Gentlmen, What made you choose youre handle?

leglover05's Avatar
I have always loved sexy legs with a nice tight rear end attached to them For me the legs start at the waist and end at the anlkes. When I see an attractive lady, I look at two things first. The legs and then her face. Third would be her breast.
tsrv4me's Avatar
Tom is my name .. I have an RV ...and it is for (4) me... so TSRV4ME....I also have a grand daughter named TARA ......LOL but not you Miss Tara Evans..LOL .
Will Boner's Avatar
well, it's just a damn affliction!
notdeadyet's Avatar
It is one of the few statements that I could make, with absolute certainty, when I registered.
gameloading's Avatar
Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor.
wild28's Avatar
Its all about the car.
Mister Tudball's Avatar
Okey-dokie. Well, I'm a sexy, good lookin', studly kinda guy. Justa like that Mr. Tudball that used to be on the tee and vee. He was sucha smooth talker and a lotta fun. Justa like me. I'm astill lookin' fora someone like that Missus a-Whiggins, oh boy. Any of yew hottta gurls out there wanna give that a whirl?
Trespasser's Avatar
When I hobby, I feel like I'm sneaking into places I wasn't supposed to be, doing women who otherwise wouldn't talk to me.
PussELiquor's Avatar
Uh .. does it really need an explanation?

"Cosset" means to "pamper, coddle, caress or pet." The original, Old English form from back in the 1600's meant to "fondle, caress or indulge."

I like to do all those things.

The longer word, "cossettan," again from Old English of centuries ago, was "to kiss."

Yes, I like to do that, too. And, I've been told I'm quite proficient at all these things.

I shortened the latter word to just one "T" in the middle and made it my handle.

Bob Soldios's Avatar
It's a reference to a plastic giraffe.
fortwortholdguy's Avatar
I love my hometown, and girls don't expect to see a Chippendale's dancer when they open the door...
MudDigger's Avatar
Its my other hobby!!
fwbm76120's Avatar
fwbm76120 = Fort Worth Business Man in zip code 76120
I just kept hearing this voice in my head telling me to use this name.