change the fact that i saw what i saw.

but don't let that stop you
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This thread belongs in a different forum. Maybe Another Realm?

Holy mother of pearl!
TechPapi's Avatar
I guess when you're willing to believe that the earth was created in six days by an invisible sky-bully, you're pretty much open to any silly shit you see on youtube.

What adds the cherry on the sundae is when they do that and call other people "indoctrinated." It would be hilarious, except these dipshits procreate and make more dipshits.
then you should have no problem posting more "evidence" to support this, yes?

you do know that in 1972 the moon mission landed on the earth faced side of the moon, yes?

that means it was visible to anyone with a decent telescope. it was watched by thousands of amateur and professional astronomers. my cousin who was 26 at the time (i was 12) had several excellent telescopes had a watch party to see the lunar modules' liftoff.

he photographed it and i watched it live on one of his telescopes.

there is nothing about this topic you can possibly post that will change the fact that i saw what i saw.

but don't let that stop you Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I saw it on TV. I was about 11 when in 1969. I was a fan, I marveled at the idea of such a feat. Sometimes things aren't what they seem.
TechPapi's Avatar
I saw it on TV. I was about 11 when in 1969. I was a fan, I marveled at the idea of such a feat. Sometimes things aren't what they seem. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Sure. When I was a little boy, they taught me that someone built a boat about half the length of a football field and put two of all the animals on it. Then it rained and covered the earth, and a single family was saved from the flood. Once the water receded, they committed incest and repopulated.

Then I grew up. Sometimes things are just what they seem. Stupid, silly bullshit - like believing the moon landings were faked.