For you maskerbators......

I am leaning towards this is a permanent vaccine they'll give every year just like the Flu Shot. Eventually new diseases will emerge and new vaccines will be manufactured to protect the populous from them. We are entering an Era of Vaccines. If you are having a medical problem and you go to the Doctor he or she will diagnose it and give you a prescription for a Drug and then advise you to roll up your sleeve because he is going to give you a vaccine for Covid, Flu, Shingles, Pneumonia and anything else that's available. That's what Health Care is. Unfortunately many, many people are never very healthy even after keeping up with all of their medications and yearly vaccines. Part of that problem rests on the fact that their diet is absolutely deplorable and Doctors don't make a living giving Nutritional advice. It's all about the Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines. Originally Posted by Levianon17
While I got vaccinated for COVID, the after-effects I had for nearly 2 weeks afterwards scared the sh*t out of me. I'm hoping they don't start combining the traditional flu vaccines with these new COVID-19 vaccines into a single shot. Still like to be able to pick and choose what I put into my body. I also totally agree about nutrition. Seems like a lot of the left are now trying to drive out red meat and other animal products from our diet, and replace them with artificially-made proteins, or make us adopt a straight-up vegetarian (or vegan) diet. I can tell you, I do way better on a paleo diet, and my health would suffer, if forced down that path.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
You mean they had a disease that is so dangerous that they had to have a test to find out if they even have it?

But seriously, how many "cycles" did they run the Rapid-DNA test to determine that they had the disease? Typically, they had been running at or over 40 cycles, which tends to result in a less than 3% accuracy rate. Now a days, i.e. after the vaccines are in circulation, they are running the tests at around 25-28 cycles. In the way of perspective, anything over 25 cycles is likely garbage. Ipso facto, the vaccines work. Viola!

On the other hand, have you considered the largest study ever performed that showed conclusively that asymptomatic spread is total garbage? Guessing not... Could that be because The Google doesn't show it in the first 10 pages of search result, I wonder?? But then, I typically wonder if censorship is a righteous path to walk.

You were talking about a situation where a person's asymptomatic. I've spoken with at least two people who told me they didn't stay home when they had COVID. Originally Posted by Tiny
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2021, 09:03 AM
You mean they had a disease that is so dangerous that they had to have a test to find out if they even have it?

But seriously, how many "cycles" did they run the Rapid-DNA test to determine that they had the disease? Typically, they had been running at or over 40 cycles, which tends to result in a less than 3% accuracy rate. Now a days, i.e. after the vaccines are in circulation, they are running the tests at around 25-28 cycles. In the way of perspective, anything over 25 cycles is likely garbage. Ipso facto, the vaccines work. Viola!

On the other hand, have you considered the largest study ever performed that showed conclusively that asymptomatic spread is total garbage? Guessing not... Could that be because The Google doesn't show it in the first 10 pages of search result, I wonder?? But then, I typically wonder if censorship is a righteous path to walk. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Isn’t this the same technology they use for DNA tests? Are you telling me I’m paying $10,000 a month in child support and there’s only a 3% probability they’re my kids?

Well if that’s true (and I don’t know that it is) I’d wager almost all samples that test positive would do so at 25 cycles or less, and the test is very accurate. And yes for samples that would first test positive at around 36 to 40 cycles it’s probably not that accurate. But what fraction of samples would first test positive after that many cycles? Would those cases be symptomatic? Infectious? Hell if I know.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Damn dude, that’s some heavy duty child support.
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2021, 09:45 AM
Damn dude, that’s some heavy duty child support. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I was stretching to make a point. It’s actually $5,000. Maybe this is part of the reason I was a mask evangelist before we got the vaccines. . The barrier method (condoms and N95 masks) works a lot better than doing nothing.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Isn’t this the same technology they use for DNA tests? ... Originally Posted by Tiny
It is. However, and this is a Yu-u-u-ge difference, it was designed as a Rapid-DNA test. As such, it does not require running multiple cycles to produce DNA results. Turns out that if you do run it multiple times through, they can pick up some background junk (known loosely as fragments) in the process.

The PCR test was developed by Kary B. Mullis, who died of pneumonia in late 2019 (curious no?) BTW: He won a Nobel prize for his invention. He despised Fauci and saw him as a buffoon. Even challenged him to a debate. Fauci declined.

