So who you been hangin with ...

Spent 12 hours in a bunker (we were in the shit) with the actor Robert Mitchum, he was on a handshake tour in VN. He called my Mom when he got back, she never forgot it.

After parties: Rolling Stones (Jerry Hall is a distant cousin), Kool and the Gang. ZZ top at the 2001 inauguration also Bo Derek.

Candy Bar was my Baby sister, does that count?
bigtom62's Avatar
Cany Barr??? She was really something back in the day.
Shit she was barely older than me
Edwin Edwards- Governer of LA. Lived next door to and dated one of hs girlfriends. Knew him before and while he was govener. Just as slezzy in person as he was in public. But man, he could party!

President Carter when he was campaigning for election came to my college. Got to do a roundtable and lunch with him. A truly great person, even if you don't like his politics.

John Fred of John Fred and His Playboys. Had a little hit #1 hit called Judy in Disguise. Still have an autographed single of that song. He was dating my older sister for awhile.

And best of all:
When I was 15, went to a party for my sister in New Orleans before she got married. 3 Bunnies from the New Orleans Playboy Club were there. My future borther-in-law got all three of them to take turns sitting in my lap and give me a kiss. Got to play grab ass with them too! For a teenage boy in the 60's, that was hard to beat! Originally Posted by Bubba3452

Some of you guys are dating and placing yourselves. BYW Bubba, John Fred's best song was Night Owl.

Shook hands with Governors Earl K. Long and Jimmie Davis. Been on elevators in Fort Worth with John Denver and Van Johnson and in Washington D.C. once with Everett Dirksen...try that one now. Saluted Gen. William Westmoreland. Best of all; about a month ago, I got a bj and a lot of other things from Spikebaby, the original Jenna. Of the group, the Jenna deal was way the best.

Nitwitboy's Avatar
A very nice family friend of mine lives near Troy Aikmen. When I see him we talk UCLA football as that is where I went to school. At UCLA I went to classes with Heather Graham and Blossom. I would have done anything to bang Blossom.
l1lc's Avatar
  • l1lc
  • 07-28-2010, 09:33 PM
I met Samuel Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones. Jones was a dick and Jackson was a riot dude is fucking hilarious. I Met them on the set of Rules of Engagement (2000) I was lucky enough to be an extra. Jackson brought a couple of cases of beer and hung out with the extras on set. Also met Dale Dye one kick ass Marine, he was the military liason for the movie.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I know Billie Sol Estes *yes he is still alive* and talk to him nearly everyday! Originally Posted by Red_Headed_Julie
We may have a winner. What on earth is Billy Sol Estes doing these days? Now that's a real celebrity.
Red_Headed_Julie's Avatar
We may have a winner. What on earth is Billy Sol Estes doing these days? Now that's a real celebrity. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
He is trying to right all his wrongs lol. He has started soem LEGIT charities and is having me help him produce a movie about his life. He's 87 now and still hanging on... calls me evryday to chat and such. I am also renting a house from him.. one of these days I want to go tap on the walls and see if there may be anything hidden haha. Or in the yard... oohhh the possibilities!
Some of you guys are dating and placing yourselves. BYW Bubba, John Fred's best song was Night Owl.

Shook hands with Governors Earl K. Long and Jimmie Davis. Been on elevators in Fort Worth with John Denver and Van Johnson and in Washington D.C. once with Everett Dirksen...try that one now. Saluted Gen. William Westmoreland. Best of all; about a month ago, I got a bj and a lot of other things from Spikebaby, the original Jenna. Of the group, the Jenna deal was way the best.

tb Originally Posted by thabear
Man, you ARE an old fart!! I did get to hear ex-Governer Jimmy Davis play "You are My Sunshine" several times when I was young.