Penthouse declares "Bush is Back"

TheWanderer's Avatar
I agree, sometimes the totally bare can be a turn off because it looks so little-girl-ish.

I used to do the landing strip but it is too hard to keep straight up and down! Then I switched to the little triangle. I seem to go back and forth between the triangle and the landing strip and only go bare every once in a while when I really mess up the hair do and have to start over!

I like to lick kitty too on occasion, and I prefer bare on the bottom and some sort of grooming on top. Even as long as the bikini line is shaved and the bush is kept short it is OK for me. I just cannot lick a kitty that has hair where my tongue is supposed to be, but hair up above is nice to look at. Although every once in a while I come across a girl that doesn't shave the bottom, but keeps it SO NEATLY TRIMMED that it is not in the way. I have no idea how they do this! Total mystery. Anyway, a lickable kitty is a good kitty. Originally Posted by Marla
I like the way you think Marla. Maybe you need some kind of template or triangle cut-out mold like a cookie cutter so that you can get the trim uniform and balanced each Wonder if they sell those? Hey, there's an idea.
Let me explain the differences.
Anything that doesn't have loose hair or stubble is fine with me.
1) This is BUSHY
2) This is trimmed but not closely trimmed
3) This is Perfect, see how it does not look like a mustache or patch but uniformed to the sides of the triangle as well.
"Hair spread like a Closely Trimmed flower."
what happened to genitalia not allowed to be shown? Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
4) they told me that i can't use this as my Avatar, have the rules changed?
elgato111's Avatar
Nicely shaved with a little fuzz is a real turn on for my old eyes. But please be fresh.
OMG I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the butterfly!!!!!

And Wanderer, a template might be a cool idea, I think those Vajazzle kits come with templates...hmmmmmmm Although I actually get a very good line using a nice straight stroke with an expensive razor and using my bikini line as a guide. Ahhh the things I do to my kitty hair for vanity ;-)

NOW I DO NEED A TEMPLATE to try to keep a landing strip. Never fails, I keep my perfect little triangle for months and months and months...then get sick of it and shave it into a landing strip. I swear within 2 weeks I have messed up the landing strip somehow and then I go bare-kitty to start over. Good thing I am Italian, I can grow a new muff in ten days, lol.
I myself am quite fond of a furry muff :-)