...Are you telling me I’m paying $10,000 a month in child support and there’s only a 3% probability they’re my kids?... Originally Posted by Tiny
Nope. Besides, I would not bag on your kids as they likely have a heavy cross to bear. After all, look who's their Daddy... JK

...Well if that’s true (and I don’t know that it is) I’d wager almost all samples that test positive would do so at 25 cycles or less, and the test is very accurate.... Originally Posted by Tiny
Ya gots to read the fine print. A) multiple cycles is abusing the actual test. B) It reveals something in background, fragments, but does not identify what they are, C) does not even indicate whether the fragments are alive or functional, D) (aka the Big-D), Dr. Kary B. Mullis plainly stated that using the PCR as a stand-alone test for diagnosing a virus was stupid. He only suggested that if you've done normal diagnostics and still didn't know what was going on, one could over cycle the DNA test to see if any viral fragment might show present.

...And yes for samples that would first test positive at around 36 to 40 cycles it’s probably not that accurate. But what fraction of samples would first test positive after that many cycles? Would those cases be symptomatic? Infectious? Hell if I know. Originally Posted by Tiny
Regardless of how badly you abuse the test, it won't even tell you if the virus is alive or even complete. Anyway, there is not a whole lot of material out there on Dr. Mullis, so it's pretty easy to read (not that you will). He was your basic Southern Cali surfer dude type.

Can't offer any thoughts whether I'm a glutton for punishment or just Merciful. Maybe it's a bit of both, but here ya go:
bambino's Avatar
It is. However, and this is a Yu-u-u-ge difference, it was designed as a Rapid-DNA test. As such, it does not require running multiple cycles to produce DNA results. Turns out that if you do run it multiple times through, they can pick up some background junk (known loosely as fragments) in the process.

The PCR test was developed by Kary B. Mullis, who died of pneumonia in late 2019 (curious no?) BTW: He won a Nobel prize for his invention. He despised Fauci and saw him as a buffoon. Even challenged him to a debate. Fauci declined.

Nope. Besides, I would not bag on your kids as they likely have a heavy cross to bear. After all, look who's their Daddy... JK

Ya gots to read the fine print. A) multiple cycles is abusing the actual test. B) It reveals something in background, fragments, but does not identify what they are, C) does not even indicate whether the fragments are alive or functional, D) (aka the Big-D), Dr. Kary B. Mullis plainly stated that using the PCR as a stand-alone test for diagnosing a virus was stupid. He only suggested that if you've done normal diagnostics and still didn't know what was going on, one could over cycle the DNA test to see if any viral fragment might show present.

Regardless of how badly you abuse the test, it won't even tell you if the virus is alive or even complete. Anyway, there is not a whole lot of material out there on Dr. Mullis, so it's pretty easy to read (not that you will). He was your basic Southern Cali surfer dude type.

Can't offer any thoughts whether I'm a glutton for punishment or just Merciful. Maybe it's a bit of both, but here ya go: Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Mullis was challenging Big Pharma too. He’s was a healthy person before he mysteriously died of pneumonia.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The PCR test was developed by Kary B. Mullis, who died of pneumonia in late 2019 (curious no?) BTW: He won a Nobel prize for his invention. He despised Fauci and saw him as a buffoon. Even challenged him to a debate. Fauci declined... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
This might sting a bit, i.e. rattle the cobwebs in your brain pan:
If the benevolent government came out and mandated that every citizen must submit to supplying their DNA to a National database, for no particular reason - would you?
Mull that in your own time and space, as it is a bit off-topic from the OP.
"If the benevolent government came out and mandated that every citizen must submit to supplying their DNA to a National database, for no particular reason - would you?"

I definitely wouldn't supply a sample, but "gov't" probably doesn't need it anyway. Your relatives, kids, etc. supply and often close enough familially to ID you as a "suspect". Witness some recent high profile cases solved by family tree search databases. Not much different from cell phone location records and the plethora of recording cams out there. Technology definitely has it's pluses and minuses.

Regarding covid tests, some misinformation is being spread in this thread. There are two types of tests: the rapid test uses antibodies to detect one of the covid antigens; quick, no sophisticated equipment or personnel needed, lower sensitivity and specificity...the PCR test detects actual covid RNA (yes, not DNA, it converts the viral RNA to DNA with reverse transcripts as the first step), is highly specific, and sensitivity is "adjusted" by cycle threshold cutoffs.

If you aren't conversant and have training in science related to the terms sensitivity, specificity, DNA, RNA, reverse transcriptase, DNA polymerase, please don't attempt to explain what you may have read but don't truly understand. Only adds to the "clutter".

