Sex: Is it Necessary?

London Rayne's Avatar
That boy is from Louisiana! Just sayin.
well said and probably the best comment in this thread...
Ha,ha. I read all these posts so far. I find it a bit entertaining the way many are trying to rationalize whether sex is a need or a want. Sex is a need, but only to sustain the species. In the animal kingdom the sexual response is triggered by scent in the form of Phermones. But for us, sexual responses are triggered by chemicals in our brain. Those chemical responses are triggered because of outside stimuli. Which in turn would give rise to a sexual response. These sexual responses in and of themselves have no bearing on sustaining our lives. Although the primary function of sexual responses in all animals is for reproduction. In humans it is not. The reason being is because humans have no season or time period in which reproduction could take place. Unlike most lower mammals humans relate to eachother, through feelings of affection, love and admiration. These would be positive emotional responses. These responses further set off responses in the brain which give rise to feelings of sexual arousal. Thus sexual behavior is favorable to take place. Sexual behavior could take place in the presence of negative emotions as well, such as Lust, aggression and valor. so by and large sex would really fall into the catagory of a "Want" rather than a "Need". Actually Humans need affection, in the form of touching, encouraging dialogue, kind gestures. All this without ever leading to sexual behavior. Originally Posted by acp5762
burkalini's Avatar
I never said that it was an immediate need. What I said is that it is a bioligical need built into the human species. It's also a need to balance the endicrin system for both the female and male. The balance produces a healthier longer life. I will say that asking this question from ladies in the hobby may produce results a little out of kilter. Nothing against them at all but to have sex even when one is not in the mood or not feeling well or not attracted does produce negative feelings about it at times or the feeling that it's unnecessary. Now don't jump on me for saying this because I can understand why. Oh well I guess I have beat this to death. I will just say that it being a need is proven for not only longer physical health but also psychological needs. If you have a different opinion ( london lol) then stand your ground.

Some of us don't believe in cheating on our mates, so we don't have a BF while TURNING TRICKS. London I said I would remind you everytime you called us tricks. Don't!!!! lol
London Rayne's Avatar
Hey...if the shoe fits babe. You are not a trick to me...anymore ha ha. For the sake of sanity and being redundant...I am out of this one now. Good lord....I am still running a fever or something. I and a dozen others have already produced the proof. If you go by that defintion of a need. then sex is not one. If you have a different definition of what a need is, sex just might be lol.

Hey Irish!! Nice to see you back girl!
I never said that it was an immediate need. What I said is that it is a bioligical need built into the human species. It's also a need to balance the endicrin system for both the female and male. The balance produces a healthier longer life. I will say that asking this question from ladies in the hobby may produce results a little out of kilter. Nothing against them at all but to have sex even when one is not in the mood or not feeling well or not attracted does produce negative feelings about it at times or the feeling that it's unnecessary. Now don't jump on me for saying this because I can understand why. Oh well I guess I have beat this to death. I will just say that it being a need is proven for not only longer physical health but also psychological needs. If you have a different opinion ( london lol) then stand your ground.

Some of us don't believe in cheating on our mates, so we don't have a BF while TURNING TRICKS. London I said I would remind you everytime you called us tricks. Don't!!!! lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Well in my post I stated the primary function of sex was for reproduction. It's still not a Biological need but a Biological process. Sex doesn't balance the Endocrin System. Sexual responses begin in the brain from outside stimuli. For instance, you see a female walking down the street you find her attractive and you feel aroused. Or you view a Porn movie you become aroused. The arousal manifests itself in the brain from what you saw. The Endocrin glands may produce Endorphins, as well as the brain producing pleasure chemicals Dopamine, Epinepherine, ect. These come from the Profundus of the brain. These Chemicals or Neurotransmitter are capable of balancing themselves out once stimuli is supressed. In the case of arousing stimuli, humans will act upon it by either masterbating or having actual sex. If an individual supresses the urge to act upon arousal the brain will return to a natural state, cause we have the ability to override our urges, believe it or not.
London Rayne's Avatar
Well in my post I stated the primary function of sex was for reproduction. It's still not a Biological need but a Biological process. Sex doesn't balance the Endocrin System. Sexual responses begin in the brain from outside stimuli. For instance, you see a female walking down the street you find her attractive and you feel aroused. Or you view a Porn movie you become aroused. The arousal manifests itself in the brain from what you saw. The Endocrin glands may produce Endorphins, as well as the brain producing pleasure chemicals Dopamine, Epinepherine, ect. These come from the Profundus of the brain. These Chemicals or Neurotransmitter are capable of balancing themselves out once stimuli is supressed. In the case of arousing stimuli, humans will act upon it by either masterbating or having actual sex. If an individual supresses the urge to act upon arousal the brain will return to a natural state, cause we have the ability to override our urges, believe it or not. Originally Posted by acp5762

There it is right there! You can't say that here though lol.

There it is right there! You can't say that here though lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Shoot you might want some of these guys to override their urges. They're like a box of chocolates, ya never know what ya gonna get, lol.
London Rayne's Avatar
No sh*t.

And where the hell is Setty? Cmon boy you see this trainwreck..get your azz in here and speak up!
burkalini's Avatar
This train is not going to go in a different direction no matter how big the wreck gets.
setman's Avatar
[quote=And where the hell is Setty? Cmon boy you see this trainwreck..get your azz in here and speak up![/quote]

Thanks everyone for your inputs---you all are correct!

S-E-X: starts off as a want and becomes a need.

Enjoy yourself.

Stay safe.

Be cool.

Setty at 70 yoa.
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh hell...he is wrong too! I don't need it...plain and simple. So ok, it's a need for those who "believe" it's a need then. Goodness, can't argue with people who disregard facts lol.

I would say that "life without love is not a life" but I could do without meaningless sex with those I don't love, before I would give up things like family and friends. I also believe you don't need those things to live, but I would choose them before sex.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Thanks everyone for your inputs---you all are correct!

S-E-X: starts off as a want and becomes a need.

Enjoy yourself.

Stay safe.

Be cool.

Setty at 70 yoa. Originally Posted by setman
Thank you O wise one !
I for one want & need it
burkalini's Avatar
Oh hell...he is wrong too! I don't need it...plain and simple. So ok, it's a need for those who "believe" it's a need then. Goodness, can't argue with people who disregard facts lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Give it up shorty. We know how you feel. You can't change peoples minds by repeating yourself. Believe me I know!!! lol
London Rayne's Avatar
Aint that the truth! It's a good thing this is not a test, because you guys would fail ha ha.
burkalini's Avatar
SHITTTTTTT. Hey london would you like a session with me. You can be submissive. Now where's my paddle?