Sistine Chapel's Avatar
It don't take much to share on here, you are absolutely right! - of course I am...right about everything I've said thus far.. ;-)

"Some" people are not ready for the truth, and when you tell them the truth they don't want to research they want to argue. That's that programming. - What is truth? Like Sin? " Sin all depends on what you believing in... Faith is what you make it that's the hardest shit since MC Ren"

You ain't research one thing that was talked about in this thread.. _ Read that shit...problem is it's shit I was reading similar shit wya way way way back in the's all recycled and repackaged by new sets of's new to you but not to me.

We're all in this together,whenever everyone decides to wakeup and stand as one this shit over. - "We Who"? No we're not all in this together....especially not in America....What divides us is internal not external....everyone wants and desires out if the abundance of their own one gives a fuck about the next man...them just FACTS!!!

You can buy into this playing one side against the other I'm not, my focus is on who controls the Public's mood, and train of thought. That can be your focus I'm not hating...but my focus is on getting paid and "eating" not literally but figuratively...and showing others how to "eat"...while you're all into what the public thinks and who's controlling it..I'm into helping solve real world how to stop cops from killing unarmed blacks for fun.

Also I'm not Mildly irritated because you "think" you educated.. I've learned anyone can say whatever, to appear better then someone, I ain't seen shaat so could be - Could be....or not ;-)

It still stands though we're indoctrinated Not educated..I know how to earn cash back...and I know how to invest..all through education and not indoctrination...I'm still trying to understand how are you benefiting from your views and positions...ok so have them now what? You are now what? Life is a bitch and then you die....I'm sure you've heard of that so unless your new found "wakeness" is helping you come up then what's the real benefit of your belief? Personal gratification? Group think tank sessions where yall get together and snobbishly look down on others. You sound just like those religious leaders and pastors. Let me tell you those kind of beliefs are dangerous and cause people to stop thinking. Dr. Radkrisnian once said: " When we think we know we ceasse to learn" and on the surface it appears you have radical beliefs about whatever it is you believe in. But if it works for you then God Speed!!! Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
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Champagne Brown's Avatar
Left town 1:45 this morning, just getting to my destination.

Will get back to you,dear.