Not an education, but some background here from Canada to help you understand, but not enough to be considered "educated".

And yes Tiny, if the DNA said it was you, your swimmers succeeded, unless the real father somehow was able to replace their sample with yours.
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2021, 01:03 PM
It is. However, and this is a Yu-u-u-ge difference, it was designed as a Rapid-DNA test. As such, it does not require running multiple cycles to produce DNA results. Turns out that if you do run it multiple times through, they can pick up some background junk (known loosely as fragments) in the process.

The PCR test was developed by Kary B. Mullis, who died of pneumonia in late 2019 (curious no?) BTW: He won a Nobel prize for his invention. He despised Fauci and saw him as a buffoon. Even challenged him to a debate. Fauci declined.

Nope. Besides, I would not bag on your kids as they likely have a heavy cross to bear. After all, look who's their Daddy... JK

Ya gots to read the fine print. A) multiple cycles is abusing the actual test. B) It reveals something in background, fragments, but does not identify what they are, C) does not even indicate whether the fragments are alive or functional, D) (aka the Big-D), Dr. Kary B. Mullis plainly stated that using the PCR as a stand-alone test for diagnosing a virus was stupid. He only suggested that if you've done normal diagnostics and still didn't know what was going on, one could over cycle the DNA test to see if any viral fragment might show present.

Regardless of how badly you abuse the test, it won't even tell you if the virus is alive or even complete. Anyway, there is not a whole lot of material out there on Dr. Mullis, so it's pretty easy to read (not that you will). He was your basic Southern Cali surfer dude type.

Can't offer any thoughts whether I'm a glutton for punishment or just Merciful. Maybe it's a bit of both, but here ya go: Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yes, you are a glutton for punishment. If you're going to maintain that PCR tests are spitting out lots of false positives, you need to explain why the positivity rate (percentage of COVID tests that are positive) is "0" in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. And, thanks to President Trump's Operation Warp Speed, 0.1% in Israel, and 0.6% in Massachusetts and New York, where the vaccines have been available for a while.

After 15 minutes of review on the internet, I don't believe Mullis ever said this:

Dr. Kary B. Mullis plainly stated that using the PCR as a stand-alone test for diagnosing a virus was stupid. He only suggested that if you've done normal diagnostics and still didn't know what was going on, one could over cycle the DNA test to see if any viral fragment might show present.

Now, he might have said that a PCR test will pick up the HIV virus in people who don't have AIDS. But that was because he was a nut case when it came to HIV. For a long while he didn't believe HIV caused AIDS.

While I don't know the history of the relationship between Mullis and Fauci, it doesn't surprise me than Mullis had it in for Fauci. American hero Anthony Fauci saved many lives because of his work with HIV. Mullis on the other hand was arguably responsible for hundreds of thousands of AIDS deaths, by encouraging people like Thabo Mbeki, South African President, to ignore conventional treatments for AIDS.
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2021, 01:08 PM
And yes Tiny, if the DNA said it was you, your swimmers succeeded, unless the real father somehow was able to replace their sample with yours. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Mother fucker! Not you Red Dog, just I guess I'm still on the hook.
Tiny, I see you tried to pm me earlier. Unfortunately, covid retired me, so no reviews, no private access, small mailbox that I don't want to global delete. I'll try to clear enough next week to hear you.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I was stretching to make a point. It’s actually $5,000. Maybe this is part of the reason I was a mask evangelist before we got the vaccines. . The barrier method (condoms and N95 masks) works a lot better than doing nothing. Originally Posted by Tiny
Actually doing nothing works infinitely better. The best thing you can do is be abstinent if you don't want AIDS or children. Best thing you can do is avoid all people if you don't want COVID.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
On the other hand, have you considered the largest study ever performed that showed conclusively that asymptomatic spread is total garbage? Guessing not... Could that be because The Google doesn't show it in the first 10 pages of search result, I wonder?? But then, I typically wonder if censorship is a righteous path to walk. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Could you PM me a link to that study?
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2021, 09:26 PM
Tiny, I see you tried to pm me earlier. Unfortunately, covid retired me, so no reviews, no private access, small mailbox that I don't want to global delete. I'll try to clear enough next week to hear you. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Hey Red Dog, I just intended to tell you that the COVID from bats thread was pretty entertaining. I think you picked up on that already.